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DLM & ISY power requirment and location


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Guys, just getting onto the home automation and have a few questions. Just to get ahead I downloaded and read the ISY manual last night and it states that the DLM and ISY should not be powered from a circuit with other electronics....is this really as important as they make it out to be in the manual. I mean in todays word the chances of there being no electronics on a circuit is slim to none.


In my case, the internet modem/router, PC, TV, Fibre op reciever, alarm clocks, etc. are all on the same circuit that the DLM and ISY will be plgged into, in fact some are on the same outlet through a power bar. Is this going to be an issue. I really dont want to be pulling new cat 5 cables at this point, it will be a real pain in the @$$.


Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.



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Almost all electronic devices. Have internal power line filters on their AC input to prevent its electronic from putting electronic noise back on the power lines. That filter can absorb Insteon and X10 power line messages. Some with marginal filters may also allow  noise back on the power lines.

Power bars with a noise filter can also cause absorption of power line messages. Not all power bars have filters.


Many of us use a Filterlinc for our electronics. I have mine on a APC UPS and my PLM on the unfiltered AC outlet on the front of the Filterlinc.


Not every electronic device needs filters. Sometimes a test with the questionable device plugged in compared to unplugged. Can show some problem devices.

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As Brian H clearly stated and by the manual these considerations must be taken into account.


Failure to plan ahead or even consider this area will result in poor reliability, erratic behaviour, and low customer satisfaction.


Given you plan on spending several hundred dollars to enter this arena.


Wouldn't you want the best Insteon experience?



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Almost all electronic devices. Have internal power line filters on their AC input to prevent its electronic from putting electronic noise back on the power lines. That filter can absorb Insteon and X10 power line messages. Some with marginal filters may also allow  noise back on the power lines.

Power bars with a noise filter can also cause absorption of power line messages. Not all power bars have filters.


Many of us use a Filterlinc for our electronics. I have mine on a APC UPS and my PLM on the unfiltered AC outlet on the front of the Filterlinc.


Not every electronic device needs filters. Sometimes a test with the questionable device plugged in compared to unplugged. Can show some problem devices.



Ok, no problem, so where do I need these filters installed, just where the PLM is plugged in or on every circuit where there is electronic devices.

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There's no way to tell in advance where a filter may be needed. A start is to follow the advice already given about electronics on the same circuit as the PLM and ISY. Once you've established the those devices have good communication, then just go ahead and install new devices as desired. If you run into a communication problem, then you can start troubleshooting to determine which electronics needs a filter.

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There's no way to tell in advance where a filter may be needed. A start is to follow the advice already given about electronics on the same circuit as the PLM and ISY. Once you've established the those devices have good communication, then just go ahead and install new devices as desired. If you run into a communication problem, then you can start troubleshooting to determine which electronics needs a filter.

Sounds good, problem is i already have my order shipped and it never entered my mind to order some filters until last night while reading the manual. Oh well, guess ill have to wait a little longer. thnaks for mthe advice guys. This forum is great.

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Sounds good, problem is i already have my order shipped and it never entered my mind to order some filters until last night while reading the manual. Oh well, guess ill have to wait a little longer. thnaks for mthe advice guys. This forum is great.


Some basics to keep in mind and to follow once all of the gear arrives.


1. Hard reset (factory reset) all devices before adding to the ISY, programming, and linking. 


2. Confirm you have properly coupled / bridged both sides of the electrical feed in your home. The full users manual outlines how each Insteon device reacts to the beacon test.


3. Once all devices are properly (physically) installed in their final resting place. Ensure they control the local load correctly if so continue to step four.


4. You can then add them into ISY Series Controller making any links, associations, programs, etc.


5. Ideally, you should unplug all electronic devices that you can in the home. Add each electronic device one at a time while testing your Insteon networks communications. If things work as expected keep plugging things in one at a time and keep confirming COM's are good.


If something you literally just plugged in causes a delay, none responsive On / Off either locally, or via the Admin UI console. Its probably wise to install a filter to that device / circuit.


6. No matter what you do ensure the physical install is sound and correct. Only move forward with linking and programs once the foundation of the network is confirmed. This will ensure the best experience and will allow you to trouble shoot with a more factual position of reference.


7. Things that have been known to cause endless headaches are (but not limited to) are UPS, Computers, Cell chargers, Motors, LED, CFL, Ballasts, Neon, Baby Monitors, etc. To reduce the over all costs its easier to plug multiple devices into a power bar and filter the entire system.


Should you have any further questions or run into problems you have the support of UDI directly, or the power of the ISY Community.

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