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Missing in Action

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I have an Insteon dimmer switch, 2477D and a 8 button switch in the same outside light scene.  Recently, the scene will sporadically fail to turn on at night per my program.  The button (B) on the 8 button switch will illuminate as if the light has turned on. 


I have had the program operating for a number of years and don't see anything that may have changed with the program.


Any ideas on how to trouble shoot to uncover why the lights do not always illuminate?


I have made no changes in the house regarding appliances, new electronics, etc.


My program attempts to turn on the scene rather than addressing the 2477D directly.  I was under the impression that it was a good practice to use scenes rather than the individual switches when possible. 


ISY 994i Pro


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If you have more than one Insteon device controlling the same load, then you cannot use individual switches. Creating a scene with only one device wired to the load is the correct procedure. Post your program here: right click on the program name, select Copy to Clipboard, then paste the contents to the forum.

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I would try factory resetting the switch, then restoring it by right clicking on it and picking restore device. I have a couple of switches that have needed this after very long spells of working properly.



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