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SSLHandshakeException during ISY backup


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So several days ago I finally got around to self-signing the certificates and switching from http to https client access.  All seemed fine until, during the course of an ISY backup, I saw the following error...




It doesn't halt the backup, in fact it seems as if the backup goes on to complete successfully (though I am hesitant to attempt a restore to find out for sure).  Stranger still is that subsequent backup attempt showed that these errors seem to occur at arbitrary times during the backup, sometimes multiple times...


Anybody else seeing this..?


I'm running 4.2.30 with https configured to TLS 1.2 Low for both client and server...

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Hi bipto,


Admin Console regularly checks the status of ISY (busy/not) based on the events it receives. So, while you are backing up, and if you have too many events (things being queried, programs running, etc.), the background process in the Admin Console that checks for status might be closed by ISY so that backup can continue. This is especially the case if you are on a low bandwidth connection as backup takes priority over everything else. The main thing you need to make sure is that whether or not backup fails not using http. In that case, the problem might be SD Card related.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel!


Given that this behavior seems to be a direct result of my switching to https client access, I'm thinking your bandwidth suggestion may be right on the money, but I'll go back on http tonight and try it a couple of times just to be sure.




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For what its worth, I have always seen this issue when backing up my ISY locally or remotely via https and never locally via http.  Up until this morning that is.  Today I was able to complete a full backup remotely via https with no socket open failed messages.  This appears to be due to improvements in the UDI firmware in a pre-release build 4.3.0 that I'm testing.  This while my router and 3 processess running on a RPi were all frequently posting data to the ISY. Additionally, my backups have always been good in spite of these socket open failed messages.



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