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Admin Console Problem


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I traveled to a secondary location with an ISY and had to type in the address of the primary location in order to access the ISY located there. To do this I had to reduce the size of the opening screen  to input the address (something I have done many times previously). Now, when I open to either ISY the input screen is in the altered position and the window its reduced size. I have opened and resized the window but when I close and reopen it is in the  reduced size. I am stumped.


In the Windows o/s classically if you closed the window via the formal "file | close/quit" menu method the window size was remembered as it was when closed. If you click the "X" the settings are forgotten.


The above post from Larryllix usually resolves the issue when using Windows, I'm not familiar with Safari, hopefully another member will have the answer.


Hi smokegrub,


Quite strange. As both Techman and larryllix suggested, when you close the Admin Console, the state is saved in a temporary file on your disk. The only thing that I can think of is perhaps the cache is getting cleared (i.e. Java cache settings are set to 0).


With kind regards,



The problem remains. I have resized the window manually and closed. I have resized it using the green button. I have tried everything I know how to do. I know Xathros is a Mac user. I hope he chimes in.


I am using an iMac with the same versions of the OS & Safari. The only times the window loses it's size seems to be:


A reboot of ISY

A reboot of the OS

An update to Java

An update to ISY and the Admin Console (maybe).

Java cache is cleared (I wish UDI would save the settings elsewhere).

An occasional unexplained event.


But most of the time my Admin Console window size sticks. However I haven't accessed the ISY from outside my home network in a very long time. Something is stuck in the Java cache. Try rebooting the OS, when I do this the Admin Console opens up full screen and all folders expanded. Set the size you want and try again.


I haven't experienced any issues with the window size, which is why I haven't spoken up in this thread till now.  My results are identical to Andy's above. 


I also wish the settings would survive an OS reboot.  I need to re-add all of my URL's to the finder after a reboot or cache clear.  Most annoying.  I've given up switching themes as well.  I prefer the desert theme but I have to reset after every OS reboot and then restart the console after switching the theme.  Not worth the hassle.


In any case, it seems way too easy to make the Java app forget it's settings on my Macs.  Maybe try a different user account on your mac and see if you get different results. If you don't have another account, it's easy enough to create one for testing then delete it after.  Unlike Windows, that won't end up costing you a bunch of disk and registry bloat.




Andy10 and Xathros:


A reboot of the OS resolved the problem but the away IP has disappeared. It will be interesting to see what happens when I resize the window to add the away IP.


Thanks for your feedback.

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