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PINE A64, First $15 64-Bit Single Board Super Computer


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I think this is the year of the micro cheap computers for DIY and hobbyists. This little guy is cheaper than a RasPi and seems very versatile to many different projects. I will be putting one in my "watch list" and once officially released and based on feedback I may purchase one for myself.


PINE A64, First $15 64-Bit Single Board Super Computer -> http://pine64.com


I think this is the year of the micro cheap computers for DIY and hobbyists. This little guy is cheaper than a RasPi and seems very versatile to many different projects. I will be putting one in my "watch list" and once officially released and based on feedback I may purchase one for myself.


Closed Kickstarter Campaign for PINE A64, First $15 64-Bit Single Board Super Computer




Yeah, I was really close in backing this project but decided to sit and wait. This was more due to the fact I haven't even taken advantage of all of the RPi's in place now.


My primary interest is to see if Microsoft and others are able to offer a true X86 like operating system experience with such mini computers like the RPi and Pine. To see this space expanded and developed would certainly grow the micro computer arena using the Windows 10 OS.


In the big picture this is a win for all those who have a limited budget and financing. I don't recall the super cheap RPi version Paul B indicated last year but that device is yet another hero for the little guy.


Nothing beats more competition and hardware offerings that kids to grown ups can enjoy and learn a new skill set on.


Yeah, I was really close in backing this project but decided to sit and wait. This was more due to the fact I haven't even taken advantage of all of the RPi's in place now.


My primary interest is to see if Microsoft and others are able to offer a true X86 like operating system experience with such mini computers like the RPi and Pine. To see this space expanded and developed would certainly grow the micro computer arena using the Windows 10 OS.


In the big picture this is a win for all those who have a limited budget and financing. I don't recall the super cheap RPi version Paul B indicated last year but that device is yet another hero for the little guy.


Nothing beats more competition and hardware offerings that kids to grown ups can enjoy and learn a new skill set on.

If recall somewhere Win10 was supposed to be able to be installed on one of these small cheap boards but not sure anything ever came of it or worked well. I do like the thought of being able to run a true windows machine while others HATE that because of all the updates and maintenance that goes along with it, which I can understand. I actually like seeing light weight operating systems like the remixOS or Android running apps. The issue with that it seems is that its not easy for just anyone to program for and run python scripts and the like. Maybe resurrecting windows CE or something else maybe a option?


The older I become I notice my free time is getting more limited with other obligations. While I like to tinker and play with the HA I don't have time or the energy to really dig into learning how to use Linux on a RasPI and installing python etc. This is why in another post I was explaining why I thought "plugins" for the ISY would be great. It could be an additional income stream for both UDI and the dev while making it easier for the end user to install. I don't mind buying additional hardware like a RasPI, then have UDI supplying a SD image to just copy and it runs. Then the RasPI software somehow links to the plugins and we as end users don't have to do any scripting ourselves. A few line commands or button clicks and done. Some may say thats lazy, fine but I think it would gain more sales and traction making it easier for people like me who just don't have time.


If recall somewhere Win10 was supposed to be able to be installed on one of these small cheap boards but not sure anything ever came of it or worked well. I do like the thought of being able to run a true windows machine while others HATE that because of all the updates and maintenance that goes along with it, which I can understand. I actually like seeing light weight operating systems like the remixOS or Android running apps. The issue with that it seems is that its not easy for just anyone to program for and run python scripts and the like. Maybe resurrecting windows CE or something else maybe a option?


The older I become I notice my free time is getting more limited with other obligations. While I like to tinker and play with the HA I don't have time or the energy to really dig into learning how to use Linux on a RasPI and installing python etc. This is why in another post I was explaining why I thought "plugins" for the ISY would be great. It could be an additional income stream for both UDI and the dev while making it easier for the end user to install. I don't mind buying additional hardware like a RasPI, then have UDI supplying a SD image to just copy and it runs. Then the RasPI software somehow links to the plugins and we as end users don't have to do any scripting ourselves. A few line commands or button clicks and done. Some may say thats lazy, fine but I think it would gain more sales and traction making it easier for people like me who just don't have time.


You better saver this moment . . .


Yes, I agree completely with this line of thought and view because I too find my time is limited. When you see controllers like the Vera and all the support and plugins its hard to discount such a frame work.


Most of us know the Vera plugins in 50% of the time are just quick patch work to get something quick & dirty done. Rarely do you ever see further development or support and its left to the end user to push forward in the development. This assumes they even have the skill set and knowledge to do so.


This is the same thing with that Smartthings / Wink toys . . .


Every Tom, Dick, and Harry supports these two gimmick products that really when you dig deeper have almost no breath or power in their platform. This is where the 994 Series Controller shines and is in my mind besides a software solution excels and kicks most others to the curb.


In another related thread I believe both of us had consensus that lots of these fad products / services would ultimately need to be supported should UDI ever want to be seen past the HA (limited) few. There was a informal document that I saw leaked out in another tech forum which was quickly deleted by the forum moderators that showed how many of the Wink / Smartthings controllers were sold.


This document (IF) real showed there were tens of millions of what people already know what I am going to say . . .


Wait for it . . .


LOL . . .


Stupid, Dumb, Inept, and Clueless . . .


Now that's out of the way, no these people are not any of the above but simply had modest needs or believed in the product and thought they would gain traction and the developers would grow the product. The sad reality is none of that happen and most of the people who came in the first wave to support these controllers no longer do.


Again, this has no baring on the whole developer and plugin support area. As I understand it this is why the whole node server, polyglot, portal etc have been released and developed. Its in hopes that these three frame works will usher a new era where potential developers will see what tremendous value and power the 994 Series Controller has hidden underneath.


The biggest thing these toy like controllers have in their side is massive marketing power and presence. When you compare this to UDI's size and revenue its hard to compete with the likes of Samsung etc. Regardless, my belief is using the what I call the dumb fads such as Twitter, Face Book, You Tube, etc to make that global presence.


This will help UDI be more visible to new comers and existing HA users who are on the fence. Again in another related thread I urged Michel to take on a active role in pinning all the relevant information about the three different projects.


Clearly outlining the over all goal and intentions of each. Next to offer regular updates about milestones and achievements in each project. Followed with someone taking just 30 minutes a month to shoot off some kind of PR about the 994 Series Controller to any and all tech news groups.


Whether that be like Wired, Gizmondo, I really don't care but just this simple approach would offer exposure to something that in my mind is literally unknown outside of this small community. When I took on this whole HA thing more than ten years ago with out lots of reading there was no real information about UDI or the 99/994 Series Controller.


I mean none . . .


Fast forward in 2016 I have been helping a team of people in the deployment of small to large scale HA installs. You would think at some point in those years the 994 Series Controller and Insteon would have come up?


The reality is the only thing I have heard in those years is the endless chant of X-10, Z-Wave, ZigBee, BLE, WiFi, etc. If in ten plus years these two aren't even mentioned or known to the general public. What are the odds of these two companies ever going to expand past what most people consider a hobby?


Everyday I am shocked and amazed to see how Smartlabs (Insteon) has single handily stayed in business and fought others off and made tons of money while almost never being mentioned, ever.


Things have changed a lot for both Smartlabs in that they have embraced the latest fads and in my mind that's OK. In my HUB II Sonos thread lots of us had a great exchange of ideas and Michel too shared insight not known to many of us.


My feed back to him and his company was its OK to take on some of these fad services / products. Because over all lots of them had value and millions of like minds see the same. Whether it be Echo, Sonos, IFTT, Harmony, what ever.


That's OK and great to see because supporting just these two vendors will keep you on the same footing as others. While also attracting new and existing HA users to the 994 Series Controller. Having the ability to say on promotional or adverts that your wares supports the most common hardware / services just sells.


This is why in my mind the whole plugin must also come to pass and be made available now. 99% of the populace don't want to sit down for five months reading, coding, and learning something just to make a light turn freaking blue!


So yeah I agree with you the method to create and add in a plugin module must be *Job One* 


Like Teken posted, Interesting but I will wait until the vapourware clears.

..and I have a need and time to adopt another life's education. :)


Actually read the site.

The $15 board is sold out but possibly was never produced.

The $19 and the $29 board have not been created yet but they promise it will be out by May 2016.


Rough calculations show  about $85 or more to get delivered in Canada for 2G unit, when available. Needs a lot more hardware support to make it work. Price more than RPi, once running, and much less support to complete, so far,  but seems more powerful.


Something to think about newcomer solutions vs the pi is the depth a breadth of support on the PI. Pi gives you a standard Debian (raspian) downloadable OS. This OS has a lot of support on official pi sites, here on UDI, and other sites. Tons of programs have been ported to raspian and ready to install with no re-compiling.


The difference in cost isn't worth that to me, I wouldn't have made it as far as I have with the Rpi without all the support and apps. For me, there is a burden of proof on the new solutions to provide those additional capabilities




I jumped in a while back and backed this project ... if only just to "tinker" with it.  I may buy another board just to see if I can load Kodi (XBMC) on it.


All these new boards look promising. This year I suspect we see more and more coming out. Now how they work is a whole different story. Using this for a simple KODI player would be pretty nice velcroed to the back of a TV.


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