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Keypadlinc button numbers be displayed


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When a Keypadlinc (using KPL8 as an example) is added ISY defaults to putting button numbers in with the descriptions - KPL-a through to KPL-H describing it's button position using a matrix







Once a user changes the name, though, the UI sorts the buttons within a keypadlinc alphabetically.  The alphabetic sort forces you to either add the suffix to the name for posterity so you know which is which or you must go physically look at the KPL if you're repurposing it.  There's no easy way to find out which button is labeled 'garage' on a KPL without either looking at it or pressing the button and watching in event viewer.  Worse - if you take all the buttons off you can't tell without reconnecting it to power and then pressing the buttons one by one while watching event viewer.


It would be nice if this information was available in one or both of two ways.


1 - There could be a context menu choice such that KPL buttons in a group could sort either alphabetically OR by button number


2 - When the address of a KPL button is listed the address could contain a button number descriptor - something like 0A.2E.B4 - A





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LeeG described a method that's built into the ISY. As far as alphabetizing, simply prefix the button name with the button letter (or number), viola-sorted by button letter or number (actually group).

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LeeG described a method that's built into the ISY. As far as alphabetizing, simply prefix the button name with the button letter (or number), viola-sorted by button letter or number (actually group).


That's all true. But what both you and LeeG are describing are workarounds for a simple problem that need not exist.  


Isn't that the purpose of a 'feature request' forum?



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It is. However, feature requests with trivial workarounds (like this one) tend to have very low priority.


Whatever....   If it's not important to you then that's fine.  There's no need to be rude.


I know that I would find it handy - PaulBates would also find it handy - I'm sure many users would.  



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It's important to many, including myself. But having to type one extra letter or number when naming a button is what makes it trivial.

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Didn't say it wasn't important to me - and to state I'm being rude is misinterpreting my post.


I do feel it would be useful, I just don't find the burden of prefixing or postfixing node names with a letter to be that great. Especially when compared to other features being worked on.

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It bewilders me why it's so important to you to denigrate an idea that you agree has merit.  Particularly when all I've done is submitted it in the appropriate way in the appropriate forum.  


I have 40 keypadlincs.  None of the 200-300 buttons are labelled with A-H.  If I want to know which button on which KPL is what I'll have to walk around the property for half an hour writing them down or taking pictures of them and then spend another half hour renaming them all in the ISY admin console.  


Whether you think that's trivial or not is up to you.  I put forward a feature request that many users would find useful and your big beef (one which you seem determined to rail against) is that it's not 'important' enough.  


Sorry it's not a lifechanger for you.  I'll try to do better next time.

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Didn't say it wasn't important to me - and to state I'm being rude is misinterpreting my post.


I do feel it would be useful, I just don't find the burden of prefixing or postfixing node names with a letter to be that great. Especially when compared to other features being worked on.


Any I never asked anyone to 'drop what they're doing' and implement the change.  I merely posted a feature request in the appropriate spot in the appropriate way.  


And  yes... calling someone's attempt at contributing to a better UI 'trivial' is rude - no misrepresentation.  Try calling one of your wifes ideas 'trivial' one day and see how that goes.

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Any I never asked anyone to 'drop what they're doing' and implement the change.  I merely posted a feature request in the appropriate spot in the appropriate way.  


And  yes... calling someone's attempt at contributing to a better UI 'trivial' is rude - no misrepresentation.  Try calling one of your wifes ideas 'trivial' one day and see how that goes.


Hey Guys,


The solution already exists. If you create a topology report you see that the address of each button on a KPL is appended with a number from 1 to 8, after it's address,

i.e.  32.2F.2C. 1.  The unique name assigned to the KPL button is there also. 

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Hey Guys,


The solution already exists. If you create a topology report you see that the address of each button on a KPL is appended with a number from 1 to 8, after it's address,

i.e.  32.2F.2C. 1.  The unique name assigned to the KPL button is there also. 


Thanks Techman,


I'll take a look at that - could come in handy.  I haven't played with the topology report for ages.



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Hi MarkJames,


Thanks for the feedback. First of all, I want to make sure you do not get the wrong impression: all feature requests are important to us and a lot of things you see in ISY, are from feature requests. I want to also let you know that what MWareman was suggesting IS OUR OFFICIAL policy (and it has nothing to do with trivializing things): if a work around exists for a feature request, then it will have a lower priority in our implementation queue. And, of course the reason is that we do not have enough resources to manage larger issues (Z-Wave/Node Server) while addressing those that have a workaround without having to go to regression testing.


Techman, that was precisely what I was going to suggest and you beat me to it. THANK YOU.


With kind regards,


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Thanks Michel,


I've always found UDI support and response to be the best in the industry and I appreciate your continuous efforts.


Thanks for acknowledging the feature request.  If it makes it into a future release that'd be great.  If not there are multiple workarounds. 



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FYI, there is a way to see this in the admin console.  If you click rename on the device it pops up a window with the full address including the button number.  Not as ideal as it being displayed directly under the name in the right pain where I'd expect it, but better than some of the other work arounds.

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FYI, there is a way to see this in the admin console.  If you click rename on the device it pops up a window with the full address including the button number.  Not as ideal as it being displayed directly under the name in the right pain where I'd expect it, but better than some of the other work arounds.




I knew I'd seen that functionality in ISY before - I just couldn't find it again.


Thanks!  That might not be *perfect* but it's damned good.



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