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SignaLinc Phase coupler working?


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UPDATE problem was PLM 3/14/17


How do you know if your SignaLinc phase coupler is bad?  It has no lights/indicator and doesn't show up in ISY.  I have one device (ToggleLinc) that keep dropping out.  If I move the ToggleLinc to another location it picks up.  Reinstall in original location and it works a week or so and quits.  I cannot believe it is the only device on the 'other' phase and the dual band isn't working.  I also tried replacing the ToggleLinc, same results.  ToggleLinc is only about 35 feet (and up one level) from the PLM.




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Hi John-


The signalinc is a passive coupler, and does not active insteon messaging components. Its unlikely its failed or the culprit.


Its most likely line noise, possibly caused by the load its self is the culprit.


  • What is the load on the togglinc?
  • Are there electronics, low voltage transformers or things like furnace motors on the circuit near where the togglinc is?



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To test if the SignaLincs have achieved bridging, hold the set button on one SignaLinc for 10 or more seconds. When you release the set button, the LED will bling rapidly, about 4 times a second. Observe the second SignaLinc. If it's blinking 4 times a second, then the opposite legs of the split, single-phase electric supply are bridged. A slow blink, about 2 times per second indicates that the SignaLincs are not on opposite legs and if the second SignaLinc is not blinking at all, then the two SignaLincs are not communicating.


The SignaLincs only bridge the opposite legs for Insteon powerline signals. They do not repeat powerline signals, nor do they respond to Insteon RF signals.

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Stusviews, That is my point there is no set button or LED on the SignaLinc.  Also why would you have two SignaLinc's?  Do you mean SwitchLinc's?  Also, they would have to be on different phases for this test to work?  How to verify that before you start?




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The passive SignaLinc has no test button as you have noted.


Test the Dual Band devices in the system. With the four tap tests also called Beacon or Communications tests in some Insteon Manuals.

If the SignaLinc is on its own dual breaker. You could even turn it on and off to see what changes to verify some coupling.


Since it is passive. The signal and noise on one phase is what is coupled to the other phase.

If the original transmission has degrades to .5 volts and .1 volts noise. Only the .5 volt signal and .1 volt noise  is coupled to the other phase.

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Smarthome does like to keep the names the same and it can be confusing.


The SignaLinc RF was the older active electronics phase coupler and RF receiver, transmitter. Though for present Dual Band devices will not work. As it was on 904MHz not the present 915MHz.


The plain SignaLinc is now the passive coupler.


SwitchLinc, ApplianceLinc, KeypadLinc and LampLinc come to mind,  was used for both X10 only and the Insteon line of devices.

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Stusviews, That is my point there is no set button or LED on the SignaLinc.  Also why would you have two SignaLinc's?  Do you mean SwitchLinc's?  Also, they would have to be on different phases for this test to work?  How to verify that before you start?





The plug-in SignaLincs have a set button (and a black external antenna). The wire-in SignaLinc does not. Which are you referring to?

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  • 4 weeks later...

So it turns out my PLM must be bad.  I have a spare.  Point me to instructions on how to swap out.





Hello John,




NOTE: Should you feel compelled to get some more use out of the 2413S PLM please follow this resource link: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13866-repair-of-2413s-plm-when-the-power-supply-fails/?hl=%2Bplm+%2Bfail

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Thanks FPS, swapped and working.  I wish there were failure LED or notifications on all devices to make troubleshooting easier.


On the 2413S PLM I have V1.B. One is 1322 other is 1325.  Are there newer models? I see a 2413SH (HouseLinc) I can replace the Caps on the failed one and swap out again to see if it fixes it.


Can I use the 2413S PLM to run houselinc and keep the ISY?


Thanks for all the help,


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Thanks FPS, swapped and working.  I wish there were failure LED or notifications on all devices to make troubleshooting easier.


On the 2413S PLM I have V1.B. One is 1322 other is 1325.  Are there newer models? I see a 2413SH (HouseLinc) I can replace the Caps on the failed one and swap out again to see if it fixes it.


Can I use the 2413S PLM to run houselinc and keep the ISY?


Thanks for all the help,



Hello John,


Yes, you can use the 2413S PLM to connect to HL2 software.

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FPS, I started the program, says no computer interface found.  So I select manual to pick a PLM. I select 2413S and it says not found.  Is it expecting the PLM to be connected to the computer?  If so, how would I use the ISY?  There is a drop down to select com port, but only com 8 is listed.




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FPS, I started the program, says no computer interface found.  So I select manual to pick a PLM. I select 2413S and it says not found.  Is it expecting the PLM to be connected to the computer?  If so, how would I use the ISY?  There is a drop down to select com port, but only com 8 is listed.





Hello John,


My apologies I thought you intended to use two separate 2413S PLM's. One for the ISY Series Controller and the other for the HL2 software. If you intend to use it with your existing HL2 software it needs to be connected to the PC. When the new PLM arrives you can install it back to the ISY Series Controller as it was before.


To be clear you can only have one PLM connected to a specific controller like the HL2 / ISY.

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FPS, So I can have 2 PLM's, one to ISY and one to computer and they can control the same devices?  I guess that would get tricky writing programs.


BTW, my ToggleLinc was also bad.  Not sure about the Phase Coupler yet.  Assuming the generator took them out.




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FPS, So I can have 2 PLM's, one to ISY and one to computer and they can control the same devices?  I guess that would get tricky writing programs.


BTW, my ToggleLinc was also bad.  Not sure about the Phase Coupler yet.  Assuming the generator took them out.





Hello John,


I can tell you from personal experience having two controllers / managers isn't a good idea. If you have a isolated Insteon network like I did its not an issue. I did this more for beta testing and lab trials as I didn't want to impact my production network.


Only you can decide if the risk vs rewards is worth the heartache . . .

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FPS, Thanks. I figured that was the case.  What I was thinking was have the HouseLinc installed but not in use.  Then if PLM on ISY fails while I am on travel, shutdown ISY and activate HouseLinc until I could repair PLM.





Hello John,


Sounds like a nice back up plan for sure - keep in mind you should ensure the HL2 PC is not active during the ISY Series Controllers regular operations.


On a quick tangent I am not sure what FPS means?!?

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