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Does the Echo have a limited vocabulary?


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When assigning spoken names to ISY devices and scenes, are you limited to certain words, or can you use any words you want and have the Echo figure it out phonetically?  I seem to recall there being a specific list of words that the Echo understands, but I can't find this list anywhere.

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The list is related to the action words only, like turn on, switch on, which you don't use as part of the spoken. You can name the devices the way you want but keep them simple! And use common sense - don't name your kitchen light Beyonce because "turn on Beyonce" will do something else :) Avoid similarly sounding words for different devices (like lamps and lights).. The rest is experimenting and fine tunning after. Just remember - after any change in the Portal you need to "discover devices" in the Alexa App.




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Echo has difficulty with some words or combinations, for example, volume. The list contains words and combinations that are known to work, but it's not exhaustive. I use torch, pathway and verticals, none of which are listed.

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Echo has difficulty with some words or combinations, for example, volume. The list contains words and combinations that are known to work, but it's not exhaustive. I use torch, pathway and verticals, none of which are listed.

Ah, thanks for the clarification!

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