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Nest outage cuts remote users off from Dropcams, Thermostats


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I gather from the title this only impacted the user from remote control. It did not affect the TSTAT from operating in a stand alone mode.


I am curious though about the drop cam. Are people saying these devices have no web server in place to dish out remote play back and viewing?


Lastly, our team migrated 4 million companies and users to Microsoft Office 365 / Exchange Online.


Those not in a hybrid mode and simply rely on the happy cloud are seriously in for a rude awakening!


Anyone who hands over all exchange controls to a cloud service is just asking for trouble.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

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The stat would keep operating, but if you wanted to adjust it or have the stat operate from its learned pattern then you are SOL. Want it cooler because you just got home? Normally, the cloud service would have told it so and turned on the AC. During this outage, users have to manually adjust it. The horror!

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