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When a ISY scene fails to execute properly, how do you identify the problem?

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I'm fairly certain my PLM is the problem, but I want to understand how to definitively determine this instead of guessing.


So I'm executing an ISY scene via the ISY portal: Alexa, turn off reading. And the lights do nothing. Alexa received the command, as she said "OK" and the Alexa log shows that she received this command. So the problem is either the ISY, PLM, or the insteon devices themselves.


So the next step is to use the ISY log, correct? Set it to level 3 and repeat the command? What should I look for in the log? Will something in there indicate that the PLM failed to do its job?

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Did you try it with a device not a scene?  I found replacing scenes with a program and listing the devices individually that were in the scene corrected this problem (on the two scenes I replaced).  I cant figure out why this is this way though.  I thought I would find the device failing in the program if it failed in a scene but its not the case.  Very weird but I am probably missing some logical explanation.

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The log will show problems in red. But the problem could also be Alexa. They giving the errant scene a different spoken as a start. You can leave the original spoke in place.

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