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Change "on level" based on day/night - can't get it to work


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Insteon and ISY newbie here.  I have basic stuff working but stuck on this detail:  How do you how do you change the default "on level" of a SwitchLinc Dimmer 2477D using a program?   I'm trying to implement the example shown here but it doesn't work with a single dimmer e.g., the same device acting as both controller and responder.  The on level remains at the manually preset level regardless of day or night. 


I tried to directly change the device "on level" using action > your devices > "device name" (w/o using a scene) but "on level" is not available as an option (only current level, backlight level, beep duration etc.)


Thinking I need to split the SwitchLinc into a controller and responder to separate the physical switch from the dimmer but have no idea if this is possible or the right way to go.  Where should I go from here?


Thanks, Russ




Insteon and ISY newbie here.  I have basic stuff working but stuck on this detail:  How do you how do you change the default "on level" of a SwitchLinc Dimmer 2477D using a program?   I'm trying to implement the example shown here but it doesn't work with a single dimmer e.g., the same device acting as both controller and responder.  The on level remains at the manually preset level regardless of day or night. 


I tried to directly change the device "on level" using action > your devices > "device name" (w/o using a scene) but "on level" is not available as an option (only current level, backlight level, beep duration etc.)


Thinking I need to split the SwitchLinc into a controller and responder to separate the physical switch from the dimmer but have no idea if this is possible or the right way to go.  Where should I go from here?


Thanks, Russ

Does this help?




        From    Sunset  +  1 hour

        To      Sunrise (next day)



         Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 20% (On Level)



         Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 45% (On Level)



How do you how do you change the default "on level" of a SwitchLinc Dimmer 2477D using a program?


To be sure I understand...


you have a load connected to a switchlinc, and you wish to adjust the "on level" (aka local level) such that it goes to a different level when you directly press that switchlinc.  Correct?


The general format for this program command is something like:





in scene switchlinc set switchlinc level to xx%  <<<where both switchlincs are the same device.


Please forgive the inexact syntax.  I was too lazy to look it up exactly.



To be sure I understand...


you have a load connected to a switchlinc, and you wish to adjust the "on level" (aka local level) such that it goes to a different level when you directly press that switchlinc.  Correct?


The general format for this program command is something like:





in scene switchlinc set switchlinc level to xx%  <<<where both switchlincs are the same device.


Please forgive the inexact syntax.  I was too lazy to look it up exactly.


The program in post #3 will do exactly what you want.  Just substitute the name of your Switchlinc and the time frame.




In the hopes that there is a better way to do things than I have done in the past, I wanted to try your method.  Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to create an action that exactly matches your syntax.  How did you create this action?


BTW, I am on v4.5.4


[Your Devices], select the device and the On level. But, that just turns the device on to the level specified at the specified time. It doesn't accomplish the task on hand, that is to set the device to the specified level if and only if the device is turned on during the specified time




In the hopes that there is a better way to do things than I have done in the past, I wanted to try your method.  Unfortunately, I cannot find a way to create an action that exactly matches your syntax.  How did you create this action?


BTW, I am on v4.5.4

Sorry, I left out that you have to first put the switch into a scene. The program runs the scene which adjusts the on level when the switch is turned on, but does not turn on the switch when the program is run. See below




        From    Sunset  +  1 hour

        To      Sunrise (next day)



        In Scene 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 20% (On Level)



        In Scene 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 45% (On Level)




Sorry, I left out that you have to first put the switch into a scene. The program runs the scene which adjusts the on level when the switch is turned on, but does not turn on the switch when the program is run. See below




        From    Sunset  +  1 hour

        To      Sunrise (next day)



        In Scene 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 20% (On Level)



        In Scene 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' Set 'Bathroom Master Light - KPL' 45% (On Level)



Ah, yes.  That is how I do it as well.  Had I seen that, I would not have felt compelled to jump into this thread.


Thank you for the clarification.


Before I attempt this wanted to see if there is a delay, since my last attempt produced a delay. For example the local level is set 100%, which is what I want during the day. I turn on the switch it goes to 100%..then the program runs and lowers the % to my night load of 50%

Posted (edited)

This has come up before and doesn't make a lot of sense they way it is presented in the admin console programming.


First off, you use a command "adjust scene" to change the local on rate of a device.  This is a bit misleading

Second, you select from a drop down menu labeled "in scene", but there are a bunch of individual devices listed to choose from (in addition to scenes).  This is confusing.


It would seem that all devices that are capable of having their local on level changed by isy are listed there, provided they are also in a scene of any sort.

It would therefore follow that if you have a device that you want ISY to be able to change the local on level, and this device is not already part of a scene, you would be required to create a "dummy" scene for it.  Again, somewhat confusing.


While I am sure there are reasons for this based on Insteon protocols, perhaps the console nomenclature could be changed so that it makes more sense.

Edited by apostolakisl

Before I attempt this wanted to see if there is a delay, since my last attempt produced a delay. For example the local level is set 100%, which is what I want during the day. I turn on the switch it goes to 100%..then the program runs and lowers the % to my night load of 50%


Take a look at your "ramp rate" it may be set too high


If your scene and program are written correctly then the light should come on at 50% without a delay

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