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Alexa Upgrade in Progress - Looking for feedback


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Hi Folks,


We are working on adding in the Smarthome skill to Amazon Alexa, but while we were working on that skill we've come up with another upgrade to the current MobiLinc skill with Alexa that we're looking for feedback on as we wrap it up.


One gap in the current skill and the smarthome skill is a way to kick off a program action with a short phrase that feels natural. The smarthome skill works well for lighting, but if you want to include program control it does get awkward with how to invoke programs using voice. This new feature we're working attempts to address this.


As we've gathered feedback over the last year and in our own personal use of Alexa, many of our systems do complex lighting scenes in addition to timed events as part of a program scene. For example, when going to bed, there might be a program that sweeps off the lights in a controlled/timed way using delays in a program. Currently there isn't a way to call this program naturally through voice and have it respond in a custom way.


What we're working on is called Special Actions for Alexa in the MobiLinc skill.


These Special Actions are a fixed set of known program names that Alexa can execute in response to a more natural phrase like: "Alexa, tell MobiLinc we're going to bed" or "Alexa, tell MobiLinc I'm leaving".


Alexa will then know to execute the Special Action program in your ISY.


For custom voice feedback, there is a default response, but we're investigating allowing for complete custom voice responses for programs. This is still in progress and we're not 100% it will be approved by Amazon, but the early test results are encouraging and powerful to allow you to set custom voice responses.


The current set of Special Actions planned are:

going to sleep

good to bed

good morning

good night



party time

stop party time


What we're looking for is feedback from Alexa users on common tasks you'd like to see added as a Special Action. Please post your thoughts below!



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Hello Wes,


I am unsure what I'm going to ask is something that will be seen in your application. Blueman 2 has offered an incredible *How To* to make Alexa reply back with custom phrases: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19749-how-to-guide-getting-alexa-to-provide-verbal-responses/


If this is what your working toward you have my undivided attention in this endeavor.


My ask and intent is to be able to inquire with Alexa energy readings that are monitored by my Brultech GEM. This same information is known to the ISY Series Controller via ZigBee and State Variables. My goal is to have the ability to ask her what specific targets, criteria, loads, circuits, have been met.


Is this something your project is working toward?


I ask because this is the holy grail of what I am trying to achieve which is 2 way informational status. I have already embarked on one aspect which is reactive voice announcements. As of this writing my system communicates to me almost every facet of my homes super structures environmentals.


The missing key is having the ability to ask / interrogate the system to find out *Just in time* data which is important to me. The end goal is to document and package this whole process so others may be able to replicate the very same with ease. This in my mind will make energy monitoring / energy management sexy.


Sexy sells, ease of use sells, tight integration sells . . .


Please let me know if this is something your fine company is considering doing. Because it would be quite the pleasure to help you develop and make such a project come to reality. In my mind these sort of projects encourage development and adoption of products not considered by others.


I intend to make your product, ISY Series Controller, Green Eye Monitor, and Brultechs Dash Box the center piece of sexy in the energy monitoring / energy management space.


Thank You! 

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Hi Teken,


If this is what your working toward you have my undivided attention in this endeavor.


I'm focused on custom (but static) responses to running programs, devices, and scenes currently. Instead of Alexa saying that it's running the program you can make it say whatever you want that makes you laugh, or makes sense to you for your environment.


Thank you for sharing your use-case as it's getting me thinking about how to add in dynamic responses based on real-time data in a way that's easy to setup in Admin Console and that the skill can understand and speak back.


One immediate challenge and maybe this is where a Special Action might help here, is what is the common phrase that everyone interested in energy (or anything else) would say? Is it "how much is my house using now?" I think asking down to a specific channel would be difficult for most to remember. Think high-level. What are the big picture phrases one would ask that I could then take and wrap up all the complex logic to find the answer and speak back the custom live data?



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Hello Wes,


I agree the first stepping stone is to define what global phrase should be used. More detailed feedback can be considered once the basic are in place and baked.


I would like to offer you at a high level what is bouncing in my head for the moment and address the spoken phrase later. I am interested in being able to simply ask the home if the following targets, values, goals, have been met. I know some of this may require supporting work on my end but just wanted to throw out what I'm thinking.


- Know what the current daily KWH is and believe this part is easy because the system would simply read the state variable and state that value.


- Compare: This may be a little harder but my goal is to ask the system what I am consuming compared to yesterday, month, year, etc. Obviously this requires integer variables to track those values but I am simply offering you my wish list.


- Pattern / State: As noted up above I have a reactive voice announcement system deployed now. It is currently being field tested as a proof of concept to show case the solution I applied can be done easily by anyone. Which offers seamless voice feedback when conditions are met.


Ideally what I am looking for is being able to inquire with the Alexa system and have her look at values and state the very same. I know this area is probably more complex than anything the current offerings can provide now. But truly believe if the link I provided by Blueman 2 is considered along with your efforts something in the middle could be found.


I know the above reply doesn't answer your direct question about *What phrase would you like / consider*.


This is something I will need to think about - Because like you, I believe its important that the *Human* aspect of defining phrases which make sense to all be used and not just a edge case.


I shall reply back and offer some possible key phrases which make sense . . .


As always, I thank you for pushing the envelope in this space and taking on projects which can benefit many. 

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Thanks Teken,


Let me noodle on this for a bit. I think what it comes down to is maybe something like this:


- Identify common phases one would use to start the action/ask for data. The best phrases are non-technical, but hint at the base human request. IE when I say "Alexa, tell MobiLinc I'm leaving" that implies that the house should put itself into a mode where I'm walking out the door. Example: turn off lights during the day or leave some on if it's dark outside, open the garage door and arm the security system a bit later after a delay. That's a lot to ask individually in voice form, but the one simple voice implication of "leaving" can accomplish all of that. For energy or live data specifically, it's not necessarily running a program, but the same natural common phrase needs to apply to return the data in an intuitive way.


- Based on the phrase, pull the value from a known variable and pair it with the right units (KW, kWh, distance, speed, etc) to form a voice response.


Energy is a tough space to connect the technical aspects of what's happening with someone that isn't technical or has an interest in energy management and what it means or how it impacts them.



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Thanks Teken,


Let me noodle on this for a bit. I think what it comes down to is maybe something like this:


- Identify common phases one would use to start the action/ask for data. The best phrases are non-technical, but hint at the base human request. IE when I say "Alexa, tell MobiLinc I'm leaving" that implies that the house should put itself into a mode where I'm walking out the door. Example: turn off lights during the day or leave some on if it's dark outside, open the garage door and arm the security system a bit later after a delay. That's a lot to ask individually in voice form, but the one simple voice implication of "leaving" can accomplish all of that. For energy or live data specifically, it's not necessarily running a program, but the same natural common phrase needs to apply to return the data in an intuitive way.


- Based on the phrase, pull the value from a known variable and pair it with the right units (KW, kWh, distance, speed, etc) to form a voice response.


Energy is a tough space to connect the technical aspects of what's happening with someone that isn't technical or has an interest in energy management and what it means or how it impacts them.




Hello Wes,


Agreed on all points - so bare with me on the spit balling of ideas.


Spoken phrases which someone would say:


- What is?

- Tell me

- What are?

- Has this?


These four phrases are what comes to mind but this is made difficult because one can not simply ask *What is* can they? If someone told me to say something in normal (expected) speech. It would be *Alexa what is the current energy levels - Alexa tell me the current status of X - Alexa what are the following values, conditions, state,*


This is what I am trying to achieve at the very moment with this concept. This whole intelligent voice space is growing but sadly there is much work to be done in this area too. I can't really complain because Amazon / Google have really helped push this technology ahead so perhaps what we are discussing now may be made easier in the near future.


The problem as you know Alexa can not speak and offer unknown defined *Things*. As noted up above I have created no less than 250 plus canned voice responses which pertain to my homes environment. But clearly my girl *Julie U.S. can't just speak any random thing with out being provided and programmed to do so.


Your goal is similar to Blueman 2's which is to enter basic / common phrases to Alexa so she will invoke things to happen in the controller. But she can't actually reply back with a *New Value / Condition*. She is only going to listen for a custom canned spoken phrase and react to it.


On a quick tangent in case you didn't know the whole push notification is under development by Amazon. My question and ask to you is - Do you see any direct relations to that area and would it solve the whole reactive speaking? Part of me thinks not, but the *Hope it does* part thinks that would solve the whole canned spoken / replies.  

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On a quick tangent in case you didn't know the whole push notification is under development by Amazon. My question and ask to you is - Do you see any direct relations to that area and would it solve the whole reactive speaking? Part of me thinks not, but the *Hope it does* part thinks that would solve the whole canned spoken / replies.  


I've heard rumors to this effect, but haven't seen how they are proposing to do this. I'm definitely interested, but skeptical. I know how annoying uninvited notifications are on mobile. I can imagine people getting turned off to Alexa if it starts talking randomly through the day (or night!). I think it's two different problem spaces in voice and feedback, but one that I see could be useful. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Folks I am a newbie but hot on your trail. I have done many Elk M1 installations and just started down the ISY994 highway, trying to stay in my lane. :shock:  If i could comment on Alexa commands for energy managment i would want to know energy usage comparisons on a month by month basis. Alexa: How much energy have used this month? Alexa: How much energy have i used this month compared to last month? Alexa: How much energy was used by the hot water heater this week? or Alexa: How many BTUs have been used this month at the beach house


Thanks for Listening


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