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Using a scene to turn responder ON and program to turn OFF


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I have a utility closet with french doors that open into it.  I've installed 2 hidden door sensors - one per door - and a switchlinc to control the overhead light.  The idea is when either door is open, the light automatically turns on and when they close, the light goes off.


First attempt was creating a scene, adding both sensors as controllers and the switchlinc as responder.  For turning the light on, it worked *GREAT*.  Virtually instant response to a door being opened.  Unfortunately, when either door was closed, the light was turned off (even if the other door was still open).  Ideally. you'd only turn the light off when both doors are closed.


Second attempt was writing 2 programs.  The first turns the light on when either door is opened.  The second program turns the light off only when a sensor is closed (control) and the other is already closed (status).  This worked well in that it did what I wanted, but there is like a 2-3 second delay in opening the door before the light turns on.  This received a very low WAF, especially after the first attempt (which worked instantly for turning lights on) was seen.


What I'd really love to do is make the door sensors and light part of a scene for 'on' use only (so either door would INSTANTLY turn the light on), but not have any scene control when a door was closed (leave that to the program -- it's no big deal if the light stays on an extra few seconds after the doors are closed).  I don't think such a thing is possible, though I'd really love to be wrong.


Has anyone done anything like this?  Any tips to reduce/eliminate the latency in opening a door/turning the light on?





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You will have to confirm this in the sensor manuals, but I was thinking that the sensors can be configured in 2-scene mode.  In this mode, one scene is turned on when the sensor is open, and the second scene is turned on when the sensor is closed.  I wonder if this mode could be used effectively here...use one scene only to turn on the lights (don't link the lights to the second scene), and use a program to turn the lights off, triggered by an ON command from the second scene of each (both) sensor.


I have attempted none of this, and don't have any of these hidden door sensors, so I could be off track here.

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I have done this for our basement door, so when the door opens, the light immediately turns on with a scene. When the door closes, nothing happens. This was done by setting the door sensor into a two node mode or group 1 and 2. So set the door open nodes to control the scene for the closet light. Then use a program to turn the light off if sensor 1 closed and sensor 2 closed are on, set scene closet light off. Or I think you can use if sensor 1 and sensor 2 are not on then... I can't get to my admin console right now to give actual programs.


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I do this for my mud room lights as no dimming or other On control logic is needed and Insteon motion sensors can have their Off signal disabled. Lights Off is totally ISY controlled.


The response delay is undetectable and that is a desirable bonus. I really hate the MS to lamp delay that happens in the dark lasting 1,2,3 or sometimes 5 or 6 seconds going through the ISY program logic and Insteon signal delays. I can trigger the MS and walk completely around the bed and almost get in before the lamp goes on some nights.


Perhaps a slow ramp time and let ISY interfere by overriding with Fast On and ramped Off?

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Thanks -- that was exactly what I was looking for.  Enabling the two nodes thing allowed me to bind ON to a scene and leave off under program control.  So my on occurs when either door is opened virtually instantly and the off is done with logic when both doors are closed with a small (but totally fine) delay.


I really appreciate the tip and advice!!!!



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