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Release 2.6.13 beta is now available

Michel Kohanim

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If you are still having problems with creating scenes, perhaps it would be best to call our tech support and let us walk through it to pinpoint the problems.


With kind regards,



So is everyone else able to create a group and adjust the level & ramp rates with this version? I can adjust "old" groups just fine, but any newly created group only allows maybe 2 of 10 lamp modules/switches to be changed without a Failed message.
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Hi Eric / Michael - Yes, I reinstalled 2.6.13, cleared cache, and recreated the group several times & restored the devices, but with the same results.


I reverted to 2.6.11 and now I can create new groups and adjust the ramp/on levels with no problem - EXCEPT for any groups created under 2.6.13. Hopefully I'll have better luck with V 2.6.14? :wink:


Now all my New Years guests will be in total amazement as my ISY flashes the lights on & off to ring in the new year. I only wish I had this for Y2K!!! lol


This board, and UD, has amazing support. Thank you again, and happy new year!


Update: I reinstalled version 11, 12, and then 13 and now everything is working normally!

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I noticed that my Anti Virus program (Trend Micro) prevents the newer versions of the ISY from saving programs. I have tried this with versions 2.6.12 and 2.6.13 . Previously 2.6.7 was able to save with Trend loaded.


If I try to modify or create a program with Trend loaded it will not save.

It does delete the program - it just does not write the updated version.

As soon as I unload Trend the ISY program can be saved, updated, etc.


Are there any ports of exceptions that can be entered into Trend to allow the ISY software to save?


I am using an ISY 99i pro and software 2.6.13 currently.



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I know this won't be much help, but you asked: I am running 2.6.13 beta on a ProIR and it is working well with Elk M1G; I can control lighting - manually at the Elk panel or through automation rules; and the ISY interface can arm/disarm the panel and see it's valid status.


Is that what you were wanting to know?


What may be different is that I defaulted my ISY before and after updating the code, since this is a fresh install.

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Someone else posted similar... and got it to work again by downgrading ISY to 2.6.11 I think.


But I have almost the same versions you do and it's working. I cleared all my lighting out of the Elk after upgrading as well, FWIW.


ISY-99 ProIR v2.6.13

Elk M1G v3.3.2 / 5.1.8

M1XEP 1.1.4 / 1.2.14


Only difference I see is the M1XEP firmware.

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Helps somewhat, but still no fix.


May have to downgrade.


If I put in the secure port on the ELK the the status window reappears but blinks... Which is a known issue with 3rd party devices.


As soon as I enter the non-secure port, it disappears and no communication with the ELK


Tried a full reboot of all systems, deleted all lights and reinstalled with no love.

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I have NO idea what changed, but after going back and forth on the secure / non-secure Elk thing, it did finally start working in secure mode without blinking. Go figure. I just figured I was doing something wrong so I kept trying and fiddling with the M1XEP settings as well.

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Hello Candide,


Is it possible that ISY got a new IP address after the upgrade? If so, you have to change the IP address in your settings corresponding to your ISY's IP address:





Do you know the IP address for your ELK M1XEP? If so, what happens if you go to http://your.m1xep.ip.address? Do you get the Java Console?


Also, are your sure your ELK RP is not connected? When RP is connected, no other client can connect to M1.


With kind regards,


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Hi rchorowitz,


In the ELK configuration section, do you the correct IP address and port for your ELK?


If you can get to your ELK Java Console, and if ELK RP is not connected, then it could only be the case that ISY cannot communicate with your M1XEP. Are they on the same network?


With kind regards,



I can get to the ELK Java console and control the panel.


RP is not connected.


I did a full reboot of everything down to the router and have the same situation

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Removed it, and put it in again.


Both are plugged into the same router on the same network.


If I enter the secure port in ISY then the ELK info blinks at the top of the screen, as it did with previous versions.


If I use the non-secured port it dissapears. It worked prior to the upgrade, but was unstable.





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Hi Rob,


Yes, the unsecured port will not work. Which port are you using now and are you sure this is the right port configured in M1?


With kind regards,





Removed it, and put it in again.


Both are plugged into the same router on the same network.


If I enter the secure port in ISY then the ELK info blinks at the top of the screen, as it did with previous versions.


If I use the non-secured port it dissapears. It worked prior to the upgrade, but was unstable.





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So I just changed the non-secure port on the ELK to 2105.


And matched the ISY to it.


I can now arm/disarm/ from the ISY but cannot access the ELK Java console....


It is asking for a user name and passsword.


When connected to the RP can I test insteon lighting rules? If so I am bot sure the link is not working.


I can control lights from the kepads

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The IP address was/is the same.


I deleted and reentered the exception in the Trend console, for inbound and outbound traffic (for that specific address) and it is now working as it was. I can update and save properly.


Thanks for the reply.




Hello Candide,


Is it possible that ISY got a new IP address after the upgrade? If so, you have to change the IP address in your settings corresponding to your ISY's IP address:





Do you know the IP address for your ELK M1XEP? If so, what happens if you go to http://your.m1xep.ip.address? Do you get the Java Console?


Also, are your sure your ELK RP is not connected? When RP is connected, no other client can connect to M1.


With kind regards,


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Hello again,


This is a great progress. What this means is that your M1XEP either requires a reboot or has a bug. I strongly suggest rebooting your M1XEP and retrying the port 2101 as I think there are some strange things happening here. If that does not work, then I suspect you have another device on your network with the same IP address as your M1XEP.


If you are connected to your M1 RP (which it seems you are), then NOTHING will work neither lighting rules from within ELK nor commands from ISY. The only thing that may work (intermittently at best) is arm/disarm.


With kind regards,



So I just changed the non-secure port on the ELK to 2105.


And matched the ISY to it.


I can now arm/disarm/ from the ISY but cannot access the ELK Java console....


It is asking for a user name and passsword.


When connected to the RP can I test insteon lighting rules? If so I am bot sure the link is not working.


I can control lights from the kepads

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I don't know if this has been noticed by others, but for the first time ever, I had to manually synchronize with the NTP server. My ISY had fallen about 6 minutes behind.


I have the box checked for the ISY to synch every 24 hours. It isn't clear to me if the auto-sync worked or not. I noticed yesterday evening that the ISY was late by about 5 minutes in turning off lights. I didn't check the console until this morning and found it to be 6 minutes off. What would cause the ISY to get off by 5 minutes?

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Is it normal that every time ISY turns on a light, it ignores it's default ramp-rate and instead uses the ramp rate of the last-used scene for that light ?


For example, I have a light set to ramp on at 0.1 seconds. I run a sunset scene that fades this light off over a period of 9 minutes - so from then on, whenever the ISY tries to turn the light on or off, it takes 9 minutes. If I run another scene that fades the light on in 2 seconds, it will from then on turn on/off in 2 seconds.


Is this normal operation for Insteon? Is there a work-around other than creating a "default" scene for every device and setting it the same as the default ramp-rate of each device?

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Is it normal that every time ISY turns on a light, it ignores it's default ramp-rate and instead uses the ramp rate of the last-used scene for that light ?


For example, I have a light set to ramp on at 0.1 seconds. I run a sunset scene that fades this light off over a period of 9 minutes - so from then on, whenever the ISY tries to turn the light on or off, it takes 9 minutes. If I run another scene that fades the light on in 2 seconds, it will from then on turn on/off in 2 seconds.


Is this normal operation for Insteon? Is there a work-around other than creating a "default" scene for every device and setting it the same as the default ramp-rate of each device?


Yes, that is normal Insteon behavior. I don't know of any work-around other than to send a dim or bright immediately following the on command, then the device will jump to the preset level.



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Never knowing what ramp rate you'll get when turning things on & off drives me crazy - so let me propose a possible solution...


What if when creating a device in the ISY, it creates a "default scene" for the device in the background (transparent to the user). This scene would always have the same ramp-rate & on-level as the device (synchronized).


When you tell ISY to turn a device on/off, it would actually call this default scene instead, thus guaranteeing the device turns on with the expected ramp rate.

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This is NOT normal at all. When you go to the configuration tab, do you get Request Failed when you try synchronizing with the NTP server?


With kind regards,



I don't know if this has been noticed by others, but for the first time ever, I had to manually synchronize with the NTP server. My ISY had fallen about 6 minutes behind.


I have the box checked for the ISY to synch every 24 hours. It isn't clear to me if the auto-sync worked or not. I noticed yesterday evening that the ISY was late by about 5 minutes in turning off lights. I didn't check the console until this morning and found it to be 6 minutes off. What would cause the ISY to get off by 5 minutes?

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