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Rob Lilleness acquires Smartlabs


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Hopefully what ever this guy does he does not stop selling direct to the consumer by making all it’s products licensed professional install only. That would alienate 99% of the current user base that has kept SH in business.


Why would someone want to eliminate 99% of their business, especially since retail has the higher markup (greater profit) although I doubt that Insteon retail constitutes even close to 99%. And what would they do with the retail store, continue to sell everything but Insteon?


I see more innovation leading to greater sales, both for professional installers and DIYers such as us B)

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Why would someone want to eliminate 99% of their business, especially since retail has the higher markup (greater profit) although I doubt that Insteon retail constitutes even close to 99%. And what would they do with the retail store, continue to sell everything but Insteon?


I see more innovation leading to greater sales, both for professional installers and DIYers such as us B)

If he was such a great CEO, why was he pushed out at UEI? So he “leaves” and starts a mobile analytics firm in his backyard and hasn’t run a consumer product company since 2006. Don’t know why SH let him in the door other than his $ and/or access to VC $ to pay off debt. VCs demand a quick ROI which these days means going public with an overinflated growth strategy.


I thought SH already closed the retail store in Irvine.

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Obvously, in view of the tracks left, the company has been in some turmoil. What CEO let's his company slide into the garbage can and rot like that?


It would be interesting to know how many subordinate employees walked/quit/got tossed, in the last ten years. That would tell a real story.


I see good things here. We can only hope. (Insteon protocol allows three hopes, right? :) )

Time will tell.

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Obvously, in view of the tracks left, the company has been in some turmoil. What CEO let's his company slide into the garbage can and rot like that?

Bob Carver comes to mind, although he was a physicist and engineer. I managed to sell all my Carver equipment near full retail when his company went bankrupt.
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The biggest question I have is how they choose to manage satellite companies like UDI.  Do they see ISY as an asset or as a liability, siphoning off sales that could be going to one of their own products.


Since most tech companies (aside from Apple) seem to go the route of more open is better, more supporting companies is better, I have hope.

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Why would someone want to eliminate 99% of their business, especially since retail has the higher markup (greater profit) although I doubt that Insteon retail constitutes even close to 99%. And what would they do with the retail store, continue to sell everything but Insteon?


I see more innovation leading to greater sales, both for professional installers and DIYers such as us B)


They closed down the Smarthome retail store last year. I'm glad to see a new face in the company. Hopefully the venture capitalists behind the take over are in it for the long haul.

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It's not clear. I read it that the price is undisclosed and they will invest an additional 7.3M

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Article says "part of the deal". This is editorial grandstanding for "We are not really sure but this is the only rumour we could estimate, by lying and bullying people on the phone".


Not many repercusions for Internet BS. Nobody can be bothered to get a retraction on a website nobody ever reads.

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This will be an interesting development. Though regarding direct sales, I do how the model gets shaken up a bit. As a dealer, installer, integrator, it can be difficult to be profitable and competitive when SH offers multi packs of devices that are below dealer cost.


I think that if they really opened up a solid dealer channel with some good support then Insteon would be poised to get a ton of market share. A lot more than they have now anyway.


Insteon is absolutely DIY-able but there is also a complexity of setup and programming for more extensive installations that could really benefit from dealer resources.


I hope that this acquisition takes Insteon from mostly a DIY product to a serious radio ra competitor.


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Has anyone seen if Smarthome is part of the deal?

I understand Smarthome is a retail sales branch of Insteon and other automation things. Smartlabs is the developer branch of Insteon and holds the patents for Insteon.

At one time both where separate corporations . That where under a parent corporation.

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