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Isy not receiving commands


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I have 994iZ/ir Pro for 4 or 5 yrs everything had been working. few days ago all my rooms with motion sensors quit working. So today i checked my programs and everything on timer has run but anything from motion hasn't for a few days. So i opened up event viewer set to level 3 and tried pushing a couple of switches nothing shows up. I can turn lights on and off but the isy isn't receiving any commands from switches or motion sensors but sends out commands. could it be a bad powerlinc where it sends but doesn't receive? I have a spare any tricks to replacing it to test.


Any help would be appreciated. 




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Hi Jay

This is typically the symptoms of a PLM that has gone bad. 

  • You can try factory resetting the PLM and perform a Restore Modem from the File Menu. If that works, its likely to be short lived, I'd order another PLM

Here's a link with more info and the procedure for replacing the modem.



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ok now im really confused i got my new plm and added it made sure right address then restored plm still not receiving any commands but i can send them. if i press a switch controlling another device it works but there is no traffic in the event viewer set on 3. does that mean my isy crapped out?

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Do you have a recent backup of the ISY before you had the problem? What can happen is the ISY gets "polluted" by the empty PLM when it copies links from the PLM into the ISY.


If you do, restore the backup and then repeat the restore procedure.


If you don't, then you should be able to "Restore Device" to each device. A pain if you have a lot of devices, but it can be worked through. Try one or two devices and retest if the ISY is receiving messages.



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Yes original had nothing new plm had 1 after restore. I just loaded a backup from last month and restoring the plm now. I even tried moving everything originally the plm has a dedicated outlet under a dining room table thats directly to fuse box as it's own circuit. That was so no  one could plug anything in without laying on the floor to go under the table. Lol

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  • 1 month later...

So this is strange.  I deleted the rules I created for the ISY IP addresses, in Windows Firewall.  I opened the ISY console and it behaved as it did since the update.  This mean in about 30 sec. I received the logon screen, for the ISY.  I logged back on, and now it has remained connected for about 10 min.

Go figure.  Wonder if this will last ?

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