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Where is the ISY Finder


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I got my Samsung ultrabook back from the "Depot". That's Microsoft Store speak for where ever they send stuff t get it fixed. 


As I'm putting things back together, everything is good except access to my ISY.  I can't get my ISY console to open.  Plus I notice the dialog the ISY Finder not found  (see attached screen shot).  It's like a key piece of the software app that connects to the ISY is missing. But I do not see links that create the Finder dialog box.


I am able to open the ISY Console on my back-up Dell laptop, but the behavior is quite different on my ultrabook.  Both laptops have Win 10.  I cleared the Java cache and reloaded the latest Java application.  Still doesn't work. What could I be missing?

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Follow step 4 for the ISY release that you have installed.

Thought I did that... twice.  But I'm finding I can't remotely access the ISY on this PC using the web Ajax browser app.  I get a timeout message like it's the wrong address.  The strange behavior may be with my no-ip address or Windows 10.  I find I can access one camera, so I know the dynamic address update is correct.  Plus I can use the Ajax app on my cell phone to access all cameras and the ISY.  That confirms the no-ip address forwarding is correct.  So maybe it's something to do with Win 10 on this laptop.


Edit;  OK All the no-ip links work on my notepad just fine.  But not on this laptop.  I wonder if Firefox is my issue, I will try re-installing that to see if that clears up my issues.

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Looks like removing,, then reinstalling Firefox RESOLVED most of my problems.  I can now view my cameras and connect to the ISY via the WEB Ajax application.  AND from there I can even open the Admin Console with Java.  So my remote access has been restored just updating Firefox.


However, I still do not have the convenience of opening the Admin Console directly.  All I see is the top portion of the ISY FINDER dialog box (see attached image in original post).  There is no option to edit the Finder and point the app to the right address. And of course, the connection fails.  Hmmm. Any suggestions?

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This sound more like a anti-virus / firewall related issue . . . The first thing I would do is ensure the browser is set to allow pop ups and specific add on's, websites, etc are set to allow. White list anything to do with the ISY Series Controller in both Java, Anti-Virus, and Firewall related programs and hardware appliances.


9 times out of 10 this is related to the above . . .


You can also rule some of this out by simply using the secure port (HTTPS) instead of the standard unsecure (HTTP).


1. Bring up ISY Finder

2. Cancel out of the login prompt

3. In ISY Finder, click on the Add button

4. Enter the URL for ISY but this time use https  instead of http

5. Cancel out and bring ISY Finder backup and this time double click on the https line

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This sound more like a anti-virus / firewall related issue . . . The first thing I would do is ensure the browser is set to allow pop ups and specific add on's, websites, etc are set to allow. White list anything to do with the ISY Series Controller in both Java, Anti-Virus, and Firewall related programs and hardware appliances.


9 times out of 10 this is related to the above . . .


You can also rule some of this out by simply using the secure port (HTTPS) instead of the standard unsecure (HTTP).

1. Bring up ISY Finder

2. Cancel out of the login prompt

3. In ISY Finder, click on the Add button

4. Enter the URL for ISY but this time use https instead of http

5. Cancel out and bring ISY Finder backup and this time double click on the https line

How do i bring up the ISY Finder? It pops up "ISY FINDER NOT Found" & the main dialog box opens (& of course fails). If you view my attached image, the upper middle of image is all that appears. There is no option to do anything in that box.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

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Hi sanders2222,


Are you local to your ISY or remote?


Yes.  And thanks for chiming in Michel.  The problem is my ISY Finder window provides no such options.  It's just a narrow little window that opens with one line stating "ISY Finder; Not Found".  The only options using the right icon are to Move/Size/Close and on the left a close window option.  A right mouse click doesn't help either. 


It's like I only get a portion of the Finder app to open.  I don't think it's a firewall issue as this has worked before on this PC (before getting a new battery). Plus I have another Win 10 laptop set up almost identically and the Admin Console works just fine. So I'm not sure just where the issue is.  It's been a bugger!

BTW: I can access the my site using the web browser.  And the web browser app is fine for most my queries.  It also provides an option to open the "Admin Console". That lets me use the console. 

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Hi sanders2222,


Very odd. I cannot see what those error are either. Can you please do the following:

1. Clear your Java cache

2. Follow the instructions in this link to delete Admin Console state: http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized.2FInvisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored

3. Install the icon again: http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Icon_on_Your_Desktop


With kind regards,


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Thank You Michel!  I think these steps cleared up my problem  After steps 1 & 2, I followed the link in step 3.


This opened the "ISY Finder; Not Found" window like before.  BUT there was an option to pull down and expand the window, exposing the menu buttons to enter my remote address and open the Admin Console.  PROBLEM SOLVED.


This is my story and I'm sticking to your solution.  Admittedly, I do not recall if the pull down expansion of the ISY Finder window exited before.  If it did, then that's a BIG DUH!  I certainly don't recall ever seeing the ISY Finder window NOT showing the menu buttons.  LOL 

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