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UDI is Awarded a $3.2M Grant from CEC!

Michel Kohanim

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Thank you all!


To me, personally, what we have proposed is revolutionary. It basically allows utilities not to go out of business, figure out whether or not they need more DER/DR/Power Plants, and basically put the control in customer's hands (not the utility).


With kind regards,


I, personally, would like to hear more about the concept being proposed. As you may know,  I spent my life in this field..


Perhaps this is too early to release in the trade secret game, though?

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Hi larryllix,


Definitely NOT a trade secret. Everything is publicly available and the link to the zip file is here:



Would love to hear your feedback.


With kind regards,




On a quick half read I think I am seeing a "one way data direction system"??


Utility ----rate data------>Internet---->Home----->WiFi or wired----->ISY994i-----+------>Load interrupters and controls

                                                                                                             ^             |

                                           Analog sensing----------------------------------+             +------>Apps and paper reports

                                           Status sensing ----------------------------------+

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Hi larryllix,


Almost correct: ISY will never send any usage/pattern/control information back to the utility. That's one of our main goals: privacy.


This said, ISY does receive Tenders, and then (depending on the current levels of subscription/usage/time period/preferences), may send a Bid to purchase more for that period. Or, it may request for Credit in case excess energy is available.


In short, the only bidirectional communication between ISY/utilities is financial transactions: Tender, Quote, Bid, and Delivery.


With kind regards,


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Hi larryllix,


Almost correct: ISY will never send any usage/pattern/control information back to the utility. That's one of our main goals: privacy.


This said, ISY does receive Tenders, and then (depending on the current levels of subscription/usage/time period/preferences), may send a Bid to purchase more for that period. Or, it may request for Credit in case excess energy is available.


In short, the only bidirectional communication between ISY/utilities is financial transactions: Tender, Quote, Bid, and Delivery.


With kind regards,


I am not familiar with the the bidding, tender stuff.


Is this a multiple utility "bidding" effect, where a large consumer can bid for so many kWh / MWh at a rate and time  and the utilities fight over it or just say "yay" or "nay"?


Would the only be on an Industrial/commercial level, just a Residential level or both or is the gate still open?



Is your "energy grabber" box still in process to help advance the arms and eyes of this project?

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Hi larryllix,


1. No, single utility and, no, the utilities won't fight over it

2. The pilot is for SMB/Residential since they don't already have a building management system

3. What's energy grabber?


With kind regards,



"energy grabber" was my nickname for your volt/amp contact in/out box. :)


So if only residential, there will be no demand power consideration to worry about? I have experience with some rotating load control boxes, in my past, to control demand load, but we are looking at just straight total energy control during a time period then?

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Hi larryllix,


Ah, you mean EM3? We are not going to use EM3. We are going to use ISY994zw ZS (Z-Wave + ZigBee Smart Energy).


We are looking at:

1. Subscription period

2. Total energy available for that period

3. How much we have already used for that period

4. Preference: most savings vs. most comfort

5. Weather forecast, occupancy, ambiance, and [optionally] solar/storage information

6. Receding Control Horizon Algorithm used based on the possible savings from each and every device in conjunction with all the above


With kind regards,


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Hi larryllix,


Ah, you mean EM3? We are not going to use EM3. We are going to use ISY994zw ZS (Z-Wave + ZigBee Smart Energy).


We are looking at:

1. Subscription period

2. Total energy available for that period

3. How much we have already used for that period

4. Preference: most savings vs. most comfort

5. Weather forecast, occupancy, ambiance, and [optionally] solar/storage information

6. Receding Control Horizon Algorithm used based on the possible savings from each and every device in conjunction with all the above


With kind regards,


Yeah, that's it (EM3).


"Total energy available for that period". Is this a goalpost thing for ISY to manage to?  This sounds like a front end of the algorithms for consideration in the package.


My thoughts (this would be more back end results) were to classify devices into levels of need and at certain rates or rate classifications (another indirection chart) a level of shutdown would ensue.


Something like

Level 1 = shut down anytime, totally expendable.

Level 2 = shut down short term or on a short (6 hours) cyclic basis only (HVAC ventilation, small mass heaters)

Level 3 = shut down long term or on a rotating (12 hours) schedule basis only (hydronic slab heat, A/C, fridges, freezers)

Level 4 = shut down for short cycle every 24 hours

Level 5 = never shut down (stairs lights, emergency lights, CO2 detection, security)


Program / algorithms would need to be developed to rotate drop each level class of device.

Rotation urgency factors would be needed to modify rotational schedules. 2 out of 5, 3 out of 5, 4 out of 5, etc,,

A tolerance level vs urgency table would need to be implemented.. Values assigned, maybe dynamic values?

Urgency level would need to be established from your energy available-used for that period measurements.



Pretty rough yet. :)

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You guys in California sure complicated things. In Colorado we just pay for what we use.


It's water we get taken on. It cost more each day.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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You guys in California sure complicated things. In Colorado we just pay for what we use.


It's water we get taken on. It cost more each day.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


Yup, when you have so many stupid people making incredibly dumb laws where you can't store and collect what the Heavens brings down.


You know the world is a complete disaster . . .



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You guys in California sure complicated things. In Colorado we just pay for what we use.


It's water we get taken on. It cost more each day.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk


It's the same in California, but solar energy allows a homeowner to produce more than what's needed. That energy can returned to the POCO.

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Yup, when you have so many stupid people making incredibly dumb laws where you can't store and collect what the Heavens brings down.


You know the world is a complete disaster . . .



That's old news and that's not the problem. Colorado sits on a mountain and has only one natural lake. Remember, water runs downhill. Colorado has very few places to store water, and very little rainfall.


Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

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That's old news and that's not the problem. Colorado sits on a mountain and has only one natural lake. Remember, water runs downhill. Colorado has very few places to store water, and very little rainfall.


Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


I provided the resource link to high light some of the key issues about a precious resource. Which is water and every human being relies upon on a daily basis.


Yet people feel its OK to suck it all up for agriculture, farming, and for any other make believe self proclaimed importance. But they truly believe Joe Six Pack is going to have a direct impact on the over all use of water or where it ends up?!?


It doesn't matter if every single person in your fine State captured all the water from the skies that God has provided. Just the two industries I noted above consume more and waste more than every human in your State!


As the new article high lighted in CA people truly believe passing a law that says you don't serve water unless requested to a patron is going to make a hell of beans of difference?!?


Agriculture, Farming consume on the order of tens of millions of liters of water a year never mind just the cow industry has the most impact on emissions than all the cars combined in NA.


A simple minded fool could figure that out . . .


I find it incredible that *Man* believes he can claim ownership of anything he lays his hands on. But then again man has been really good at two things in history.


Taking, and Killing . . .

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Water on Earth is constant. None enters our atmosphere, none leaves it. The problem is natural distribution. Like floods in places that don't need water and droughts in places that do. Besides, if not for agriculture and farming, what would people eat?


Oh, I forgot. We can ask Echo to send someone with a pizza B)

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I provided the resource link to high light some of the key issues about a precious resource. Which is water and every human being relies upon on a daily basis.


Yet people feel its OK to suck it all up for agriculture, farming, and for any other make believe self proclaimed importance. But they truly believe Joe Six Pack is going to have a direct impact on the over all use of water or where it ends up?!?


It doesn't matter if every single person in your fine State captured all the water from the skies that God has provided. Just the two industries I noted above consume more and waste more than every human in your State!


As the new article high lighted in CA people truly believe passing a law that says you don't serve water unless requested to a patron is going to make a hell of beans of difference?!?


Agriculture, Farming consume on the order of tens of millions of liters of water a year never mind just the cow industry has the most impact on emissions than all the cars combined in NA.


A simple minded fool could figure that out . . .


I find it incredible that *Man* believes he can claim ownership of anything he lays his hands on. But then again man has been really good at two things in history.


Taking, and Killing . . .

My apologies to all members for posting. Good grief.


Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

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Congratulations UDI Team!




As far as the Water in Colorado, we literally move mountains.  All of Denver (and most surrounding suburbs)  municipal water comes from the West side of the continental divide, for those unfamiliar we are East of the Mountains.

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  • 2 months later...

very excited for UDI, Michel and the team!


I just hope this doesn't put a stop to other development :(, especially for those of us not in California :(  Although it would be nice if I could connect to my smart meter managed by Florida Power & Light :)

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