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Venstar Thermostat

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Hello, I was trying to connect my Venstar Thermostate, with a compatible Insteon wireless adapter that is connected to my ISY 994ir to Alexa. I logged into my ISY Portal and under devices found my "Thermostat1" and selected it. I then went to my Alexa app and ran :Discover Devices" and it did not find it. It would be nice if I could control my Venstar Thermostate with voice command to Alexa but not sure how to do it. It looks like there are many thermostat options that communicate directly with Alexa but I also want for it to be included in my ISY994ir so I can include in programs and control from my iPhone.


If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.






You can use the Echo to control programs (that control the thermostat) or you can ask Alexa to tell Izzy to control the thermostat. Izzy can only change the setpoint. For example, "Alexa, the Izzy to set the <thermostat_name> to 75º." Alexa will respond with, "Which mode, heating or cooling."


Programs are good for turning heating or cooling on or off.


Hello Stusviews, Thank you very much for your help. Your example worked for me. I am a little confused on using "Izzy". When you say Tell Izzy does that tell Alexa to look directly at your ISY devices, scenes and programs? I am amazed at this technology and what we will be seeing down the road.


Thanks again for your help. It is greatly appreciated.




The ISY skill adds some capability to the Echo that the ISY Link does not have. For example, the ISY Link cannot communicate with locks notrthermostats and cannot run programs. Regarding programs, asking Alexa to turn the program On or Off executes Then or Else, respectively.


Alexa cannot run a program (i.e., execute If), Izzy can. You have to invoke Izzy by asking Alexa to tell Izzy to do something, for example,  "Alexa, tell Izzy to run <program_name>," or "Alexa, ask Izzy for the status of <thermostat_name>."

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