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Insteon On/Off Outlet 2663-222 Review


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On October 2014 Smartlabs released a new and improved outlet linc. I received this new device on December 02, 2014 this new device is dual band and improves upon the previous generation model in many areas which is listed below.
More relevant details including the users manual can be located at the vendors site here: 
1. Dual band meaning the Insteon signal is now transmitted over power line and via RF.
2. Dual controllable outlets independent of one another.
3. The device can now be used as a controller in a scene.
4. This new model also increases the specifications in key areas: <0.4 Watts consumption, 1000 volts surge protection, 250 feet RF range, dual LED status signalling, tamper resistant outlets.
5. Both power line and RF can be turned on / off. This key feature allows those who want to reduce their RF environment can do so now. In terms of diagnostics or where there are COM issues this allows the end user to use one or the other to determine the fault or to circumvent it.
6. Smart Hops: This new feature will allow the device to auto adjust from 1-3 transmissions. The goal is to reduce the amount of traffic on the power line. This new firmware will allow the device to compensate for a changing environment where noise was present or has since been reduced.
The Smartlabs engineers should be very proud of themselves in this regard. This is definitely cutting edge and reinforces that Insteon is one of the market leaders in Home Automation (HA).  
The packaging has seen incredible attention to detail. As seen here all sides of the electronic device can be viewed as if you were holding it in your hand.
A comparison of the old vs the new packaging. 
Benefits and features of the new dual outlet linc.
Upon opening the package, Smarthome has included a direct support help line. These small details should go a long way to answer technical issues during the install and limit the amount returns.
Nice touch and well done Smartlabs.
Physical wiring diagram for the install is supplied in a very nice card board template.
Packing material and hold outs for the device. I have to say again the attention to detail to just this area is quite surprising. The entire device is held in place perfectly and snugly, even the three wires are individually held in place by its own card board holder.
Many years ago the NEC had passed a new code where all (new builds or retro fits) outlets were required to be tamper proof. We don't have these codes in place under the CEC but welcome this new safety measure in my home.
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One of the complaints for the Outlet Linc, Switch Lincs, KPL's etc was the placement of the ground strap as can be seen below.
In this outlet the ground strap is inserted inside of the plastic housing and soldered into the metal frame of the device. This allows a smooth and easy install and allows the entire device to sit flush against the wall.
As can be seen where there is the metal screw. All of the previous generation of Switchlincs, KPL's have their ground straps soldered to the lower metal frame. I hope very much all future Insteon (wired in) devices will incorporate this new grounding method.
I was sad to see that (center black wire) that Smartlabs continues to place the RF antenna in the rear of the unit. This pretty much negates a stronger RF output when these devices are installed into metal JOBX's. Which are code in all Canadian homes etc.
Ideally the antenna should be placed in the front just under the bezel to ensure the widest RF propagation of signal into the room. Perhaps this issue will be reviewed and future models will incorporate this simple idea.

In the past there was a flurry of complaints about the white plastic color in newer Insteon products. In one production year they went with what most people would call (frosted white) meaning none of the common Cooper / Leviton decora plates would match.
In this picture which does not reflect too well the true color. This specific model matches both brands very closely.
To my eye the color match is closer and does not pop out like it used to.
The photo does not agree at fist blush because the angle of the shot and more ambient light striking the Insteon device versus the mounted one.
This is a comparisons of the older single band On/Off relay 2473S vs the newer dual band, dual outlet relay 2663-222 
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One of the key things I wanted to confirm with this new dual outlet linc is the fact it does remember the last known state. Meaning if any of the two outlets were left On /Off, upon a power interruption they would return to their last known state of either On / Off.
I tested both top and bottom outlets and removed power after making a selection and each time the device came back up in the same state it was last in.   :P
These are the attributes that can be adjusted and changed within the ISY Series Controller. Load sense can be turned on and off for the individual outlets. A new feature not seen before is a blink on error along with the ability to change the LED brightness levels from 0 - 100%.
I have not seen the *Send Clean Up Message* before and this appears to be one of many great improvements in the recent firmware updates coming out from Smartlabs.
Well done . . .
This is the temporary mounting container for this new dual outlet linc. 
This will make it much easier to lug around the house for RF / Power line testing along with load verification. 


One of the last checks I did was to listen to this new module. Sadly, I have to report this new dual outlet has the infamous buzzing / hum. This same problem was seen in the dual band KPL relays released a few years back. To be fair I have great hearing and right now as I write this review the device is laying on the kitchen counter.
I would have to guess most of the noise would be reduced once installed into the JBOX. This assumption does not always hold true because I have several KPL relays that are clearly installed in a metal enclosure and I can still hear them.
In closing this newest offering from Smartlabs will find plenty of applications and projects to control. I am looking forward to newer products from the company.
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Best review on a product I have ever seen. Thanks.......


I really wanted to provide some details about some of the new items coming out of Smartlabs. As I am sure you can relate sometimes seeing a real photo means a lot more to a person. I also wanted to touch upon first impressions from opening the package to all the nuances of the device.


A few things I didn't mention is in the initial review is that the relays are audible. For me that is a plus because I can hear it activate from a distance in a quite room. I still have to confirm if the load sense still leaks out a small bit of current when using LED lights such as X-MAS ornaments.


I am hoping it does not, if it does than a small load will need to be placed at the end to keep it off.

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Great review.



I wanted to cover as much of the common questions people had about this item along with issues etc. Its safe to say this new dual outlet is fantastic and a winner which provides lots of value.


In future upgrades, seeing energy monitoring, native beep & LED flash adjustments, front facing antenna, and a thinner profile.

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Best review on a product I have ever seen. Thanks.......



Great review.




Nice Job!


No problem, much of the thanks goes out to Smartlabs for listening and updating this device!  :mrgreen: Now we need to see these devices sold in multi packs for 4 @ $99.XX in all the on line sales channels and brick & mortar stores.

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I use similar Zwave outlets to shut off power to many things around the house when we arm the alarm and leave. Things such as AC's, monitors, workbench etc. Soon will be cable boxes and other power hogs. Might shut off the cable boxes at midnight and turn them on at 6 am as well.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Great review. I have been thinking about these outlets but cant think of something I would use them for. Can you guys give some me examples of how you are using yours or what you could use them for?

I plan on using them to control a few garage related items like the GDO. It will also be used to operate two separate network related devices for remote boot.


Lastly, it will be used to control a isolated solar array.



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I wanted to follow up with (IF) this device would leak current when the sense feature was disabled. The GF just put up the X-MAS tree so this is the first time I had a chance to plug this device into a LED lighting strip.


I am shocked to report that I am unable to actually get the two prong plug to insert into the child safety outlet?? I did notice it requires a considerable amount of force to push in and with drawl the plug.


Its safe to say a plug won't be accidentally pulled loose from a errant kick of the foot. I can't believe these safety doors are so freaking hard to kick open!

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OK, after inserting a much thicker plug into the outlet and cycling the inserting about 60 times I was finally able to get the X-MAS plug into the outlet.


I am happy to report the dual band, dual outlet, outlet linc does not pass any current and there is no bleeding at all.


Well done Smartlabs!

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Thanks for the information and test of the tamper resistant outlets on it.


No problem Brian H I am currently loading up a short video so others can see the unit operating in a real world condition. I will provide the link once You Tube completes its processing of said video.



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