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Factory reset 2466S devices and now they wont register


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I am new to home automation. I recently purchased an isy994i and PLM, an Insteon 2635-222 On/Off module, and two 2466SW ToggleLinc Switches. The On/Off module works fine. I believe however I somehow had one of the 2466S switches set as a controller and the second as a responder. The "controller" status would never show as "on" in the admin console or dashboard when I would turn it on and I would get a communication error it could not be contacted. Strange thing is the lights would come on and go off when pressing the turn on and turn off buttons on the admin or dashboard.  The second device(responder) would show the status and communicate with the ISY/PLM as long as the "controller" switch was off, but when I turned it on(even though it still shoed off on the console) the second switch I presume was a responder would lose communication with the ISY controller until I turned the controller switch back to the off position via admin console or manually and then the second switch status would appear again. So I factory reset both 2466S switches by "air gapping" the set button and then holding the set button in for 10 seconds or so until the long beep stopped. Both immediately went into a no communication mode with the ISY and I can't get either registered or even recognized when trying to manually add the devices using the last 6 of the MAC address. I even restored an earlier saved backup of the ISY when they both could be seen by the PLM.  Anyone know how I can get them to communicate with the ISY controller via the PLM?

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It sounds like the ToggleLincs are not wired correctly or the load the Controller ToggleLinc has connected is generating noise or the 2635-222 is on the same 120v leg as the PLM and no coupling exists.


Run the 4 tap Set test on the 2635-222 to see if in range of the PLM and it on the opposite 120v leg.

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Thank Lee.  As far as wiring goes, ground and neutral are simple.  I connected the lead from the panel for one light to the black wire on the ToggleLincs and the red(load) wires goes to the light fixture to allow current when in the on position.  The 2635-222 and PLM are on the same circuit in the same room.  Forgive me for asking but I am not familiar with the 4 tap Set test you reference.  I am a newbie to HA and Insteon.  If you wouldn't mind explaining what that does or point me to a document I can read I would be very greatful

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Lee,  So I did a query and restore device for the two 2466S TogglLincs and now I am back in the same situation as originally.  all three devices I can now see.  I can turn on the 2635-222 and see the status change from off to on and back form on to off.  I can see my kitchen center island down lights do the same with the ToggleLinc switch when the front porch Lights Toggle Linc switch is in the OFF position.  When I press the ON button on the admin console for the front porch light I get an error that it failed to connect even though the lights turn on (and status still shows off).  I then press ON for the kitchen down lights and it too then fails to communicate or connect.  If I press the front porch light OFF button on the console the red ! goes away and it goes back to the normal connected device icon.  I then do the same for the kitchen lights and it returns from the red ! to normal connected icon and I can then turn the kitchen lights on and off with the console and the status updates accordingly.  I do not know what to do to correct.  The common thread or problem appears to be the front porch light 2466S somehow is controlling the kitchen connectivity even though they are on separate circuits on the circuit panel.


Arrg....please help.

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The Set button 4 tap test puts the module into a mode where it sends an RF signal. Other Dual Band devices that hear the test RF signal will flash their status LED to show the test signal being received and if on the same or opposite 120v leg. The newer PLMs with blink Red when hearing the test signal and on the same 120v leg (as I think yours will be) or blink Green if on the opposite 120v leg which is needed for coupling.

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The "four-tap" test is described in the user manual for any of your dual-band devices. It is designed to confirm communication across legs of your electrical system.


Your symptoms continue to strike me as marginal communication. Keep in mind that communication is two-way. A signal may make it from the PLM to a given device, but the response in return may be missed. Marginal communications may also vary over time, depending on the activity of other devices, including HVAC, refrigerators, etc...


Please, also, make sure you have not plugged in your PLM in the same outlet as other electronic devices, especiall UPS or surge suppressors.

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Thanks Lee and oberkc.  I will look at the manual for the 4 tap test.


oberkc, can the ISY be in the same outlet?  No UPS or surge protectors used for the ISY or PLM.  I have to rely on SME's like the both of you as I am new to this stuff.  I am a senior systems/network engineer and architect for my job and try to follow logic, but am VERY much and amateur in this swim lane at this time......less than a week into it as a matter of fact. As I see it marginal communication would not explain why the kitchen lights 2466S lose communication only when the front porch lights 2466S is turned ON from the console and it loses communication.  If the front porch light 2466S is OFF and shows linked, the kitchen lights work flawlessly every single time from the console or any pc or MobiLinc app on android phone.  The front porch light 2466S has to be causing the issue somehow.  Do you not agree?  

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Agree with LeeG at this point. When marginal communications exist, something as simple as a CFL or LED light bulb can be enough to put things over the edge. Lack of coupling is something that needs dealt with.


I expect the ISY power supply and PLM in the same outlet being OK.

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Thank Lee.  As far as wiring goes, ground and neutral are simple.  I connected the lead from the panel for one light to the black wire on the ToggleLincs and the red(load) wires goes to the light fixture to allow current when in the on position.  The 2635-222 and PLM are on the same circuit in the same room.  Forgive me for asking but I am not familiar with the 4 tap Set test you reference.  I am a newbie to HA and Insteon.  If you wouldn't mind explaining what that does or point me to a document I can read I would be very greatful


How did you determine which wire was from the panel and which was from the fixture?

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Every Insteon device should be factory reset before linking to your ISY. These things have done really strange thing like that to me when I didn't bother to do it first. It cleans out any settings from factory testing and any left over links to other Insteon devices and you will have to start over with your linking to the ISY.


I would attempt another factory reset and relink to your ISY. Perhaps move your PLM closer to each switch when relinking.

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