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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

A control option "changed"


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I'm currently writing a simple occupancy detection script that works by noticing that switches have been turned on or off. But switches have a *lot* of different changes they can do like on, off, fast on, fast off, fade up, fade down and a few others. I'm only watching for on and off because I'm too lazy to add a couple more for each of the switches I've decided are likely to be used when the house is occupied.

My life would be simplified if there was a 'changed' option to control. This would just fire when the device was locally changed in anyway. It'd be a big *** or of all the possible local changes.


As a workaround, this is what I use:

Monitor - Family Room Floor Lamp - [ID 0167][Parent 0025]

        Status  'Main / Family / Family Room Floor Lamp' is Off

        Run Program 'Floor Lamp - Timer' (Then Path)

        Run Program 'Floor Lamp - Timer' (Then Path)
The 'Floor Lamp - Timer' program is where I do a whatever I need to do when the device changes state. It will trigger on any change - local, remote or a result of membership in a scene and run 'Else' (unless the lamp is off - in which case 'Then' runs - but the result is the same).  This request was already posted by @xathros ideascale (http://udi.ideascale.com/a/dtd/If-Status-is-Changed/83869-32911).

If Status does trigger a Program.   Status has to change for the Program to trigger, Off to On, On to Off, change in On Level if a Dimmer, etc.


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