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PLM replaced and restored, but programs do not auto trigger.

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I unplugged the face plate and nothing seems to have changed.

I reloaded an old backup near the start of this chaos but cannot recall the details - that may have been the one I was working on when I found the empty PLM links list.

I think you're right about the comm issues. One of my programs triggers with an X-10 signal and it used to work flawlessly. Now the Event Viewer shows no sign of the signal at all. It would be awfully coincidental that the module chose this time to fail. I also found that the tabletop controller doesn't work where it used to and needed to go to a new outlet. I suspect some appliance or whatever has gone haywire and is jamming the place with noise. I leave on a trip in 24 hours so can't further investigate. When I return I'll try a more organized troubleshoot: All breakers off except ISY, then start adding. Wish I had some way of "seeing" the signal instead of just, "Does that module respond?" Considered getting a USB oscilloscope (maybe https://store.digilentinc.com/analog-discovery-2-100msps-usb-oscilloscope-logic-analyzer-and-variable-power-supply/ ) but not sure that would do the trick or if I could even understand it if it did.

For now, though, things are stable. I've re-added the scenes I need to respond while I'm gone (lights for the neighbor when he comes over to feed the wildlife, the heaters, etc.) so it should survive until my return. As I wrote, I may start from scratch at that point now that I've learned a lot of tips about the setup.

Thanks again for the help! Unfortunately I fear you haven't heard the last of me!

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I looked at the device you linked to. It would not do what you are looking for. It is designed for much lower voltages than the AC line voltages.


The JV Digital Engineering XTBM Test meter. Can measure X10 signal levels, quality, noise around the X10 power line frequency. Insteon is close to the X10 power line frequency and mine will show an 'I' when it see an Insteon command sometimes.

If worse comes to worse. They have a loaner program if you don't want to purchase one outright. Like I have.

$20 a month with a $100 deposit.


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Well, I can strike that bookmark! Glad you followed the link: I'd been eyeing that for some time just for this use! I also had the XTBM bookmarked as well as their booster units which I cannot recall the name of now (but thank goodness for bookmarks). I'm going to order in a few days to make sure I am back home when it arrives. Should be an interesting few weeks!

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The XTBM meter. Is designed for X10 but most noise and signal tests. Can be made if you have any X10 signals on the line. You indicated you still have some X10 signals in your system.  I have a RR501 Transceiver, HR12A Palm Pad, XTB-IIR repeater,  SC546 Chime modules  and my Insteon modules are old enough to accept X10 addresses added to them. So I have a sixteen button remote for my modules and can chime when my wake up program runs.. Though the ISY994i will not change the modules state in the  Administrative Console from an X10 command.

Noise for X10 most times will also effect Insteon as it is 131.65KHz and X10 120KHz  power line frequency.

You maybe thinking of the XTB-IIR it is a good X10 repeater. It blasts a X10 signal at over ten volts back on to the power lines. It respects Insteon power line signals by not stepping on them like other X10 repeaters may.  Though it will not repeat Insteon commands back to the power lines.


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Yep, that was it - the XTB-IIR! I was working on an either-or concept: Reduce the noise or just blast through it. Now I'm definitely going with the "and" concept. I would really like to keep my X-10's working but in today's home with so many noisy voltage supplies, etc., it is probably not going to happen without the equivalent of nuclear war. Hello, 10 volts! I use a bunch of chimes, as well, and one by one they have stopped responding as the noise built up. One was a blessing: The bedroom one would occasionally fire when the ISY was doing its 6:00 AM query-all. Never figured out why but my chimes usually mean a motion sensor triggered and after three break ins in eight years I get pretty jumpy. My most critical X-10 devices are two telephone responders - they were supposed to be the back-ups for when the ISY's PLM inevitably fries while I'm on a trip, providing the basics like feeding the woodland critters who come calling. Now they just trigger ISY programs that command Insteon modules to do the same. So much for back-up!

Ordering both the meter and the booster tomorrow afternoon when I'm not sending my card information through a Mexican hotel's Wifi network! Thanks again!

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