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Problems with my ISY994i - Stopped Communicating


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So I've had issues in the past with notifications not being sent. I've typically though it was the ISY and I've simply restarted it and things started working again. Today around 11am I got the last notification from a door sensor. Now nothing is working. Did my PLM die?  When I click on PLM Status, it shows 0.0.0 v0 / Not Connected. How can I troubleshoot this issue? There's also a black buttom on the PLM, I may have pressed it when I went to unplug it from the power and plug it back in.


I'm running v4.5.4


I the PLM I'm using is an Insteon 2413S PowerLinc Modem Dual-Band Serial Interface. I bought it Oct of 2015.

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So I've had issues in the past with notifications not being sent. I've typically though it was the ISY and I've simply restarted it and things started working again. Today around 11am I got the last notification from a door sensor. Now nothing is working. Did my PLM die?  When I click on PLM Status, it shows 0.0.0 v0 / Not Connected. How can I troubleshoot this issue? There's also a black buttom on the PLM, I may have pressed it when I went to unplug it from the power and plug it back in.


I'm running v4.5.4


I the PLM I'm using is an Insteon 2413S PowerLinc Modem Dual-Band Serial Interface. I bought it Oct of 2015.


Hi Adrian, welcome to the forums


The red text and other behavior is significant evidence that the PLM has died. You can try

  • unplugging the PLM and ISY
  • replugging the PLM in, wait 10 seconds
  • Plug in the ISY

See if that helps. If the procedure above helps, it will only be for a few days. Order a new PLM and follow these directions when it comes in:





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If the 2413S PLM is still under the two year warranty period you can submit a RMA and have the unit crossed docked. Doing so will ensure you still have something on hand to use. If the device is not covered by the two year warranty period and you do decide to purchase a new unit and follow Pauls suggestion.


You can also try your hand repairing the 2413S PLM using this outstanding forum thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13866-repair-of-2413s-plm-when-the-power-supply-fails/?hl=%2Bplm+%2Bfail


Keep in mind to help you limp along you can try to complete a restore PLM also.

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Hi Adrian, welcome to the forums


The red text and other behavior is significant evidence that the PLM has died. You can try

  • unplugging the PLM and ISY
  • replugging the PLM in, wait 10 seconds
  • Plug in the ISY

See if that helps. If the procedure above helps, it will only be for a few days. Order a new PLM and follow these directions when it comes in:






Hi Paul, yes I tried various combinations of unplugging/replugging, powering off/on etc...and nothing changed.I went ahead an ordered a new one, should be here on Friday.


If the 2413S PLM is still under the two year warranty period you can submit a RMA and have the unit crossed docked. Doing so will ensure you still have something on hand to use. If the device is not covered by the two year warranty period and you do decide to purchase a new unit and follow Pauls suggestion.


You can also try your hand repairing the 2413S PLM using this outstanding forum thread: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13866-repair-of-2413s-plm-when-the-power-supply-fails/?hl=%2Bplm+%2Bfail


Keep in mind to help you limp along you can try to complete a restore PLM also.


I went ahead and ordered a new one, but I've also contacted Insteon about getting an RMA since I've had it less than 2 years.


I'm suspecting that maybe mine has never been that good. I know I have issues when not getting notifications, but I never really troubleshooted it much other than restart the ISY, but it could have been the PLM all along. Also, I have issues communicating with a dimmer in the theater. Anyways, that's a whole other thing so I'll wait till I get the new PLM up and running.


Thank you both,


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So I've had issues in the past with notifications not being sent. I've typically though it was the ISY and I've simply restarted it and things started working again. Today around 11am I got the last notification from a door sensor. Now nothing is working. Did my PLM die?  When I click on PLM Status, it shows 0.0.0 v0 / Not Connected. How can I troubleshoot this issue? There's also a black buttom on the PLM, I may have pressed it when I went to unplug it from the power and plug it back in.


I'm running v4.5.4


I the PLM I'm using is an Insteon 2413S PowerLinc Modem Dual-Band Serial Interface. I bought it Oct of 2015.


Is the green light on the PLM lit?   If not then either the PLM failed or the PLM isn't getting power from the outlet.


Did you check the cable between the PLM and the ISY

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Hi Paul, yes I tried various combinations of unplugging/replugging, powering off/on etc...and nothing changed.I went ahead an ordered a new one, should be here on Friday.



I went ahead and ordered a new one, but I've also contacted Insteon about getting an RMA since I've had it less than 2 years.


I'm suspecting that maybe mine has never been that good. I know I have issues when not getting notifications, but I never really troubleshooted it much other than restart the ISY, but it could have been the PLM all along. Also, I have issues communicating with a dimmer in the theater. Anyways, that's a whole other thing so I'll wait till I get the new PLM up and running.


Thank you both,



Hello Adrian,


More often than not a simple Insteon Filter Linc placed at the right spot will resolve most communications issue(s). I'm not too surprised to hear the dimmer is having issues with A/V gear. Almost all electronic devices present some kind of load on the power line whether it be noise makers / signal suckers.


Consider placing a few of these on a power bar: http://www.smarthome.com/filterlinc-10-amp-plug-in-noise-filter.html  Keeping in mind they only come in 5 / 10 amp ratings. If wiring isn't an issue you can install one of these huge devices which offer 20 amps of capacity: http://www.ebay.com/itm/X-10-PRO-XPF-20A-Wired-In-Noise-Filter-3-Wire-/122261204164?hash=item1c7755ecc4:g:4yEAAOSw5cNYSgGk 

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So I just got the new PLM, it's version 2.2. My old one was 2.2. Click on the PLM Info/Status menu item now says Connected. So my ISY is seeing it fine.


I tried to follow these instructions to replacing the PLM. http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:File_Menu#Restore_Modem_.28PLM.29


When I click on Restore Modem (PLM), it popped up some other instructions that I didn't see mentioned at all in the wiki steps. The instructions said if I have any battery powered devices, make sure they are in Programming Mode before you proceed. The only battery powered devices that I have are door sensors and water sensors. So I hopped around the house (I have a broken foot) trying to get them all in programming mode by holding the Set button until the LED starts flashing. Which btw, I find this kinda stupid that this is what it takes. Before I even got back, most of the devices had stopped flashing, arg... so pressed them again. How the hell do I get to them all in time? Do I have to do them all at the same time before proceeding with the restore?


Anyways, it didn't work. I have no idea what's going on. I know there's buttons that include writing to devices and writing to battery powered devices. I'm sure I probably have these enabled/disabled incorrectly, but I didn't see any mention of how they should be. Would be nice if the wiki would just go over these for those of use that forget or that don't have much experience reprogramming devices.


While I'm waiting, I messed with the buttons. So all my devices are showing a green 1011 icon. I set some to programming mode, and then I clicked on 11010 button that says it enabled automatically write changes to devices. I then saw it going to each device one by one and saying writing. Afterwards one of my water sensors changed to a blue water drop icon and the Front Door icon changed to a yellow arrow. I tested the front door, but I'm not getting any notifications nor am I seeing the current state change.




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Hello Adrian,


More often than not a simple Insteon Filter Linc placed at the right spot will resolve most communications issue(s). I'm not too surprised to hear the dimmer is having issues with A/V gear. Almost all electronic devices present some kind of load on the power line whether it be noise makers / signal suckers.


Consider placing a few of these on a power bar: http://www.smarthome.com/filterlinc-10-amp-plug-in-noise-filter.html  Keeping in mind they only come in 5 / 10 amp ratings. If wiring isn't an issue you can install one of these huge devices which offer 20 amps of capacity: http://www.ebay.com/itm/X-10-PRO-XPF-20A-Wired-In-Noise-Filter-3-Wire-/122261204164?hash=item1c7755ecc4:g:4yEAAOSw5cNYSgGk 


Is there any other equipment that would do the same thing? Maybe something rack mounted?

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Exactly the same changes that are written to wired devices--the old PLM Insteon ID is replaced with the new PLM ID. Battery powered devices go to sleep in order to conserve the battery. Putting them into linking mode wakes them up for about 4 minutes during which time the new data is written.


The procedure is to place the device into linking mode, select Write Updates to Device and then take the device out of linking mode before updating the next battery powered device.

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Exactly the same changes that are written to wired devices--the old PLM Insteon ID is replaced with the new PLM ID. Battery powered devices go to sleep in order to conserve the battery. Putting them into linking mode wakes them up for about 4 minutes during which time the new data is written.


The procedure is to place the device into linking mode, select Write Updates to Device and then take the device out of linking mode before updating the next battery powered device.

Ah ok, now I understand. I wasn't aware that the PLM ID was stored in each device. Ok that makes senses. So I guess, I can simply leave the automatic writes off and manually put each battery device into linking mode one at a time (or which ever ones I can get to in time) and use the device menu option to write to the device. So I guess now big question is, what is going on? It looks like the ISY sees the PLM, I restored the modem and I've started writing to some of the devices, but why aren't they communicating? I've attached a screenshot of what my devices currently look like as well as what the Front Door looks like that I've been testing with to get it working again.





Thank you,


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Sometimes it's necessary to do a Restore Devices more than once. The Basement Theater Lights device is disabled. Did you do that on purpose?


ok, I'll try to do the restore a couple times and see if it starts working. Yes I disabled the basement theater lights. It's been all funky. Prior to this I would turn it off at the switch and then it would turn itself on immediately. It did this about 4-5 times in a row before it finally stopped. I have it disabled until I can troubleshoot it.

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Something that just doesn't make sense is why a device (ex. open/close sensor) is listed as different items in the tree, yet when you right click any of the items to select restore or write updates it happens to all the tree item. From a UI point of view, that doesn't make any sense. The sensor should be a single item in the tree with the menu item operations applying to that item. I have the Closed/Heartbeat/Opened items under a folder for the Front Door as an example. Intuitively I would be drawn towards right clicking the Front Door folder to do something like a restore device or write updates. Having to right click randomly on one of the individual states of a device to access those menu items isn't intuitively at all.


Anyways, sorry for the rant :) I've tried to restore device/write updates to device multiple times and still nothing. I see the icon changes to 1011 then saying writing and then changing to the yellow arrow. But I don't see any indication of the sensor reporting back. when I open/close the door.

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Hi adrianp,


It would be best to submit a ticket. From the history of this post, I think what may have happened is that you did a Restore Modem on a dead PLM. If you have a good backup, what you might want to try is explained in this link:



With kind regards,



ok, I'm trying to restore, but I got a weird confirmation dialog stating Network Configuration Mismatch, yet they both look the same...




Anyways, I followed the instructions (thankfully I had a backup from before the PLM died) and tested with the 1 sensor (front door) and it's FINALLY working :)


1. File->Restore ISY and selected my recent backup prior to the PLM dieing

2. Logged back in and disabled the Automatic writing to devices

3. Set one sensor (front door) to programming mode

4. Right clicked on the front door device and selected the Write updates to device menu item

5. Finally saw it pop up a bunch of information that it was writing to the device

6. Opened the door and saw the opened alert trigger and confirmed receiving the program notification of the door opening


Now I just need to run around and set the rest of the battery operated sensors to programming mode.


Thank you!


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Something that just doesn't make sense is why a device (ex. open/close sensor) is listed as different items in the tree, yet when you right click any of the items to select restore or write updates it happens to all the tree item. From a UI point of view, that doesn't make any sense. The sensor should be a single item in the tree with the menu item operations applying to that item. I have the Closed/Heartbeat/Opened items under a folder for the Front Door as an example. Intuitively I would be drawn towards right clicking the Front Door folder to do something like a restore device or write updates. Having to right click randomly on one of the individual states of a device to access those menu items isn't intuitively at all.


If you Restore a device, a restore operation is carried on all device that require it. That save you from having to do each device individually.

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If you Restore a device, a restore operation is carried on all device that require it. That save you from having to do each device individually.

Yes I understand, I'm talking about how the device is presented as individual operations instead just just 1 item (Open/Close Sensor). For example, I'm having to create folder items in the tree list to contain all the operations of say, Front Door sensor. I might be assuming, but I think everyone probably does that to keep devices organized. That "folder" object I've created should be created automatically anyways and that's where you should see the menu options for writing to a device. Anyways, that's a UI issue, going off topic :)

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Information Only: If time isn't a pressing issue you can also try using the *Write Device* option in the programs tab. You have two options for a hands free battery operated update which is based on the heart beat status or detection of movement for the MS. Using this option assumes the battery operated device has the *Heart Beat* node.


As older hardware didn't have this new feature . . .


Motion Sensors only need you to pass by their field of view and they will auto update to.


Also note that this feature highly depends upon your Insteon network having a strong RF mesh to all battery operated devices where ever they may be. Lastly, some firmware in the hardware require you to use a wait from 0-3 seconds. The only device which still requires a physical press of the button are the remotes.


Which again if you have the correct *wait* in place when you press any button on the RL2 / Remote Linc they will auto update. Not very much success has ever been seen auto updating the older brick style Remote Lincs however. 

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