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Motion Senor Disable


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So I am brand new to all of this, I have minimal skills with programming. I just have to get my mind thinking right and this will start coming back to me.


I have the ISY994i/IR PRO with Insteon dual band PLM, insteon 2842-222 motion sensor and insteon 2442-222 micro dimmer module.


What I have is a scene setup with 2 micro dimmer modules that controls 2 sets of cans lights. the scene is setup to turn on both sets of lights with motion and I have a program to turn off the lights with no motion at 1 minute.


What I'm looking to do is be able to override the sensor, I would like to be able to keep the lights on or off whether there is motion or not. The way I am I switching my lights on and off is all controlled through the MobliLink app, no light switches.


Thank you in advance for all of the help. I'm sure this topic has been brought up plenty of times but looking through the forum I couldn't find a solution for exactly what I wanted.



Thanks again!





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Hello arndtk86-


The easiest way to accomplish this (and what I believe most of us here do) is to remove the motion sensors from the scenes and use ISY programs to call the scenes when motion is detected rather than have the sensors directly in control.  This will add about a 1 second delay between when motion is sensed and the lights react.   Then, you can either disable the motion program or add additional criteria to the motion program(s) to enable/disable their response.


Here is an example program:

   Control 'MotionSensor' is Switched On

   Set Scene 'Lights' On
   Wait 5 minutes
   Set Scene 'Lights' Off


Now lets include a KPL button to disable the motion program:

   Control 'MotionSensor' is Switched On
   And Status 'Kitchen_KPL8-D' is not On

   Set Scene 'Lights' On
   Wait 5 minutes
   Set Scene 'Lights' Off


In the above, Turning on the D button on the Kitchen KPL8 prevents the motion program from doing anything.


Since you are using Mobilinc to control things, you could substitute a variable for the KPL button and add a program to toggle the variable:


Program: MotionEnableDisable (Disabled) Important to disable this or it will just get stuck in a loop.

   $s.MotionDisabled is 1

   $s.MotionDisabled = 0

   $s.MotionDisabled = 1

You can make the above a ML Favorite and use RunIf as the default action for the ML favorite to toggle the variable between 0 and 1



   Control 'MotionSensor' is Switched On
   And $s.MotionDisabled is 0

   Set Scene 'Lights' On
   Wait 5 minutes
   Set Scene 'Lights' Off


Now, if you decide that the delay introduced by using a program is a problem, there is a sneaky way to continue using a motion controlled scene and simulate disabling the motion sensor.  I wrote that up a while back here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/14587-motion-sensor-programming-help/page-2?do=findComment&comment=122476  This method is not recommended for a beginner however.


Hope this helps.



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  • 2 weeks later...



So I went ahead and setup a couple rooms the way you told me and they work great. And of course like everyone else, the delay sucks. So I went ahead and looked into your other program, I have one of my rooms setup and running with it and it works great. The fast response is awesome!! There is just one problem, and maybe I am just missing it but I can't figure it out. You can only keep the light off with the sensor and not keep the light on. Am I seeing that correct? if so is there a way that I could keep the light on as well and off? I have the sensor turn my lights on at 40% and there are times that I would like to be able to turn my lights on 100% and ignore the motion. Thanks, I hope you can help me out with this.

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Here is my addition to Xathros' technique to lock the light on.


-  the Wait 2 hours will time off the routine in case you forget the light is not on a timer anymore. Adjust time or remove the line as you see fit. 

- I like to directly control the lamp so that I get instant on but slow ramping when I turn it off set in the device control page.

MBR Lamp.manual - [ID 0038][Parent 000A]

        Control 'Master Bedroom / MBR KeyPad.A' is switched On
    And Control 'Master Bedroom / MBR KeyPad.A' is not switched Off
        Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' Fast On
        Disable Program 'MBR Lamp.auto'
        Disable Program 'MBR Lamp Level adjust'
        In Scene 'Master Bedroom / Motion.MBR' Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' 100% (On Level)
        Wait  2 hours 
        Run Program 'MBR Lamp.manual' (Else Path)
        Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' Off
        Run Program 'MBR Lamp Level adjust' (If)
        Wait  1 second
        Enable Program 'MBR Lamp Level adjust'
        Enable Program 'MBR Lamp.auto'
Lamp will get direct hit by MS so adjusted scene level.

This is the lighting level adjust program complete with it's subroutine to accomplish three levels.

MBR Lamp Level adjust - [ID 0084][Parent 000A]

        From    11:30:00PM
        To       9:30:00AM (next day)

        In Scene 'Master Bedroom / Motion.MBR' Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' 15% (On Level)

        In Scene 'Master Bedroom / Motion.MBR' Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' 70% (On Level)

Edit: Second level.adjust program removed. It didn't work properly.

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So I went ahead and setup a couple rooms the way you told me and they work great. And of course like everyone else, the delay sucks. So I went ahead and looked into your other program, I have one of my rooms setup and running with it and it works great. The fast response is awesome!! There is just one problem, and maybe I am just missing it but I can't figure it out. You can only keep the light off with the sensor and not keep the light on. Am I seeing that correct? if so is there a way that I could keep the light on as well and off? I have the sensor turn my lights on at 40% and there are times that I would like to be able to turn my lights on 100% and ignore the motion. Thanks, I hope you can help me out with this.

Hello arndtk86-


As you have likely figured out, my program does not really disable the response to the motion sensor at all, it simply changes how the linked device responds to a motion event to make it appear that nothing happened.  For daytime, simply turning off an already off light seems to do nothing.  However, as you have discovered, it you were to manually turn on the light, the motion sensor will turn it back off when in this psudo-disabled state.  The solution is to modify the responder link record to match what you want the light to be set at.  So, if you manually turn the light on to 40%, then you will want to issue an adjust scene for the light when controlled by the motion sensor and set it to 40%.  That way when the sensor is tripped, it turns the light on to 40% (where it already is, ie - no change.)  Larry's programs above are an example of this concept using several different on levels based on time of day.


When the 5.X firmware is released, this will become much easier.   We will be able to monitor the for the manual control of a device, capture the current on level to a variable and use that variable in an adjust scene statement.



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