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Odd Behavior from LampLinc/KeypadLinc/ISY Program


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I noticed at bedtime last night that the KPL status light for my wife's bedside lamp was blinking on and off. A quick peek at the nearest access point revealed that the LED was blinking like mad, suggesting a ton of traffic. It eventually stopped of its own accord. (Another button on the same KPL is a status for the lamp on my side of the bed, and I believe it was doing the same thing a few nights ago.) Here's my status program:


       Status  'Lmp.MstrBdrm.Cathy' is Off
   And Status  'KpL.MstrBdrm.A.Cathy' is not Off

       Wait  2 seconds
       Set Scene 'Scene.MstrBdrm.Cathy (Status)' Off

       Set Scene 'Scene.MstrBdrm.Cathy (Status)' On


And here's a shot of the event viewer on Level 3 before I disabled the status program:




Any ideas?

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Hi Michel. The only device in the scene is the KPL button. The same button is in another scene where it is the controller and a LampLinc is a responder.


Hi Tim,


What devices are in the status scenes? I think you are getting into a loop situation.


With kind regards,


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Tim, you should be able to see if the program is looping by watching the Program Summary page.


Removing the Actions in the Else should eliminate any looping (as a test).


If the program was going to loop it should happen all the time, I don't know what could make it quit except turning the light back on.


When the button was flashing did it kill all your Insteon communication? One of my keypads went into a mode like that one time. I had to pull the set button for a few minutes and it has never happened again :?


Is this program used to check for local control of the LampLinc?



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