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20% Off Black Friday Sale. Some Insteon Modules Included.

Brian H

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I think it goes with out saying its going to be a little trial and error.  :mrgreen:  I haven't laughed this hard in awhile thanks X! I figure if your spotter is very good it won't take more than 20 pumpkins to dial the correct trajectory and angle of attack.


I gather the recover net will need to be at least 200 feet in diameter if I want this parcel some what intact? You think you guys could add a little extra styro peanuts to the box for a little more padding?  :?

Considering adjusting for windage, geese, flying reindeer and lake effect snow, I figure 15 pumpkins ought to be enough.


This is Vermont!  We only use organically grown, biodegradable cornstarch based peanuts.  Added bonus - they're edible!



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Considering adjusting for windage, geese, flying reindeer and lake effect snow, I figure 15 pumpkins ought to be enough.


This is Vermont! We only use organically grown, biodegradable cornstarch based peanuts. Added bonus - they're edible!



LMAO . . . I have no words, I just don't!


Must breath . . .

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Trebuchet while old is a proven technolory, inexpensive to operate and is not subject to FAA rules and regulations.


Drones - remains to be seen if Amazon can get them off the ground so to speak.



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trebuchet old, drone new B)

Trebuchet while old is a proven technolory, inexpensive to operate and is not subject to FAA rules and regulations.


Drones - remains to be seen if Amazon can get them off the ground so to speak.



You guys are too much! Thanks I needed a good laugh today.



Encrypted By: Phoenix Security Solutions

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Anyone have any of their black friday purchases ship yet?  I placed an order 11/27 and another 11/29.  Still haven't heard anything about either of them.


What did you buy as some of the items went out the door like hot cakes!

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What did you buy as some of the items went out the door like hot cakes!

keypad dimmers, switchlinc dimmers, switchlinc on/offs, motion sensors, water leak sensors, and hidden door sensors, then another order of i/o lincs and seco-larm contact switches


just placed my third order in the last 1.5 weeks (good job smarthome..), for the 4-pack of leak sensors, now I have 3 "processing"

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Nice purchase list!


Its safe to say I would have bought more if the freaking exchange rate wasn't so pathetic and the insane default shipping wasn't $30.XX freaking dollars!


That part chaps my aszz to no end . . .

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Your order may still be processing because an item is not available. When checking out there is an option to wait to ship until all items are available, which I think enabled by default. I just placed another order as well for the 4 packs of leak sensors and lamplight dimmers! And saved another $55 with my "points" :-D


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You are very lucky.  2 weeks today and still nothing.  My credit card was recently charged, but all of my orders are still "processing."  This is brutal.


Yeah, same boat plus they told me it was shipped for one so I wasn't able to combine shipping? So I am going to call and find out whats up now because if its still processing and not out the door I want my $36.XX back.

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Two things that SH really shoots themselves in the foot with is quality and customer service.



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Well, to be fair those two areas are improving each day / year. Everyone knows I am the first to throw SH under the bus when its deserved. But, people also know I will also be the first one to give credit where its due.


They haven't failed me yet in terms of customer service even if its slow. I haven't gotten any push back on a few recent warranty claims either. Their current XMAS sales have truly been out standing to say the least with respect to Insteon offerings.


I don't recall in the last 7 years sales being this deeply discounted on any level. Then again this could be a simple case of clearing out old stuff to make room for the new all the while making some money along the way.


Personally, I don't care as long a I can get a good deal on quality products that so far have been very solid for me. I am very happy I was never part of the gong show with the tact switches etc. Because that literally made me sit on the fence for about two years!


I waited and read every thread in the SH forum and here before I considered Insteon as good to go. True, quality issues have arisen but that happens to all products in the market.


One can look at the Apple Mac Book Pro's, iPhone's, which were plagued with video card issues to exploding batteries, to other nasty issues. I truly believe Smartlabs is in a very good place and since their involvement with large players like Microsoft quality will be pushed ahead to ensure that stigma doesn't haul them down.


Now they need to address this PLM issue and put it to bed along with this HUB II, HL Software. These three products need none stop efforts to fix, resolve, and provide a solution.


I am uncertain why the HUB II has been released three times only to do less? This is the part that pains me a great deal because its like they ask the engineer's to make something but only give them enough to complete the basics?? My thoughts is that the HUB team is either too small, or there are simply not enough resources to make it a polished product.


Which begs to ask the question: What are you doing with all those millions of dollars?? It has to be put into R&D and allow those engineers a chance to make it right the first time.  

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Well, to be fair those two areas are improving each day / year. Everyone knows I am the first to throw SH under the bus when its deserved. But, people also know I will also be the first one to give credit where its due.


They haven't failed me yet in terms of customer service even if its slow. I haven't gotten any push back on a few recent warranty claims either. Their current XMAS sales have truly been out standing to say the least with respect to Insteon offerings.


I don't recall in the last 7 years sales being this deeply discounted on any level. Then again this could be a simple case of clearing out old stuff to make room for the new all the while making some money along the way.


Personally, I don't care as long a I can get a good deal on quality products that so far have been very solid for me. I am very happy I was never part of the gong show with the tact switches etc. Because that literally made me sit on the fence for about two years!


I waited and read every thread in the SH forum and here before I considered Insteon as good to go. True, quality issues have arisen but that happens to all products in the market.


One can look at the Apple Mac Book Pro's, iPhone's, which were plagued with video card issues to exploding batteries, to other nasty issues. I truly believe Smartlabs is in a very good place and since their involvement with large players like Microsoft quality will be pushed ahead to ensure that stigma doesn't haul them down.


Now they need to address this PLM issue and put it to bed along with this HUB II, HL Software. These three products need none stop efforts to fix, resolve, and provide a solution.


I am uncertain why the HUB II has been released three times only to do less? This is the part that pains me a great deal because its like they ask the engineer's to make something but only give them enough to complete the basics?? My thoughts is that the HUB team is either too small, or there are simply not enough resources to make it a polished product.


Which begs to ask the question: What are you doing with all those millions of dollars?? It has to be put into R&D and allow those engineers a chance to make it right the first time.

I lost a few thousand dollars to the tact switch and other QC issues years ago. Now buying all brand new devices and the keypad buttons stick on a few, led brightness on keypads is inconsistant which looks hirribke in adjacent devices. I have two switches with mushy paddles the rest seem ok. When you call SH and you say you bought them on Amazon they say return them there. But after 30 days the Amazon sellers say return them to SH. Just like the games years ago when I bought at Home Depot.


But yes QC is better than 8 years ago. Still leaves a bit to be desired but better. I can shave the burrs off the keypad buttons etc I just shoukd not have to. The LEDs are nothing I can fix. But if i spend an hour ir two I can get them close maybe.



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I lost a few thousand dollars to the tact switch and other QC issues years ago. Now buying all brand new devices and the keypad buttons stick on a few, led brightness on keypads is inconsistant which looks hirribke in adjacent devices. I have two switches with mushy paddles the rest seem ok. When you call SH and you say you bought them on Amazon they say return them there. But after 30 days the Amazon sellers say return them to SH. Just like the games years ago when I bought at Home Depot.


But yes QC is better than 8 years ago. Still leaves a bit to be desired but better. I can shave the burrs off the keypad buttons etc I just shoukd not have to. The LEDs are nothing I can fix. But if i spend an hour ir two I can get them close maybe.



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I agree with the third party sales issues. I am unsure why this position is taken but this is not very customer orientated to say the least. I am pretty sure between you and I both of us have been the most vocal about issues from SH, Smartlabs, Insteon. 

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