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Mutli-Button back light Light help

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Hello, I have been using my ISY for a couple years not and have generally found everything i need but I have 3 items that i am not sure how to do, or if they are possible and am reaching our for help 


  1. Responder to OFF only. - Scenario - I would like to link my bathroom closet light to the bathroom switch so that if the "off" is hit on the bathroom light, the closet goes off, but i do not necessarily want the closet light to come on with the bathroom light. Currently i have a variable that is set to 1 if the bathroom light is on and is set to 0 when the light is turned off. This prompts a program to turn off the closet light. This is great, but it only turns off the closet light if the bathroom light is on. If the closet is on and the bathroom is off, you have to either walk across and turn off the closet, or turn the bathroom on and then off. 
  2. Button Lights - I currently have relays on both of my Garage Doors and have a 6 button switch in my entry i can use to shut the doors without having to walk around to the garage. I have the A and B buttons set to non-toggle off (1 for each garage door). What i would like is for the light behind the button to be set based on the status of the door, more detailed I would like the light ON if the garage door is open. I still want any press of the button to trigger the garage door, regardless of if the door is open or close. 
  3. Lastly, and similar to item 2, but slightly different, I have a button in my living room that when pressed turns on my projector, drops the screen, changes the amp, etc. This can also be triggered from the Echo with a voice command. For the button, if the projector is ON, then a press needs to turn everything off. If it is OFF it needs to turn everything on. Main thing i am looking for here is best way to keep everything in sync in case someone were to turn the projector on manually the button would "light up" and the next press would be an OFF. 

I hope this makes sense and is a worthy first post. 


thank you. 


1. Use a program to turn off the closet light. Have setting the bathroom light off as a trigger (Control).


2. Set the buttons to Always On. Have the buttons as responders to the I/O Link sensor.


3. I'm not sure I fully understand your last question. You may need a SynchroLinc. Describe and/or post a copy of the involved scene.


Hello, I have been using my ISY for a couple years not and have generally found everything i need but I have 3 items that i am not sure how to do, or if they are possible and am reaching our for help 


  1. Responder to OFF only. - Scenario - I would like to link my bathroom closet light to the bathroom switch so that if the "off" is hit on the bathroom light, the closet goes off, but i do not necessarily want the closet light to come on with the bathroom light. Currently i have a variable that is set to 1 if the bathroom light is on and is set to 0 when the light is turned off. This prompts a program to turn off the closet light. This is great, but it only turns off the closet light if the bathroom light is on. If the closet is on and the bathroom is off, you have to either walk across and turn off the closet, or turn the bathroom on and then off. 
  2. Button Lights - I currently have relays on both of my Garage Doors and have a 6 button switch in my entry i can use to shut the doors without having to walk around to the garage. I have the A and B buttons set to non-toggle off (1 for each garage door). What i would like is for the light behind the button to be set based on the status of the door, more detailed I would like the light ON if the garage door is open. I still want any press of the button to trigger the garage door, regardless of if the door is open or close. 
  3. Lastly, and similar to item 2, but slightly different, I have a button in my living room that when pressed turns on my projector, drops the screen, changes the amp, etc. This can also be triggered from the Echo with a voice command. For the button, if the projector is ON, then a press needs to turn everything off. If it is OFF it needs to turn everything on. Main thing i am looking for here is best way to keep everything in sync in case someone were to turn the projector on manually the button would "light up" and the next press would be an OFF. 

I hope this makes sense and is a worthy first post. 


thank you. 




    Control Bathroom Light is Switched Off


   Control Bathroom Light is Switched FastOff



   Set Bathroom Closet Light Off







This depends somewhat on the sensor/reed switch installed on the garage door.  If the Sensor when queried shows On with the Door Open, then your good to go.  If it shows Off when the door is open, then I would recommend changing the reed switch to a Normally Open (Open with magnet in proximity) type.


Create a scene for each door with the Sensor as controller and the desired button as responder)  the light will come on when the door opens and off when it closes (or when you press the button in non-toggle off mode)



   Control GarageButton is Switched Off



   Set Garage Relay On

   Wait 2 seconds

   Set Garage Relay Off







I would use a state variable to represent the state of the system.  Your control programs should watch the variable and respond accordingly.  Then a simple (Disabled) toggle program to flip the variable is all that is needed:


Program: ProjectorToggle (Disabled)


   s.Projector = 0



   s.Projector = 1



   s.Projector = 0



Point Alexa at the above for On/Off voice commands.


Another program for your button(s)



   Control ProjectorButton is Switched On


   Control Projector Button is Switched Off



   Run Program ProjectorToggle (If)






Hope this helps.




Deoending on how you use your closet, you could use a scene. Add the closet light in the off position as a responder to the bathroom light.


What will happen is the closet light will stay off when you turn on the bathroom light and turn off along will the bathroom light when you turn it off.


The downside is that the closet light will turn off if it's on anytime the bathroom light is turned on


The downside is that the closet light will turn off if it's on anytime the bathroom light is turned on


More accurately, no matter the state of the closet light, it will turn off anytime the bathroom light is turned off.

  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for the help on this one, especially Xathros for the detailed response, that was exactly what i was needing to get be going again. 


So for a quick update, i have the program running for the bathroom light and it does exactly what i want, only there is a slight delay in response as opposed to a scene which is instantaneous. I may try the scene and referenced above though for the instant response. From what i can tell you are saying that anytime the main bathroom switch is touched, on or off, it is going to turn the closet light off? That is really not too bad for me.


I got the projector hung over the holiday and am going to setup the variables for it. What i was really trying to find was if there was a way to query the projector, serial through the global cache, every 5 or 10 minutes and check its state so that the system will stay in "sync" if someone turns the projector on by hand, i will keep playing wiht this and let you know if i find a good solution. 




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