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I/O Linc setup


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Hi all


I just received my first I/O Linc 2450. I set it up in a scene with a KPL button. I plan to set up garage door opening and closing with the KPL displaying the status by the led light. My first hurdle is that the I/O Linc relay is turned on with an off from the KPL instead of with an on. I have searched and have not been able to find any info on how to reverse this action. The user manual for the I/O Linc says to link it in the desired state. I tried this with the ISY-99 (2.6.15) but the results are the same. Also any info on the other parameters under the set options button would be very helpful.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Hello Gary, I just got an IOLinc myself so I cannot answer all your questions.


I do know that if the relay is on and the KPL button is off when you link them the action will be as you described. Both should be on or off when you create the link.


For the garage door button press you will want to set Momentary: A. This seems to only activate the relay when an Off is sent. If you also check Momentary: Both the relay will then be momentarily closed with each press of the button. 2 seconds should be a good timeout.



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HI Sub-Routine


I think I must be overlooking something with the I/O Linc.

First I tried creating a scene with the relay on and the KPL button on. Same results. Next I removed and relinked both into the ISY with the button and relay on and created a scene. Still the same results. Off on the KLP turns the relay on. Can't get it to reverse. :( There must be a way??


Thanks gary

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Hello Gary,


Momentary A mode turns the relay on momentarily and then it's back to off (ISY does not report the correct status). Did you try Rand's suggestion:


For the garage door button press you will want to set Momentary: A. This seems to only activate the relay when an Off is sent. If you also check Momentary: Both the relay will then be momentarily closed with each press of the button. 2 seconds should be a good timeout.



With kind regards,


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Hi Michel


I have tried everything I can think of just to get the relay to turn on when the KPL button is pushed on. No mater how I link it into a scene it always ends up reversed. OFF on the KPL turns the relay on and ON on the KPL turns the relay off. I haven't added momentary back in until I can get ON/OFF action to work as I would like.


When I first installed the I/O Linc and was testing it I could have sworn that when the relay released after momentary timeout (2sec) that the ISY99 received an off from the relay. Then after a few minutes of use it stopped sending the off after the timeout. I must be wrong on that one. But that won't be a problem for what I am trying to do.


I do have another I/O Linc coming this week so I will have another to compare with.


But any suggestion on getting the relay to follow the KPL ON/OFF would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance


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