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Failed communicating with.... ?


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Hi MarkJames,


Please makes sure that device is on the powerline and can be communicated with. If you have many of these devices that are not communicating, then the best thing to do would be to move the PLM to an outlet that's not shared with other power supplies and transformers.


With kind regards,


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There will be 2 or 3 devices that say 'failed communicating with' behind the white one.  I have a couple of outlets that have no power to them so they're not reachable.  Those ones are all blue and have device names attached.   Are you saying that this white box is somehow related to the other ones?


I do use the admin.jnlp link on my desktop - I have to as I use Chrome.



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That does, indeed, take away the white box.  


I'm used to seeing the blue ones with the device name in them when I open the admin console and have some unreachable devices.  The white one with no device listed is confusing, though.  Is that a 'hiccup' of some sort?



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