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iBeacon and GeoFencing

Michel Kohanim

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Hello all,


For our CEC project, we must implement GeoFencing support through ISY Portal and ISY firmware 5.x using node server framework.


Mobile geo-fencing using GPS is already implemented and being tested. This said, however, we do also need to test iBeacons for presence detection in the venue and thus the reason for this post: we need your input as to what iBeacon device do you use and which do you think is most accurate.


Thanks in advance.


With kind regards,


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I bought a three pack (when they were available) of BleuStation 100's and have them working with MLHD for home/away presence detection. The Blu Setup app is only required if you want to change the default ID, assign a password, change the major/minor setting. The Geohopper app is only required if you want to use it for detecting presence, send notifications, or trigger IFTTT.




A useful app for detecting BT beacons is BLExplr


I spent a great deal of time adjusting the locations and signal amplitudes of three beacons in my home in anticipation of ML support thinking I could use proximity to trigger programs as I enter/exit a room. While low power BTLE is great basic presence detection, unfortunately BT distance ranging requires battery draining high power BT. Not really appropriate on a mobile device.


The only use case I have come up with is for home/away detection to set an ISY variable in combination with a GeoFence trigger write of a second variable to decide whether to arm the Elk in stay or away mode.

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I am also using the BlueStation 100's and can echo elvisimprsntr's experience with ranging.  I have noticed recently that iOS appears to be making use of my household beacons to provide app recommendations based on where I am in the house and my past app usage in several locations.



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The Bleustation's seem pricey, and currently only available in 10-packs?


Anyone know what the different is between series 100 and 200, other than size?


Their website isn't very helpful.


OK, I found a Starter Kit with 3 beacons. No pricing, though.


I gather they are going for the retail market. Doesn't seem to me a good match for home automation, at least with their current marketing.

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Hello all,


For our CEC project, we must implement GeoFencing support through ISY Portal and ISY firmware 5.x using node server framework.


Mobile geo-fencing using GPS is already implemented and being tested. This said, however, we do also need to test iBeacons for presence detection in the venue and thus the reason for this post: we need your input as to what iBeacon device do you use and which do you think is most accurate.


Thanks in advance.


With kind regards,




+Dev friendly. If you like I can introduce you to Kunal or Grant at IOTA. PM me if your interested. Or email them and tell them Scott at Alpha Concepts sent you. I have DEV DOT myself that I am playing with for a project.


Edit: Added screenshots plus wanted to add the DOTs are cheaper than iBeacons





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It might make sense to use a beacon that supports the multiple competing standards: 


- iBeacon (Apple)

- Eddystone (Google)

- AltBeacon (Radius Networks)


And in any case, it would make sense to support multiple standards, if at all practical.


AltBeacon is fully open-source with no licensing needed to build hardware or deploy software that uses the standard. Whether it gains any traction is another matter.


The Radius Networks hardware products support all 3, and many products support both iBeacon and Eddystone. Radius does have a compact USB dongle like the BleuStation 100 (as well as other form factors), at similar (I think a bit high) pricing. But you can buy them in onesies without a hassle.


A quick search of Amazon finds a number of iBeacon/Eddystone USB dongles at lower prices. I'd imagine a search of Alibaba would find them even more significantly less expensive, at varying levels of quality. ;)

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Thanks so very much for the information. We do have a gating factor and that's OS agnostic "app development" within our budget (which is very low). Currently, we are using Locative as is and, Locative, supports iBeacon.



It was more advice for users that want to install beacons for multiple uses, with or without ISY, for CEC or other purposes. At this point, it would seem prudent to get ones that cover as many standards as possible, until it becomes clear if there is "a winner". Plus, the Bleustation products are difficult to source in small quantity. They seem to be more interested in retail chains with 100s of stores than they are in homeowners.


I am naively assuming that an iBeacon is an iBeacon is an iBeacon - at least for presence - and any one should work.


That said, I realize you probably have to pick a specific  piece of "supported" hardware for your CEC project. But if you pick one that is multi-protocol, it would be more consumer-friendly, as it would provide wider compatibility.


And, there are almost certainly differences if there's any attempt to do ranging.

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I agree with Jtara that supporting a device which offers the most flexible protocol support just makes sense. I too have the Bleu Station USB iBeacons - can't say much use has been seen by them.


More than likely I will purchase the Mobilinc add on which should make them more useful. As the various tools for this product is just terrible and doesn't allow the user to change the major vs minor power output levels with out a blasted password! 


Why would that matter one would ask?!?!


Well, if the blasted thing is out of sorts and the so called hard reset doesn't work. You have absolutely no method to gain access to change those parameters and many more!


I've had mine sitting on the shelf for what seems like forever because I had high hopes for these little things but got quite frustrated with the two I had that couldn't be hard reset. The other two are working fine but again I give up because the RPi kludge that would allow me to make full use of them was just a huge time suck.


Having more than 16 Alpha / Beta trials under way I didn't want to spend more precious time on this silly thing. Until things settled down and the market had some real and serious products that just worked. There are just too many products on the market today that offer vaporware performance when compared to the literature.


My use case is for hyper local identification so reactive elements can be initiated along with gaining secure access to various systems in the home. Since this didn't pan out *Thank God* I didn't go this route because I would have been really boned and locked out using this method.


With lots of past experience in other security related trades I opted to use proven technology even (IF) it was more expensive. Well, not really because it was FREE to me due to being decommissioned hardware!


LOL . . . 

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I don't remember how much I paid, but I bought the BleuStation 3-pack starter dev kit. I think is was around $40 limited time promotion.


That was then, this is now...


"Buy" button for the starter dev kit gets a "404 not found". Maybe they can be found used on eBay. (I haven't tried contacting the company yet.)


You can buy 10 of the 100 series for $239.90. Not a bad price - if you need 10! Actually, I had been looking at the price for the larger, 200 series, which seemed a bit high vs others I've come across. (10/$379.90).


I don't know what the difference is, other than size. The 100 series is more attractive for home use. If you have some USB outlets, the 100 series would plug into one side unobtrusively. The 200 series would be a wart sticking out of the wall almost certain to get broken in half, especially if there are children in the household! I'd guess the 200 series antenna might be more effective.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just ordered two RadBeacons. One white for my home, one black for my car. Not interested in tracking myself from room-room, as my place isn't very big, and I don't carry my phone around the house with me. But useful if the ISY knows if I am home or if I am in my car!


Actually, for car, i should think it possible to use an OBD2 dongle (I have a Kiwi3 installed in my Mini), a visor speaker-phone, or any other BLE device to detect presence. I know Automatic (OBD2 dongle) app does it. But I prefer the more-technical non-nonsense approach of the Kiwi3 to the "I'm your friend in the cloud, for everything BUT what OBD2 was meant for..." approach.


(Anxiously awaiting the overdue Kiwi3 bespoke app. Currently using Dash Command, which has no presence feature.)

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Got the Radbeacons.


And then realized I probably don't need one for my home!


Radius Networks also has MacBeacon for OSX, which is only $9.99.


You need a Mac with Bluetooth LE. My Mac Mini doesn't have it built-in, but I added a Bluetooth LE dongle (Azio) to both my (very) old Macbook and Mac Mini. I added them so that they will work with my Sennheiser Bluetooth headset with aptX.


There are other software solutions, including free ones. MacBeacon does all of iBeacon, AltBeacon, and Eddystone. They say Yosemite or El Capitan, but maybe they just didn't update the list.

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  • 3 months later...

Here’s what I did.

I purchased a USB iBeacon and plugged into an outlet in my home office.

Then I purchased an iOS app called Beecon (note the spelling). This app discovers your beacon and allows you to set actions when your iPhone enters and exits a zone. It also allows you to specify the range. One of the actions it offers is “Call URL”.

Then I wrote a simple little PHP script that uses ISY’s REST api to authenticate and turn on my INSTEON light switch. And then duplicated the script and modified it to turn off the switch. Then uploaded the scripts to my web server. Now I have two distinct URL’s that I can call when I enter and exit the zone (my home office).

Finally, back to the Beecon app on my iPhone to set the URL actions for entering and exiting the zone. I had to play with the distance setting a bit to get the desired actions but that was fairly straight forward.

Now, whenever I enter the room the light automatically comes on and goes off when I leave the room. Works quite well.

Pretty simple I know but it was more a proof of concept than anything. The possibilities are endless.

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