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Smarthome help

James Peterson

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Maybe the list is just too dynamic adding too much overhead to the development. UDI tends to keep this list secret from it's potential customers also, despite a good track record for support of so many devices.


The Dreamware marketting aspect seems to work for many other developers, these days. Many put out a blank box and people just dream what cool features it might have.


Mark it down as, a nice to have marketing tool, but not likely to have, and many potentiall customers may just go elsewhere, to other protocols, due to not wanting to dream and guess, when it comes to spending money. *SIGH*


Just maybe the technique catches more "dreamers" hoping for an amazing product supporting everything, than there are "apprehensives" out there. Millenials vs. GenX? :)




I have no clue what you're trying to say here.


The quoted text you highlighted from me is simple and direct. Its not rocket science to indicate the following insteon hardware devices are fully supported. The question which should be asked is why would anyone expect a company to post up an advert for something that doesn't fully support their hardware platform?!?!


The author of Agave, reply to me was I should purchase and send hardware to him for the soul purpose of advancing his development?!?!


If that isn't a real WTF?!?!?

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I understand perfectly what Larry is pointing out.


On another note, the list is too great to list. Agave supports every Insteon device that the ISY does.


Gary Funk

Merry Christmas


Why do you keep spouting out complete fud? Show me the list from his site which calls out the specific model hardware of support. His Smart Application does NOT support everything the ISY Series Controller does so stop stating false hoods which are factually untrue!


Show me, or move on with your trolling . . .

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I better run and hide before you taunt me a second time.


Gary Funk

Merry Christmas


When presented with facts I suppose you better run and hide. If you're going to start spewing nothing but FUD and B.S. expect to be called out on it, period!


Please feel free to prove me wrong on anything I just stated . . .






Otherwise like you said go and run and hide and stop your childish 12 year old antics which adds zero value to the conversation.

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Too late; I've been taunted.


Gary Funk

Merry Christmas


Its quite apparent for anyone who is reading your replies that they offer zero substance and not grounded in facts. No where does the vendor of Agave state he has feature parity or hardware support exactly like the ISY Series Controller.


This is something you have for what ever reason decided to spout off as fact.


Once again - let me ask plainly show me a publicly available document, website, advert, which calls out the support for every Insteon devices hardware which the ISY Series Controller does.


You can't because its FUD you made up and these lies will hurt the vendor because some poor schmuck will read your falsehoods and purchase this software expecting the very same. I would highly suggest you stop offering written comments which are unsubstantiated by anything besides what's tumbling around in your head.


At the present time you offer no value to the conversation besides odd one liners which make no sense. You should really take your own recommendation and use the *IGNORE BUTTON* because its clear to me my replies and topics illicit some kind of juvenile response.


At the pace you're heading the bulk of the forum members will have placed you on their ignore list because you make no sense. 

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Wow. Meltdown.


Gary Funk

Merry Christmas


No, I simply wanted to capture a floundering child who believes they can swim in the deep end with the big boys. I'm not going anywhere - I have plenty to say - and have no problem using facts to support my position.


Perhaps you should consider doing the same . . .

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Way too ad hominem, guys!


Neither gained any ground for the forum.



@Teken, I was attempting agree with you, about having a list as a good feature, but attempting to explain possibilities from a code writer, taking extra time to write up dynamic docs that may change from day to day, and then the criticism that follows because it is all out of date and incorrect.


Manual writing is a job that takes time out of production and in the end should add costs to the software offering.

Code monkeys are not usually good manual monkeys either.


I know you were not being critical with your request, even though somebody jumped the gun on that one, badly!

Good defencemen in the game though, even though the puck wasn't on the ice. LMAO!!


People can always turn to other code writings or write their own.



Meanwhile J.P. has his hands over his ears, mumbling, "Why can't we all just get along?" LOL


All the best guys!

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Way too ad hominem, guys!


Neither gained any ground for the forum.



@Teken, I was attempting agree with you, about having a list as a good feature, but attempting to explain possibilities from a code writer, taking extra time to write up dynamic docs that may change from day to day, and then the criticism that follows because it is all out of date and incorrect.


Manual writing is a job that takes time out of production and in the end should add costs to the software offering.

Code monkeys are not usually good manual monkeys either.


I know you were not being critical with your request, even though somebody jumped the gun on that one, badly!

Good defencemen in the game though, even though the puck wasn't on the ice. LMAO!!


People can always turn to other code writings or write their own.



Meanwhile J.P. has his hands over his ears, mumbling, "Why can't we all just get along?" LOL


All the best guys!




You're missing the simple ask which is what hardware is supported by his software. Are people really expected to pay $99.00 for Alpha / Beta software that doesn't call out what's supported?


But we do have Gary Funk who insists upon spouting out FUD that all Insteon devices which the ISY Series Controller supports are directly supported in the Agave platform.


That is false . . .


Nobody cares if a product only supports (1) piece of hardware but it should be made clear. Everyone in this forum knows and expects the vendor will over time continue to support and update his software as he has in the ELK alarm panel. What a few misguided souls believes is its OK to come into a thread and offer nothing but vaporware.


You like that phrase, and hence why I used it . . .


Yet people including the vendor believes their software product should stand side by side with other fully supported products at Smarthome?!?!


What are people drinking if they believe any company would list up a 3rd party software package that only supports 4-6 Insteon items?!?!? I also take offense to the fact my initial question as polite as it was - was replied to with a view the customer should be providing financial  / hardware to further their development.


I know lots of people have a issues with Wes who makes Mobilinc and the lack of development for the Android platform. But you will never find Wes ever talking to a customer / potential customer like that. Much less asking for them to send them hardware or send them cash to purchase hardware to further their development.


Ever . . .


That isn't OK, its not acceptable, nor is it something any business man would do.


Ever . . .

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If you guys want to talk about app device support lists take it elseware.  When I see a complete device support list from either UDI, ML or anyone else for that matter in regards to this, maybe I will put time into that.  until then, this conversation is over.  period.  


what I want tis to be given the same consideration that ML has been given.  I feel that since ML has been around for a while, they have strategic advantage and are being given that at every corner.  I need the communities help in breaking that barrier. The more support I can get the better my app will get and that will only help this community and UDI.  


ML has given up and android.  I am trying to give it a chance.  

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If you guys want to talk about app device support lists take it elseware.  When I see a complete device support list from either UDI, ML or anyone else for that matter in regards to this, maybe I will put time into that.  until then, this conversation is over.  period.  


what I want tis to be given the same consideration that ML has been given.  I feel that since ML has been around for a while, they have strategic advantage and are being given that at every corner.  I need the communities help in breaking that barrier. The more support I can get the better my app will get and that will only help this community and UDI.  


ML has given up and android.  I am trying to give it a chance.  


One only needs to select the drop down list of the Admin Console, period. This isn't a secret it tells you exactly what hardware is supported in the hardware.


You want to know what ML supports send them an email or ask in their forum and you know what? Wes will tell you in writing exactly what is, and what isn't supported, or is under development.


Not a secret at all so don't confuse the issue because you say he has the market and has strategic advantage?!?!


Are you serious . . .


As you noted ML has not developed the Android portion so this area is free to you so what's the issue? You can't answer a simple question about what your product supports right now? Nobody cares what you plan to support because nobody purchased the software what if.


Its for now and this was also seen in the limited reviews on the Google Store.


If you can't have a business like conversation with respect to your software and what it can do now. This so called advantage has nothing to do with Wes / ML as it has to do with the way you conduct yourself here and in business.


Your going to reply with a commons sense reply or not . . .


The entire Internet is only watching, so have at it . . .

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I just thought I ping this topic again, since it appears that Smarthome is still not adding any information about Agave.  I really didn't think this would be such a long or difficult task.  


James, thanks for all of your hard work, I imagine you'll hear from Smarthome eventually. 


You've probably come to this same conclusion, but continue the dialogue with lilyoyo1, in a PM.  This thread has been turned into a hopeless dumpster fire.



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