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Outlook Group email


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I'm using the ISy to calculate humidex for our plant.    If the humidex gets over a given value, it sends an email.   Prior to today, the ISY was just using email users and it worked fine.   We've decided we want it to email a group setup on our outlook server.    which is just an email address.  but when I do this, it times out.    Is there an issue with using a group email address?   my IT guy has looked this over and he can't see anything wrong on his end.   IN ISY I just have the group email address listed.    heatstress@...       


Our reason for doing this.  We had someone leave, and IT turned off the email account, we then lost the message, as the unit was timing out, so it wasn't sending messages.  Our thinking is a group will never be wrong.     


Any thoughts?     All the other email programs work fine, just this one with an outlook group address shortcut that doesn't work. 


Thanks for any help. 



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Hi Colin

Welcome to the UDI forums! Some questions:

  • In your SMTP settings on the ISY, are you using "default", or did you configure your own. If your own, which one?
    • The default server is not recommended, and its recommended you use something else
    • gmail as an SMTP provider is well documented / popular
  • You most likely did this, but did you test the group separately from the ISY using:
    • another outlook account on your server?
    • from a regular internet email account?
    • security related software on mail servers sometimes decides it does not a particular sender


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Groups on our Exchange server can be configured so that they are private and can't receive email from anyone outside the group, they can also be configured so they can only receive email internally (not from the external internet).  I'm not an Exchange admin anymore tho, so I can't look more closely at how it works today,  plus you didn't really say what mail platform you're using but i suspect it might be Exchange because you said Outlook and most Unix based platforms would allow all by default unless specifically restricted later.

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