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Strange happening

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I have an On/Off Module (2635-222) that controls a fan.  It is hardly ever used.   But it seems to like to suddenly turn on without any command.   I can't seem to find any consistency on when this happens.  Around midnight last night it went on about 5 minutes after I turned something else on.   I opened MobiLinc  after I heard the fan go on and it indicated that the fan was off.  I did turn it off via MobiLinc.  I checked the ISY log this morning and there was no indication that it had gone on.    It did show a Web command when I turned it off.   There had been no other commands recorded other than the command I sent 5 minutes earlier and the MobiLinc command to turn it off 2 hours earlier or later.   The log does show 2 status checks for the over the last week.


I did a factory reset on the Module several weeks ago and thought that had stopped it.   But other than that, I'm at a loss as to what's going on.  


Maybe it's just a ghost.


Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

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I noticed that I had an On/Off module in "on" state this morning. The ISY log shows it turned "off" last night and there's no subsequent "on" entry. The module is located a few feet from the PLM. This is the first time I've had this happen.

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You may want to use the serrch function here.

You are not the first person with random On actions with the 2635-222.

ELA had a stuck RF Transmitter.



Another random On report.


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I just had another "ON" episode of the same module, that makes two today.  I turned it off via the ISY and when I took a look at the ISY log it showed the off command coming from the web, my web access has always been disabled. This makes me wonder if there's an ISY firmware issue. The log entry is attached





If you happen to read this post could you please give me some feedback. Thank you




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Jgdavis14 / Techman,


I usually take this approach to unwanted "ON" or "OFF" commands.  1st thing is to read out the link table of the device to see what device ID's can control the device.  You may find it is linked to a device completely unrelated.  Second is to delete it from the ISY and then factory reset the device.  If it still comes on by itself then it is an issue with the devices I would guess.

Please feel free to contact me if you want to discuss this further.  support@universal-devices.com

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The on/off module turned on again this morning. When I took a look at the log there were no other events close to the time the module turned on.


This on/off module is only linked to a wireless thermostat which turns on the module when the temperature exceeds a specified temperature. I took a look at the modules link table and didn't see any unwanted links.


I did a factory reset on the module, however when I turn the module on or off from the ISY I'm still showing that it received a web command (see attached), could this be a factor?



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Hi Michel


The module turned on at 6:29:52 am this morning. The last log entry from the wireless thermostat was as 5:51:04 am. The temperature reported by the thermostat at that time was 30 degrees below the program trigger level for the on/off module.


I have 6 on/off modules and this is the only one I've had an issue with, and the only one controlled by a wireless thermostat. I guess it's possible the device is unstable.

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I don't have anything liked to it.  Only way to control it at the moment is with ISY.  I was going to set up a few Keypads but haven't had the chance.  And waiting to figure out the issue.   I'll try deleting it from ISY, factory reset, and then reinstall.

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