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Google Home compatible with ISY994


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Jimbo, Conversational Actions don't require any special permission. It's Direct Actions that have a sign-up for some future notification.


Direct Actions don't seem to be "all that" in any case. They allow Google to handle all of the "conversation" for specific, very limited, problem domains (they call them "verticals".) That is, the developer doesn't have to list trigger phrases and responses and manage the conversation.


The available actions seem limited. Can't seem to find it again, but I did come across a list of the available actions for Home Automation. Basically, you can turn something on or off, or increase or decrease a level. That's it.


But it (presumably) make it easier to implement, as the developer doesn't have to program the conversation syntax. Just handle simple commands to "turn on", "turn off".

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Jimbo, Conversational Actions don't require any special permission. It's Direct Actions that have a sign-up for some future notification.


Direct Actions don't seem to be "all that" in any case. They allow Google to handle all of the "conversation" for specific, very limited, problem domains (they call them "verticals".) That is, the developer doesn't have to list trigger phrases and responses and manage the conversation.


The available actions seem limited. Can't seem to find it again, but I did come across a list of the available actions for Home Automation. Basically, you can turn something on or off, or increase or decrease a level. That's it.


But it (presumably) make it easier to implement, as the developer doesn't have to program the conversation syntax. Just handle simple commands to "turn on", "turn off".

Thanks, but I understand the difference and have read some of the developer docs. My reason for asking was because Michel mentioned direct actions which is what we really want. But conversational will be great.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Thanks, but I understand the difference and have read some of the developer docs. My reason for asking was because Michel mentioned direct actions which is what we really want. But conversational will be great.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

I achieve quite a bit with IFTTT

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Michel, will UD will be doing the parsing of the conversational action? if you are,  would it be possible to have a way of sending a string to the portal which can be parsed as a voice command?   This would allow us to simulate Direct actions with only a few IFTTT recipes.


We could use the IFTTT "make web request" with the following to have almost all home automation commands sent.


Specifically would could create the following recipes for the assistant:


Turn $ - which will appear to be direct actions for phrases such as "Hey Google" + "Turn on the lights", "Turn off the lights", "Turn up the volume"....


Close $ - "Hey Google" + "close the blinds"


Open $ - "Hey Google" + "open the blinds"


Start $  -  "Hey Google" + "start the <insert program here>"


Stop $ - "Hey Google" + "stop  the <insert program here>"


Lock $ - "Hey Google" + "lock  the <item to lock>"


Unlock $ - "Hey Google" + "item the <item to unlock>"


also a few ways to start a command


Can you $ -  "Hey Google" +  "can you turn off the bedroom fan"...


Please $ - "Hey Google" + "please turn off the bedroom fan"....


I think these 8 recipes could cover almost all voice commands needed for home automation. I have added this to my app via AutoRemote and it works just like a direct action, but I think it would be better for all users if you could add a way for us to send a string to the portal for UD to parse.

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Looking forward to some Google Home support similar to current Alexa support.


I've set up a few actions using IFTTT, but it is painful. Sure would be nice if IFTTT had a duplicate/clone option. How do they miss something this obvious?


So, I have just set up some basic lights on/off for a couple of areas. I'm not planning on relying on voice instead of pushing switches. But handy in some cases if I am not near the switch.


I'm planning on installing SimpleHub, (always-on MacOS app for SimpleControl AV remote) so that I can do some simple actions like "watch cable TV" or "watch Apple TV" and send commands to SimpleHub to start an AV activity and dim the lights. It's handy because it takes several steps to open SimpleHome on my iPad and then select an activity.

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Thanks for the information Benoit, 





The following statements are my thoughts and opinions on this topic and is not based on facts.


I am sure most of the conversational actions are using API.AI. We will just have to wait until you are given access to direct actions.  I will keep this work around in mind in the case G decides everyone whom wants direct actions needs to pay a fee (such as the IFTTT fee), in addition IFTTT assistant actions (this) appear to have too much control over the google home, with the ability to override some of the built in google actions. I have a gut feeling they are going to ask all third parties to use IFTTT or a service with a similar fee as G's current monetization strategies (serving ads) does not appear to be compatible with the google home.

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