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Again, I am cautiously optimistic. Thanks to the suggestion by Mike R (to put the PLM on the extension cord rather than the computer system...I doubt I would have thought to try that), my Insteon setup appears to work. While I notice differing responses to the scene test at different point during the day, the system responds without fault.


Regardin the scene test, I have created a "test" scene (another suggestion by a helpful forum member) and now have EVERY device in it. While the success rate is not 100%, the event viewer gives me a sense that things are communicating. In the past, a scene test appeared to get hung up at times. Now, it races (relatively) through each device.


Furthermore, in the past, I was not always successful querying or adding devices to a scene. Since making the change, I have been able to modify scenes all day. I also performed a few device link table compare functions and updated various devices. These were also functions I was not always able to do.


I will watch for a few days. If continued working, I plan simply to add another outlet to the computer room and power it from the plug into which the PLM/extension cord are now plugged.


Your support and encouragement has been a big part of this job. Hopefully, I will be able to repay those from UDI when they come out with thier next great product.





Your changes below sound "meaningful". Please keep us posted on whether or not this holds up.


Regardin the scene test, I have created a "test" scene (another suggestion by a helpful forum member) and now have EVERY device in it. While the success rate is not 100%, the event viewer gives me a sense that things are communicating. In the past, a scene test appeared to get hung up at times. Now, it races (relatively) through each device.


Furthermore, in the past, I was not always successful querying or adding devices to a scene. Since making the change, I have been able to modify scenes all day. I also performed a few device link table compare functions and updated various devices. These were also functions I was not always able to do.


Not to be a PITA but... It sounds like you're on you way to verifying that there is a noise source/absorber on the original circuit. You're currently bypassing this by plugging into another circuit with the extension cord, but the "problem device" is still there. In order to prevent future problems, I would rather see you track that "problem device" down and kill it.




I will watch for a few days. If continued working, I plan simply to add another outlet to the computer room and power it from the plug into which the PLM/extension cord are now plugged.


Your support and encouragement has been a big part of this job. Hopefully, I will be able to repay those from UDI when they come out with thier next great product.



Ken, I agree 100%. If it were not for the "bend over backwards, jump through hoops" customer service from the folks Universal Devices and this forum I would NOT still be sitting here trying to become a 99.99% satisfied customer.


Mike R.

Not to be a PITA but... It sounds like you're on you way to verifying that there is a noise source/absorber on the original circuit. You're currently bypassing this by plugging into another circuit with the extension cord, but the "problem device" is still there. In order to prevent future problems, I would rather see you track that "problem device" down and kill it.

No pain felt anywhere. I agree with your assessment....there is still some device causing problems. Yes, I would like to track it down and kill it. Someday, I will. There are not many devices on that circuit beyond those associated with the computer system, and they are all on a noise filter, and those that aren't are unplugged at this point. Furthermore, most of those devices are ones that I want to keep. They include things like the computer, power supplies for the network, external drive, skype phone, USB phone extension, X-10 RF reciever, printer. But you make a good point....besides, when I moved all these devices themselves to another circuit, the problem persisted, which seems to indicate there is something that I have not found.


While I was hoping to be able to spend time on other things, I suppose I would be potentially able to avoid adding the extra plug if I could isolate the problem and get rid of it. Perhaps that would be time better spent.


Thanks for taking the time to understand the problem. That has been a lot of reading. I am impressed you took the time.


Since the PLM is so important on a system run by the ISY, I think it's good to keep the PLM on as "clean" a circuit as possible. If you're going to go through the trouble of running a new outlet for the PLM, would it add much more grief to make it a new/dedicated circuit?

Since the PLM is so important on a system run by the ISY, I think it's good to keep the PLM on as "clean" a circuit as possible. If you're going to go through the trouble of running a new outlet for the PLM, would it add much more grief to make it a new/dedicated circuit?

Grief, no. A little more time, possibly. I had such a course of action in the back of my mind, probably in response to other posts from you. My hesitancy was simply an attempt to save my last two spare slots for other purposes which may or may not happen. Your reminder has given me reason to consider this option, and I think that is the route I will take. I will deal with the consequences, if any, later. I love the capability that this gives me, and I would probably give other things up before this.


Thanks for the reminder.

  • 1 month later...

I thought I would continue this post, just in case there was any further interest. For the recent couple of months, I have continued to run with the plm on an extension cord to a location further from the computer stuff. Scene tests have been mostly successful in this configuration.


Lately, I finally got around to installing the dedicated circuit to the computer room, as suggested and agreed, to power the PLM (and ISY) and only the plm. While the house looks nicer without the extension cord running through the hall, the system does not work as well. I get more communication problems. Most keypad presses are followed by flashing buttons and lights that fail to come on.


I also have been checking device link tables and am now finding mismatches between the ISY and devices. I tried a factory reset on one of the devices, then reload the links from the ISY, and continue to get "extra" records. Mismatches, however, are now gone.


Perhaps I am simply not destined to achieved that state of near flawless insteon operation. Perhaps there is simply just too much problem with our power supply. For now, the ambition is exhausted. I will have to wait until the supply is replenished.


Hi oberkc,


I am so very sorry to hear about your troubles. Would you be kind enough to let me know:

1. What's your PLM firmware (Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info)

2. How many phases are there in your house?

3. How many Access Points do you have?

4. Are you using any FilterLincs?


With kind regards,


I also have been checking device link tables and am now finding mismatches between the ISY and devices. I tried a factory reset on one of the devices, then reload the links from the ISY, and continue to get "extra" records. Mismatches, however, are now gone.


Keep in mind that any "extra" links marked IGNORE can be safely ignored - these are normal.




I think, that after the cleanup, the mismatches are gone and the only s

"strange" ones are marked extra. That is good to know that they are normal. I continue to get a lot of flashing keypads, and I understand that is an indication of a failure to communicate with one or more of the linked devices. I am unsure how to positively troubleshoot those kinds of problems and thought that the extra links may have been a suspect. I guess not.


One of the things that did change when I added the dedicated ISY ciruit is that I also included a plug close to the panel, where I positioned one of the access points. This is the second plug next to the panel, the first one already having an access point. They are on different phases, so this seemed like a good opportunity to ensure good phase coupling. Perhaps this is causing some unintended consequences. I may try to move around some of my other two access points to see it I can achieve some better communication.

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