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Status Updates!?


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I have an issue where my two (2450) IOLinc's v.41 that are hooked to my garage doors sometimes do not update their status to the ISY properly.


If I query the IOLinc when it is showing 'ON' (door open) and I know that the door is closed - then it will flip to 'OFF' right away. Should this not be an 'automatic' thing when the magnetic switch gets made when the door closes?


Can anyone suggest something for me to try? Should set up some sort of query program on the units?


Enclosed is the query of each of the IOLinc units to show comms ...






IOLinc Query.txt

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Is it the sensor or the relay that is showing out of sync?  If the relay, this is normal as the relay is not a controller and does not sent status changes to the ISY.  The ISY simply remembers the last thing it told the relay to do.  If the relay is in a momentary mode, th ISY tells the relay to turn on to move the door.  a short period later the relay turns itself off and there is no feedback to the ISY an the status remains on until the relay is either queried or commanded off by the ISY.


If it's the sensor input that is not updating, that is a problem.  I would do some testing by disconnecting the reed switch and opening/shorting the wires while running a level 3  event log on the ISY to see what traffic is captured.


Has this been an issue since the PLM replacement?  If so, maybe a restore device to rebuild the link table in the IOLinc is in order.



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The Query comm looks good.   In fact it is showing a Hops Left=3 value which has not been possible in the past.    Click Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Info/Status and post the information displayed.   I'm wondering if the PLM is the newest version.  

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Thanks Lee - yes - I am using the new firmware PLM device that was sent to me from Michel as a test of the 'corrected' firmware.




I have had this installed since last Friday night - no issues so far but this STATUS updating  been plaguing me even with the older PLMs I had used. Must be something with the IOLinc I imagine ...


Xathros - It is the SENSOR branch that is not updating (sometimes) and a query will flip it proper real quick. I wlll do a restore and then play with the magnet switches - these were replaced to switch the stupid ones that shipped with the kit - they showed ON when the door was closed.  But if it was the switch then the query would not 'fix' the status - right!? I will do the comms test of the switch over the weekend and report back my findings ... I REALLY appreciate your help!



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