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Create web pages using programs (Requires Network Module)

Chris Jahn

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This is a repost of the instructions for logging information using programs ...


We added an enhancement to the networking module that allows you to update files in /user/web when sending a notification from programs. This allows you to make custom HTML files, XML files, or do some custom logging to that directory.

The interface requires the direct use of keywords, although at some point we may make a more user friendly version in the GUI. When creating a custom notification, do the following:

  • Start the subject with @webpage:
  • Optionally add @append: or @delete, nothing specified means create or overwrite the file
  • Supply the relative file path to /user/web, e.g. specify myDir/hi.htm for /user/web/myDir/hi.htm
  • You may update multiple files by supplying multiple @webpage:... entries separated by a space
  • Add an actual e-mail subject if this is to be e-mailed as well.
  • NOTE: You can fully use substitution variables to create the subject, allowing file names based on a variable for example.
  • NOTE: File names are limited to the 8.3 format

// Send notification with subject "My Status" (no file created)
Subject: My Status

// Create file /user/web/mydir/status.htm whose content is the body of this notification
// Send e-mail notification with subject "My Status"
Subject: @webpage:myDir/status.htm My Status

// Create file /user/web/mydir/status.htm whose content is the body of this notification (no e-mail notification sent out)
Subject: @webpage:myDir/status.htm

// Append body of this message to file /user/web/mydir/status.htm
Subject: @webpage:@append:/mydir/status.htm

// Create file with name based on the value of a variable (e.g. if the variable=24, then file is /user/web/mydir/file24.txt)
Subject: @webpage:/mydir/file${var.1.1}.txt

// Delete a file
Subject: @webpage:@delete:/mydir/status.htm

// - Create file /user/web/mydir/status.htm whose content is the body of this notification
// - Append the content to /user/web/mydir/log.htm
Subject: @webpage:mydir/status.htm @webpage:@append:mydir/log.htm 

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