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Kick Starter - First ever court order fines and restitution


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I have been a avid fan of the crowd funding platforms in the past because it allowed the little guy to bring to market their dreams. Whether it be technology, software, clothes, what ever. As of late there has been a steady increase in scams and projects that have failed to deliver.


If a person was to do a quick Google search they would find no less than 25 Kickstarter / Indigogo scams perpetuated on the public.


Last year the courts finally took a creator to task and found them guilty and responsible for breaking their promise to the backers.


More information can be seen here: http://www.polygon.com/2015/9/11/9310945/kickstarter-court-victory-attorney-general-washington-asylum-playing-cards


For me, I always go into the projects I fund with both eyes wide open and prepared to take a financial hit.


Because you just never know how its going to play out these days . . .


Having said this I still find value in the crowd funding platform and will continue to back those who in my mind have a solid product / service. It should be noted I also look forward to seeing both crowd funding platforms sued and held liable for not helping the backers when facts are presented to them.


At this moment in time it appears Kick Starter is the place for the criminals to prey upon the general public.


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Yup I have backed around 20+ projects. Most of them were delayed with only 1 shipping on time. And one project "Ownphones" 3d Printed headphones did not come a reality. But all I had to do was contact my credit card company and they actually reimbursed me. I try to avoid Kickstarter these days, just bc I am a sucker for new Tech and can't avoid buying something. 

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  • 2 months later...

I have been a avid fan of the crowd funding platforms in the past because it allowed the little guy to bring to market their dreams. Whether it be technology, software, clothes, what ever. As of late there has been a steady increase in scams and projects that have failed to deliver.


If a person was to do a quick Google search they would find no less than 25 Kickstarter / Indigogo scams perpetuated on the public.


Last year the courts finally took a creator to task and found them guilty and responsible for breaking their promise to the backers.


More information can be seen here: http://www.polygon.com/2015/9/11/9310945/kickstarter-court-victory-attorney-general-washington-asylum-playing-cards


For me, I always go into the projects I fund with both eyes wide open and prepared to take a financial hit.


Because you just never know how its going to play out these days . . .


Having said this I still find value in the crowd funding platform and will continue to back those who in my mind have a solid product / service. It should be noted I also look forward to seeing both crowd funding platforms sued and held liable for not helping the backers when facts are presented to them.



At this moment in time it appears Kick Starter is the place for the criminals to prey upon the general public.

stop bitching and complaining

if you don't like Kickstarter or Indigogo then do not throw money at them being stupid maybe you donated lol

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stop bitching and complaining

if you don't like Kickstarter or Indigogo then do not throw money at them being stupid maybe you donated lol

You need to step back and evaluate. You're coming real close to alienating everyone on this forum.


Best regards,

Gary Funk

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stop bitching and complaining

if you don't like Kickstarter or Indigogo then do not throw money at them being stupid maybe you donated lol

Please confine  remarks to the information and not make insulting remarks (ad hominem) towards people (posters). 

This is a very polite and moderated group. Too much of a nasty tone could result in loss of posting privileges.


If you have contrary information, post it with references to your source(s), not attack the poster.


Thank you.

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His incoherent remark(s) are the direct results of being called out for a lack of comprehension, understanding, and buyer remorse in another thread listed here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19542-why-my-isy-portal-disables-mobilinc/page-2


Which many in the community offered the relevant facts and solutions of such.


His quote listed here: 



stop bitching and complaining

if you don't like Kickstarter or Indigogo then do not throw money at them being stupid maybe you donated lol 


Clearly indicates his reply has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand and fails miserably in comprehending the content provided for discussion.

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His incoherent remark(s) are the direct results of being called out for a lack of comprehension, understanding, and buyer remorse in another thread listed here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19542-why-my-isy-portal-disables-mobilinc/page-2


Which many in the community offered the relevant facts and solutions of such.


His quote listed here: 



Clearly indicates his reply has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand and fails miserably in comprehending the content provided for discussion.


Teken YOU started insulting me. Teken is just trying to play nice now.


Teken why can't just say you're sorry instead of quoting me and saying to everybody I started this.


You started responding with insults my technical questions

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Teken YOU started insulting me. Teken is just trying to play nice now.


Teken why can't just say you're sorry instead of quoting me and saying to everybody I started this.


You started responding with insults my technical questions


I truly believe at this juncture (Michel NOT Michael which you keep getting wrong) would much prefer I let this go. But before I do I think its important to state reading the replies are too comical and its like watching a flaying child drowning in a shallow pond. 


After reading endless rants, it became nothing more than bitching, moaning, and yes whining. 


Some can only take so much of it and at times people like me just have to call a spade a spade. When I see endless replies stated as *Teken started* I have to take pause and think?


Who am I conversing with?!?!?


A grown adult man, woman, or a child?


If you don't understand ^^^ above is a stated question - it's not an insult but an inquiry as to replies written thus far by you but come off as someone who is 12 years old.




Teken started 


To be completely honest when I received the endless updates on my iPhone. I had thought the replies were from a spam bot so ignored them until I realized these odd, incoherent, and random replies were indeed from a human being?!?!


I don't know what was more shocking the fact a real person sitting behind a computer terminal was replying. Or the very fact the replies written back were lacking any facts, content, never mind on topic.


I'm not sure if this is a language barrier or a lack of experience in social skills.


But I would encourage you to move forward and consider how you interact with others. Because its clear to me you surely aren't the first one to be called at a party. 

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I truly believe at this juncture (Michel NOT Michael which you keep getting wrong) would much prefer I let this go. But before I do I think its important to state reading the replies are too comical and its like watching a flaying child drowning in a shallow pond. 


After reading endless rants, it became nothing more than bitching, moaning, and yes whining. 


Some can only take so much of it and at times people like me just have to call a spade a spade. When I see endless replies stated as *Teken started* I have to take pause and think?


Who am I conversing with?!?!?


A grown adult man, woman, or a child?


If you don't understand ^^^ above is a stated question - it's not an insult but an inquiry as to replies written thus far by you but come off as someone who is 12 years old.



To be completely honest when I received the endless updates on my iPhone. I had thought the replies were from a spam bot so ignored them until I realized these odd, incoherent, and random replies were indeed from a human being?!?!


I don't know what was more shocking the fact a real person sitting behind a computer terminal was replying. Or the very fact the replies written back were lacking any facts, content, never mind on topic.


I'm not sure if this is a language barrier or a lack of experience in social skills.


But I would encourage you to move forward and consider how you interact with others. Because its clear to me you surely aren't the first one to be called at a party. 


If you would be an adult you would see this screenshot


And then you would say these words


"I am sorry I started insulting you"


That is what grown-ups do, own up to it.


You don't own up to what you did


Let me post a screenshot that shows you started insulting me




1) If you are an adult


Say "I am sorry"


2) If you are a child


Keep blaming me.


Why can't you  just accept the fact that you raised your tone, you insulted first, facts are facts.


Own up to it and stop trying to turn this around me.


Let it go, stop writing, just forget about me.

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