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Remote reboot


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I have used quite a few of the Ubiquiti hardware but most were geared toward their POE routers, WiFi, Repeaters, and long range AP's.


Never tried their remote power switch but based on personal & business dealings with the company. I would have no issue considering or entertaining buying one for home use.


As an aside for those interested in knowing some basic information about the older units. The square shaped DLI unit had a continuous loud annoying fan which also sucked power doing nothing 24.7.365. The units pre hardware (5) release units always had a Ethernet card failure very similar to Smartlabs famous Smartlinc HUB.


They would always automagically just stop working . . .

You crack me up. You say get a Ubiquity which has ZERO customer support (email online only) vs DLI who actually answers the phone. Guess it shows everyone has different experiences. :)


I have a UBI AP Ill sell you! ;)

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You crack me up. You say get a Ubiquity which has ZERO customer support (email online only) vs DLI who actually answers the phone. Guess it shows everyone has different experiences. :)


I have a UBI AP Ill sell you! ;)


Actually no - I said I have no issue with their gear and haven't ever had a hardware failure or warranty related issue. Every technical question I have sent into their support line has been answered in a timely fashion and with factual information.


The very fact someone answers the phone doesn't mean a hell of beans to me. When the person on the other side of the phone is not prepared to help me in a meaningful way.


If people like to be jerked around and offered zero warranty support - I suppose DLI would be a great vendor to deal with! Otherwise my personal experience(s) and comments stand with respect to their service after the sale support. There's a reason why the device is on hardware 7 release - because it took them five generations to get the bloody thing right and sort out the incessant failure rates of the Ethernet card!


Even that is debatable because even the latest revision appears to have the same hardware. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter to me what method the company uses for communications. What does matter is having the ability to determine root cause and offer either a break fix or resolve the issue in a timely manner.

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For anyone with a more complex "failsafe" need and a Raspberry Pi already in place you might want to note that the Pi has a hardware watchdog timer in the processor that can be enabled and there is a Linux program that will feed the dog (or you can write your own pretty easily).  If the timer doesn't get fed within about 14 seconds (resolution of the timer) it will hard pull reset on the Pi and force a reboot.  This makes the Pi resilient and I then have it check network connectivity and some other sanity things at appropriate intervals.  There is no ISY in that system at this point although I could add it.  I have relays on the Pi that can cause power cycling of the devices of interest and of course do that in whatever order or timeframe makes sense.  This setup is to keep a reliable permanent VPN running between my seasonal house and main house.  It's definitely a DIY project and overkill for some of the things here but it is fully flexible and actually very cheap (though that wasn't the driving factor) since the Pi is $35 and a dual relay is (as I recall) less than $5.  Just figured I'd mention this for the more adventurous or needy (or crazy) of you.

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Actually no - I said I have no issue with their gear and haven't ever had a hardware failure or warranty related issue. Every technical question I have sent into their support line has been answered in a timely fashion and with factual information.


The very fact someone answers the phone doesn't mean a hell of beans to me. When the person on the other side of the phone is not prepared to help me in a meaningful way.


If people like to be jerked around and offered zero warranty support - I suppose DLI would be a great vendor to deal with! Otherwise my personal experience(s) and comments stand with respect to their service after the sale support. There's a reason why the device is on hardware 7 release - because it took them five generations to get the bloody thing right and sort out the incessant failure rates of the Ethernet card!


Even that is debatable because even the latest revision appears to have the same hardware. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter to me what method the company uses for communications. What does matter is having the ability to determine root cause and offer either a break fix or resolve the issue in a timely manner.

Lighten up goofball. I havent had issues with DLI and the scripting ability is quite nice. I probably have 50 or more installs for clients without a single issue. So as I said everyones experience is different. UBI email support only sucks especially if your onsite and java management software for their routers and access points are horrible. The product itself works fine.


Edit: for those who are not familiar with Ubiquity, they require a client PC with software installed (java) to access the access point settings. There is no "Brower" webpage like on other routers and/or access points.

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So after having had my ISY hang on me while out of the country with nobody at home to reboot it I started looking at different options for being able to reboot from remote should the need arise.


I was in a similar situation when I first got my ISY, which was right before leaving a week-long trip.


Ended up running up to Home Depot and getting a $40 Belkin WeMo (outlet) switch as a quick fix, with the intent of finding a better solution when I got back.


It's been 8 months and between the ISY not needing remote reboots frequently, and the WeMo having worked great the few times I've needed it, I'm inclined to let it stay.

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Anyone who has had the unit unresponsive care to send us their error log?



With kind regards,


Sorry Michel.


Here's mine - I saved it just after the problem.  There are lots of trivial errors related to messing with the REST interface at first - I just included the whole log even though the problem is in the last 100 or so entries. The 'system busy' non responsive issue started just about July 25th.  It seems to be reflected in a series of 'Queue full' errrors.  Here's the log



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Hi Mark, thank you and whoa!



Major issues:

UDQFull ... this means that ISY is having way too many (more than 255) events to process. Events are generated when status of devices change or programs are generating events. I suspect you have a tight loop in your programs.


Now, once UDQ is Full, if you have http tasks that require those resources (INSTEON, changing programs, variables), they will all block (those are the HTTP errors you see). It seems that whatever you requested, you just disconnected the socket BUT the close notify was NOT sent to ISY. So, those are Error 6 for HTTP sockets. Of course, they will clear on their own BUT HTTP tasks remain locked. And, hence, you considered it a hang.


Secondly, it seems that you subscription socket keeps closing. Those are -5012 errors. And, you have so many of them every couple of seconds. I think the subscription listener on your end cannot stay open permanently and keeps closing the socket.


My recommendation is to first look at your programs and look for anything that might cause tight loop. You might want to check the regular log and see whether or not there are massive # of events in a short span of time.


With kind regards,


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Thanks Michel,


It's odd that whatever generated that series of errors didn't repeat neither before nor since.  Everything is hunky dunky now without having changed anything.  


I'll clear my error log and start monitoring it.


The sockets opening and closing I'm going to chalk up to a lot of beta testing going on at present.  I'll often rapidly open a half dozen tabs that each open a socket then close them again.  


Thanks for going through that.  I'll clear my log and start paying attention to it.l



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Here's the error log - The problem seems to start around 8:48 on July 25th so I've removed the events prior to about 8am so you don't have to wade through it.  I don't see anything whacky - do you?



I set up a system so that I don't flood the ISY with too many requests.  Prior to turning a lot of devices on or off I set a flag called 'oktogo'.  When oktogo is true no other programs are making changes.  The program sets oktogo to false then starts turning lights on or off with a 1 second delay between each request.  Once it's done it sets oktogo back to true and exits - thus allowing other programs to do their thing.  When oktogo is false the program waits 2 seconds then re-executes itself to try again.  It looks like this  



Daytime Energy Saver Actions - [ID 00DB][Parent 0018]

        $OkToGo is $TRUE

        $OkToGo  = $FALSE
        Set Scene 'Back yard / Back Yard Lights - All' Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set Scene 'Games Room / Games Room - All Lights' Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set Scene 'Garage/Shop / Garage - All Lights Off' Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set Scene 'Kids Floor / Kids Floor - All' Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set Scene 'Living Room / Living Room - All Lights' Fast Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set Scene 'Garden / Garden Lights - Back yard' Fast Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set Scene 'Garden / Guest Lights' Fast Off
        Wait  1 second
        Run Program 'Laundry Lights off' (If)
        Wait  2 seconds
        Run Program 'Kitchen Lights off' (If)
        Wait  2 seconds
        Run Program 'Ensuite Lights off' (If)
        Wait  2 seconds
        Run Program 'Eblanket naz off' (If)
        Wait  1 second
        Run Program 'Eblanket mark off' (If)
        Wait  1 second
        Run Program 'Main floor lights off' (If)
        Wait  2 seconds
        Run Program 'Sun room Lights off' (If)
        Wait  1 hour 
        Run Program 'Blanket Mark Off' (If)
        Wait  1 second
        $OkToGo  = $TRUE
        Run Program 'Daytime Energy Saver' (If)

        Wait  2 seconds
        Run Program 'Daytime Energy Saver Actions' (If)





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Hi Mark,


Thank you. I don not think it's related to the program above but something else. There are cases where the same program is called repeatedly within a second or two:

Garage/Shop / LIGHT - G2 - Outside	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:00 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Garage/Shop / Garage Addition	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:00 AM	Program	Log
Garage/Shop / LIGHT - G2 Inside	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:00 AM	Program	Log
Garage/Shop / LIGHT - Garage Addition	Off	0	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:00 AM	Program	Log
Garden / Pond pump	Off	0	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:00 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Laundry / Laundry - Machines	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:02 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Laundry / Laundry - Laptop	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:02 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Bedroom / Ensuite - Pot Lights	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:02 AM	Program	Log

And then, you have this:
Master Bedroom / LIGHT - Ensuite Pots	Status	0%	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:03 AM	System	Log
Which calls the same program again:

Garage/Shop / LIGHT - G2 - Outside	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:03 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Garage/Shop / Garage Addition	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:04 AM	Program	Log
Garage/Shop / LIGHT - G2 Inside	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:04 AM	Program	Log
Garage/Shop / LIGHT - Garage Addition	Off	0	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:04 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Laundry / Laundry KPLs for sync	Off	0	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:04 AM	Program	Log
Garden / Pond pump	Off	0	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:05 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Laundry / Laundry - Machines	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:05 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Laundry / Laundry - Laptop	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:06 AM	Program	Log
Scene:Master Bedroom / Ensuite - Pot Lights	Fast Off	 	Mon 2016/07/25 08:52:06 AM	Program	Log
Please note that repeated programs are not problematic in and off themselves. It's that they generate events that go into a queue and some combination of your programs and whatever you do outside cause the queue to get filled up.


With kind regards,


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Here's the error log - The problem seems to start around 8:48 on July 25th so I've removed the events prior to about 8am so you don't have to wade through it. I don't see anything whacky - do you?



I set up a system so that I don't flood the ISY with too many requests. Prior to turning a lot of devices on or off I set a flag called 'oktogo'. When oktogo is true no other programs are making changes. The program sets oktogo to false then starts turning lights on or off with a 1 second delay between each request. Once it's done it sets oktogo back to true and exits - thus allowing other programs to do their thing. When oktogo is false the program waits 2 seconds then re-executes itself to try again. It looks like this





Daytime Energy Saver Actions - [ID 00DB][Parent 0018]If        $OkToGo is $TRUEThen        $OkToGo  = $FALSE        Set Scene 'Back yard / Back Yard Lights - All' Off        Wait  1 second        Set Scene 'Games Room / Games Room - All Lights' Off        Wait  1 second        Set Scene 'Garage/Shop / Garage - All Lights Off' Off        Wait  1 second        Set Scene 'Kids Floor / Kids Floor - All' Off        Wait  1 second        Set Scene 'Living Room / Living Room - All Lights' Fast Off        Wait  1 second        Set Scene 'Garden / Garden Lights - Back yard' Fast Off        Wait  1 second        Set Scene 'Garden / Guest Lights' Fast Off        Wait  1 second        Run Program 'Laundry Lights off' (If)        Wait  2 seconds        Run Program 'Kitchen Lights off' (If)        Wait  2 seconds        Run Program 'Ensuite Lights off' (If)        Wait  2 seconds        Run Program 'Eblanket naz off' (If)        Wait  1 second        Run Program 'Eblanket mark off' (If)        Wait  1 second        Run Program 'Main floor lights off' (If)        Wait  2 seconds        Run Program 'Sun room Lights off' (If)        Wait  1 hour         Run Program 'Blanket Mark Off' (If)        Wait  1 second        $OkToGo  = $TRUE        Run Program 'Daytime Energy Saver' (If)Else        Wait  2 seconds        Run Program 'Daytime Energy Saver Actions' (If)






. . $OkToGo is $TRUE




. . $OkToGo = $FALSE <----Then stops and Else runs. The rest will never see the light of day!

. . Set Scene 'Back yard / Back Yard Lights - All' Off

. . Wait 1 second

. . Set Scene 'Games Room /


Some slight logic problems there! :)

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