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I wanted to start a new thread about how a very clever and smart Insteon user has been able to use the power of the HUB II, ISY, and the Amazon Echo so it works almost as one system via voice control.


The direct thread is listed here: http://forum.smarthome.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=17353


I believe the beauty of this method is that it does not require all of the hoops, middle ware, and endless coding to get something basic up and running. This information came at the perfect time as I am currently running a demo system for a project.


Our resident Stu has alreay completed the above and perhaps he can chime in to the pro's and con's of this approach over the other two methods which are under development by UDI and forum members like Barry.

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No conditionals, no programs, no preset On-levels, no secondary buttons, no fan support for the FanLinc (I linked only a few devices). But, it's really easy, does not AFAIK interfere with the ISY. The best part is that nothing else is needed. I haven't yet tested the result of restoring a device.


Although there's no preset On-level, you can tell Alexa to turn on a light to a particular level. Alexa understands English syntax as well as brief statements, for example, "Alexa, turn on the living room light to 20%," or even, "Alexa. set living room light to 20%."


I have no basis for comparison (a second Echo is on its way), my Echo seems to have limited hearing when at desk height. Lowering the Echo made a big improvement. The range of the remote is about 30' which is why we need at least two Echos.

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No conditionals, no programs, no preset On-levels, no secondary buttons, no fan support for the FanLinc (I linked only a few devices). But, it's really easy, does not AFAIK interfere with the ISY. The best part is that nothing else is needed. I haven't yet tested the result of restoring a device.


Although there's no preset On-level, you can tell Alexa to turn on a light to a particular level. Alexa understands English syntax as well as brief statements, for example, "Alexa, turn on the living room light to 20%," or even, "Alexa. set living room light to 20%."


I have no basis for comparison (a second Echo is on its way), my Echo seems to have limited hearing when at desk height. Lowering the Echo made a big improvement. The range of the remote is about 30' which is why we need at least two Echos.




Thanks for the quick over view of the basic elements.


I can see quite a few people who have a HUB II still in the closet enjoying this simple integration method. When I look at what is currently out there this method even though limited does in fact allow the most basics to be added in and the use of the Amazon Echo voice system.

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I understand completely that this is regarding the Amazon Echo being used with the Insteon Hub2. However my question is since the Insteon Hub2 has HomeKit can you use Siri as well in conjunction with it/the Amazon Echo?


I believe you mean the HUB Pro? I don't believe the HUB II allows Siri access even with the generation 3 Apple TV. I believe Siri access is only available via the HUB Pro but I could be wrong but that is what I have read over the last 14 months.

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I believe you mean the HUB Pro? I don't believe the HUB II allows Siri access even with the generation 3 Apple TV. I believe Siri access is only available via the HUB Pro but I could be wrong but that is what I have read over the last 14 months.

Sorry my mistake. I thought the Hub2 was Homekit. So the answer is no. Then I wonder if you could do the same with the "Hub Pro" which will give you Siri access? Not that its a big deal when you have an Echo but would be a additional "feature". Like you said the benefit is no emulators etc in the background/on another node with the device limitations.


Thanks to both of you for sharing/cross posting.

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Sorry my mistake. I thought the Hub2 was Homekit. So the answer is no. Then I wonder if you could do the same with the "Hub Pro" which will give you Siri access? Not that its a big deal when you have an Echo but would be a additional "feature". Like you said the benefit is no emulators etc in the background/on another node with the device limitations.


Thanks to both of you for sharing/cross posting.


I think that would be a great test if somoene who has one could try and follow the OP's lead and report back. I really do believe we are all on the cuspid of voice control where its more streamed lined and does not require so much coding and middle ware and endless trials.


Don't get me wrong I really appreciate those who have blazed a trail for others to follow since these solutions were not known or present before. A few things for me is to see a reduced price for the Amazon Echo along with it being actually sold in Canada!


Next, that they expand on their current API and what access is allowed in their current system etc. Lastly, I am really hoping to see a much tighter integration either from Apple, Amazon, Smartlabs with respect to the above method.

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Can the Hub control X10? And have the X10 devices be assigned names (for Echo)? (I've seen mixed reports on this....)


If so, couldn't X10 be a bridge protocol between the Hub and ISY programs?


The current HUB II (Square body) does not support X-10 any longer but the older HUB v2 (Rectangle Body) still does.

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This information was posted in another thread but since this is new I will relay the same for those wanting to know what devices are supported via the HUB II / Echo: http://www.insteon.com/support-knowledgebase/2015/9/10/supported-insteon-devices-with-amazon-echo


This resource link also provides some details and insight about the various models of HUB's that are and were in production and how to identify them: http://www.insteon.com/support-knowledgebase/2015/4/13/identify-your-insteon-hub-version

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Well, Amazon is offering the Echo for $150 shipped (prime) today and tomorrow.  Somehow my other half is excited about this -- note she NEVER gets excited about home automation..... however she asked if it [Echo] can integrate with what I have done already (ISY)...  I said, "sure", however now I see here I need a "Hub 2" (2245-222)...  Okay, fine, BUT -- how far along is the ISY Portal? Would it be ready to install/test or even in "production" by, say, Jan 1?  If so, I can skip laying out the cash for a Hub2 which will just become a paperweight very soon?


I am not interested in the original middleware solution as I don't leave a PC on 24/7.  The ISY is my central 24/7 controller (lights, garage doors, doorbell, phone, flood, HVAC, Universal Remote, ...).


Best --


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  • 1 month later...

I have just hooked up the Amazon echo to the isy994i with much help from the youtube video by Steve.


See http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17733-isy-994i-amazon-echo-integration-video/ 


It is possible to turn on and off devices and scenes and is really nice.  The problem is the sntax of words that are recognized  for devices and scenes is very limited - I have found the following to work - after trying very many that do not ;


dining room 



family room 


It would be good if there was a "master list" of acceptable words and/or a method of training that would introduce a new word like "garden lights" which presently does not work.  I used "porch" instead but that is harder to remember and it took me a long time to find it. 



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I have just hooked up the Amazon echo to the isy994i with much help from the youtube video by Steve.


See http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17733-isy-994i-amazon-echo-integration-video/ 


It is possible to turn on and off devices and scenes and is really nice.  The problem is the sntax of words that are recognized  for devices and scenes is very limited - I have found the following to work - after trying very many that do not ;


dining room 



family room 


It would be good if there was a "master list" of acceptable words and/or a method of training that would introduce a new word like "garden lights" which presently does not work.  I used "porch" instead but that is harder to remember and it took me a long time to find it. 




Hello Mike,


I believe you're in the wrong thread as this one is about the HUB II, ECHO, ISY Integration. If you're using UDI's Portal Services to connect your Amazon Echo.


I think this reference thread will offer more insight and given you the opportunity to call out any unique words or phrases: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/17632-device-list/

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Well, I think I have an idea what the answer to my question is going to be, but I'm still going to ask it. Following the directions in the video, I click on Help in my ISY interface and select Purchase Modules. My browser pops open and I see a message that says my ISY has no modules installed, and there are no modules available for it. If I go to the About menu option, I see that my Product is an ISY 99i (1020), my UUID is 00:21:b9:00:e7:d4, my Firmware is Insteon_UD99 V.3.3.10, and my UI is Insteon_UD994 V.4.2.30. My expectation is that Universal Devices has left its long time users in the dust with no support for Echo integration. Hopefully, someone will tell me I am wrong and point me in the right direction.

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I'm giving up on my ISY.  I can't see paying $49 every 2 years and deal with skills within Echo.  I don't like skills in Echo either.  You have to use exact wording every time.  Native hubs you can get close to the original, verbal command and it still works.  Just set up my Insteon brand hub along with a Smartthings hub to power my zwave door locks(5).  Works great and no re-occurring fees.

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The ISY 99i has been discontinued for quire some time and cannot be updated to accommodate either new Insteon devices nor current modules. There is an upgrade program available that allows for a discounted price for owners of the older ISY. IMO, it was well worth it, especially if you need to add a new device or replace an older, failed device.


Oops. replied to wrong topic.

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Hi chammerbeck,


I am sorry to hear. We are waiting for Amazon to certify our connected home implementation and the skills are going to be fixed (we have a call with Amazon next week).


With regards to recurring fees, HUB, and SmartThings, I do agree with you. As I have mentioned before, ISY is not for those who want simple command/control and dependence on the cloud regardless of recurring fees. Good luck.


With kind regards,


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