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Heartbeat function on 2843-222 Rev.1.9 Open/Close Sensor


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The Open/Close Sensor under options on ISY-994i allows for selecting different intervals to be set for Heartbeat. Does this determine how often ISY will look at last Heartbeat report, or how often the sensor will actually report? I understand the default report interval is about every 24 hours. Since ISY cannot interrogate battery operated units that are not always "on line", I see no way the report interval can be changed remotely. Right?


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The ISY accepts Heartbeat message whenever it occurs.


Before 4.2.21 all battery devices must be put into linking mode manually.  That means no Remote update without someone locally putting the device into linking mode.


Does your Open Close Sensor have a Heartbeat message.   User Manual does not discuss that feature.

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The Open/Close Sensor under options on ISY-994i allows for selecting different intervals to be set for Heartbeat. Does this determine how often ISY will look at last Heartbeat report, or how often the sensor will actually report? I understand the default report interval is about every 24 hours. Since ISY cannot interrogate battery operated units that are not always "on line", I see no way the report interval can be changed remotely. Right?

For the benefit of others please provide a screen capture of the options for this device. I was told the open / close would not have any updates until the new year.


Clearly, if you have the ability to change the heart beat rate and a third node is now present that is a great upgrade for all of us!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I am at ver.4.2.3. and unable to send "screen shot" from Admin Console for the screen for this unit. Windows 8. Selectable variable choices from Options pop up include Low Battery Level and Heartbeat Interval. No mention of Options descriptions found on Owners Manual, Quick Start Guide, or Smarthome website. I have set interval for 20 hours and will monitor log to see what happens. Current Heartbeat State is On. I assume ISY will check State every 20 hours and watch for a change to Off, indicating a failed battery.

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I am at ver.4.2.3. and unable to send "screen shot" from Admin Console for the screen for this unit. Windows 8. Selectable variable choices from Options pop up include Low Battery Level and Heartbeat Interval. No mention of Options descriptions found on Owners Manual, Quick Start Guide, or Smarthome website. I have set interval for 20 hours and will monitor log to see what happens. Current Heartbeat State is On. I assume ISY will check State every 20 hours and watch for a change to Off, indicating a failed battery.


The options list has a check box for low battery, and heart beat? When you set battery level are there other options to change for the battery or is it just enable / disable the low battery level warning? For the heart beat is it just a field box that can be populated with any value from 0 to 24 hours?

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Heartbeat field box has predefined values ranging from 5 minutes, to 21 hours, 15 minutes. User selectable. Low Battery field box has predefined values ranging from 0.87 volts to 1.75 volts. User selectable. Unit came with 0.87 selected, which  I kept. No apparent way to deselect the reporting, no check boxes. 

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Are you on 4.2.21?  The Leak Sensor, which does have a heartbeat feature, no longer has an option to set heartbeat interval on 4.2.21.  I did some tests long ago and think setting the heartbeat interval had no affect on the Leak Sensor.  That memory combined with the option no longer being available on 4.2.21 makes me think the Leak Sensor did not support changing the heartbeat interval.   The heartbeat node is there and will receive a heartbeat message whenever the Leak Sensor sends it.


I suspect changing the heartbeat interval on the Open/Close Sensor may also not be supported.


The heartbeat interval is still shown on the Hidden Door Sensor.   I am testing that now.

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I am at UI ver.4.2.18, firmware ver. 4.2.3. Am not clear on the difference between. Seems like emphasis has been on maintaining latest Firmware version. Sensor is operating reliably at approx. distance of 40 feet from nearest dual band device. No reporting of Heartbeat status yet.  

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UI level is Admin Console level


Firmware is ISY level


As I remember the device has to timeout the current heartbeat interval before switching to a new value so it may take up to 24 hours to see if Hidden Door Sensor heartbeat interval can actually be changed.  I have changed two Hidden Door Sensors to 10 minute heartbeat interval with programs tracking heartbeat messages.


It may take up to 24 hours before you see a heartbeat message.   Does your Open/Close Sensor have a Heartbeat node?

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I just got my first leak sensor which is also my first device with the heartbeat function.  There were no options on the heartbeat function in the Admin console, it only shows a status of "ON".  Does it make sense to create a program that checks it once a week and notify me if it changes to "OFF"?  Sorry, if this is a stupid question but the battery low option on my motion sensor made more sense and works fine, the heartbeat function doesn't make sense to me yet.  Here's the program I was thinking of creating, but I'm guessing there is probably a better way.  Don't want to create anything that might create a drain on the device battery but the program below also leaves me the possibility of no leak detection for a week.  Thanks.


        On Sat
        Time is  7:25:00PM
    And Status  'Leak Sensors / Leak Sensor 1-Heartbeat' is Off
        Send Notification to 'Default'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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One of the Hidden Door Sensors produced a heartbeat message at the end of its 24 hour period.  Now it is sending a Heartbeat message every 10 minutes which is the heartbeat interval I set.  Have received several heartbeat messages spaced 10 minutes apart.

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A good program check is for both Heartbeat On and Heartbeat Off as the command depends on the Wet/Dry state of the Leak Sensor.


HeartBeat - [iD 0044][Parent 0001]
        Control 'Leak Sensor-Dry / Leak Sensor-Heartbeat' is switched On
     Or Control 'Leak Sensor-Dry / Leak Sensor-Heartbeat' is switched Off
        Wait  25 hours 
        Send X10 'A10/All Lights On (5)'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
The Heartbeat message should occur every 24 hours (approx).   The test Program Waits for 25 hours, expecting a new Heartbeat message at the 24 hour point.  This test Program is turning on an X10 device.  Most likely sending an email would be the normal response rather than the X10 message.  
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My On/Off Sensor is on a mailbox door to detect opening at night or other unusual time when I suspect nefarious activities. I haven't decided what will take place yet, probably house lights on, alarm, camera operation, etc. I suspect a Super Soaker fired from inside the mailbox would be carrying things too far. 

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The Group Cleanup Direct message provides a backup to the initial Group Broadcast message.  The initial Group Broadcast message is not ACKed so the sending device does not know if the Responder(s) received the Group Broadcast message.  The Group Cleanup Direct message is sent to each Responder and is ACKed so the sender can retry this message.  The Group Broadcast, Group Cleanup Direct message sequence has been part of the Insteon protocol forever.


The lack of a Group Cleanup Direct message could reduce reliability in a marginal Insteon network.


My testing of this option shows no affect on two Hidden Door Sensors with v.43 firmware.  The two devices send a Group Cleanup Direct message regardless of how this option is set.

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Sorry, I missed your previous post. I do not see any change using those options. My Hidden Door Sensors are v.43 so a later firmware version may honor those options.



No worries, how do you envision this feature to operate if you had to take a wild guess? Because it comes across like the repeat hop feature but isn't??

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My assumption is these two options would affect the number of Group Broadcast messages (first message sent by device).  Today the battery devices send two of these messages.   Seems to go along with the option for the followup Group Cleanup Direct message which is also not reacted to by my v.43 Hidden Door Sensors.

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