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How to update ISY state variable using IFTTT and ISY portal?


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I'm looking to update an ISY state variable using IFTTT and the Maker Channel. I've created the IFTTT event in the ISY portal and set the value to "IFTTT value", however I don't know the syntax for creating the web request in the maker channel. I'm simply looking to update the variable to a "0" or "1" based on a geofence.




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Hi Chuck


You'll need 2 recipes and 2 ISY portal entries, one each for setting the variable to 1 and 0

  • Name the two events: (InGeofence . OutGeofence.... something like that)
  • Pick the geofence state variable (Same name in both)
  • Set one to 0 and one to 1.. whatever logic works for you

In Maker and the geofence, one recipe for in and one for out

  • For each recipe, paste the URL 0 or 1, you want in the URL box for Maker "make a web request"
  • Be sure to set the Method to "Post". It won't work otherwise
  • You don't need to change the other settings





I'm looking to update an ISY state variable using IFTTT and the Maker Channel. I've created the IFTTT event in the ISY portal and set the value to "IFTTT value", however I don't know the syntax for creating the web request in the maker channel. I'm simply looking to update the variable to a "0" or "1" based on a geofence.


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