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houselinc had double-tap, how does ISY do it?


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I just upgraded from Houselinc 2 to ISY and there is a feature in houselinc that I can't find in houselinc.


I had a few "events" in houselinc where a double-tap of a lightswitch (usually double-tapping the off button) would make certain things happen. How do I accomplish that with my ISY?


here is the scenario: when I leave the living room to go to bed at night, I could double tape the off switch and it would brighten the lights in the room between the living room and my bedroom and also turn on the lights in the bedroom.

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Hello again someguy,


In the Program, please use Control instead of Status for the condition. And, in the control, use Fast On/Off (means double tap).


With kind regards,



I just upgraded from Houselinc 2 to ISY and there is a feature in houselinc that I can't find in houselinc.


I had a few "events" in houselinc where a double-tap of a lightswitch (usually double-tapping the off button) would make certain things happen. How do I accomplish that with my ISY?


here is the scenario: when I leave the living room to go to bed at night, I could double tape the off switch and it would brighten the lights in the room between the living room and my bedroom and also turn on the lights in the bedroom.

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