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Amazon Echo and ISY


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Hi Randy, you are probably right, just wanted you guys to be aware. Collaboration is always good :)

I've been following his blog for a while, he did some cool fun things with his home automation and ISY which sparked some cool ideas for me...



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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@bgrubb1 - I am working on a mapper update that will include a save + add from file option.  Fixed a couple bugs that slipped in when I added support for programs in folders.  Haven't had much coding time lately, but trying to stay on top of it...  I'm also working on 'hue discovery' to try and mimic what the echo does to discover to try and help with initial configuration issues.  I will also try and pickup the latest emulator drop and check for issues.





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Looks like version 0.2.0 of the gateway added dimming support through Vera, anyone knows how we can utilize this functionality with ISY? I got quite a few dimmers in my house and it would be nice to be able to use that function...

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Can anybody else confirm a limitation on the amount of devices supported? As soon as I add my 22nd device the Echo is not able to discover any devices at all. Once I remove the 22nd device, it will suddenly discover all of the other 21 devices. 


I get 28 and then it stops discovering.  Maybe that is because some of my devices only have an off or on command?  44 total commands?

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Just got my echo and I think I follow everything that needs to be done to get it working with ISY. The one question I have is does anyone know if these steps will work on a mac? All I have are macs. I do have one I could put a Windows VM on if that would work. If the .jar file will work then is there a mac version of the configure program?

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Just got my echo and I think I follow everything that needs to be done to get it working with ISY. The one question I have is does anyone know if these steps will work on a mac? All I have are macs. I do have one I could put a Windows VM on if that would work. If the .jar file will work then is there a mac version of the configure program?

The configurator is a windows only thing I believe.  The emulator runs in java so it should work on a mac just fine.  I run mine on a RaspberryPi with Linux with no problems.  Both would work in a Windows VM but I'd hate to have to keep a VM running on my Mac all the time.



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Just got my echo and I think I follow everything that needs to be done to get it working with ISY. The one question I have is does anyone know if these steps will work on a mac? All I have are macs. I do have one I could put a Windows VM on if that would work. If the .jar file will work then is there a mac version of the configure program?

I run the bridge jar on windows but I don't see a reason it wouldn't work on a Mac.  I use this on my Mac to configure it: https://github.com/kgividen/EchoBridgeConfigurator


I haven't used the mapper but I believe that is windows only.

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I run the bridge jar on windows but I don't see a reason it wouldn't work on a Mac.  I use this on my Mac to configure it: https://github.com/kgividen/EchoBridgeConfigurator


I haven't used the mapper but I believe that is windows only.

Thanks! So I downloaded this and go the .jar file running on my mac. 


Question: I can't seem to get the configurator to pull back any of my devices. It looks like it is accessing the ISY and asks for my user name and password but then I get this error, any thoughts? Is there an easy way to get the addresses without using the configurator then I could just add the devices manually using the bottom portion of the tool?

Error: 0 GET http://admin:password@192.168.0.X:XXXX/rest/nodes/If the error is a 401 that means something is wrong with the username or password

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Thanks! So I downloaded this and go the .jar file running on my mac. 


Question: I can't seem to get the configurator to pull back any of my devices. It looks like it is accessing the ISY and asks for my user name and password but then I get this error, any thoughts? Is there an easy way to get the addresses without using the configurator then I could just add the devices manually using the bottom portion of the tool?

Error: 0 GET http://admin:password@192.168.0.X:XXXX/rest/nodes/If the error is a 401 that means something is wrong with the username or password


What are the XXXX in your URL?  Those shouldn't be there unless you put them there just for this.  You can always hit the ISY rest server directly using the URL and get the addresses but that's exactly what the configurator.html page does.  If you hit the URL http://username:password@ipaddress/rest/nodeswhere username and password are your ISY login creds and the ip address is your ISY IP address you should see an XML doc.  Once you can hit that URL correctly put that info into the configurator.html page and it should load.

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Sorry I put the XXs there to block my user name and password.


Here is where I am:

1. Ran the emulator in Terminal on my iMac. It loaded a bunch of stuff in the window. Left the window open. 

2. Because I am on a mac I used the github link above to load the confugurator.html page.

3. Put in the following for Bridge server:

4. When I hit GO I get the following on a new page: [{"content":[],"last":true,"totalElements":0,"totalPages":1,"size":0,"number":0,"sort":null,"first":true,"numberOfElements":0}]

5. In the Get ISY Devices section I put in all the information and I get this error: Error: 0 GET http://admin:password@ the error is a 401 that means something is wrong with the username or password


Thats where I am stuck. If I navigate to the ISY Rest server URL directly I get a page with all my devices and a ton of other information:


I don't necessarily need the list of all my devices if there is an easy way to get the Device ID for the switches I want to control with the Echo. I could just use the bottom of the configurator.html to create the URLs for me and add them. However I tried just doing that and hitting add device but nothing ever seems to get added to the emulator. 


Any ideas?

Is there a way to get the device IDs from ISY? If so what are the correct on and off URLs and whats the easiest way to just add them to the emulator?

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