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Scenes do not work


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My system has been stable for years.  However, my ISY 944i failed (red light on) indicating that there was a problem with the memory card.  I re-seated the memory card and the ISY came up again but I noticed that the system light on the PLM was on and as I had a spare PLM, I replaced it and restored the PLM.  All seems to be working but none of my scenes work. I've tried restoring the PLM again but that doesn't seem to help,. All the devices that are in the scenes are working fine but none of my programs that trigger scenes work.  Also, I can't trigger the scenes from the Admin console. I did a scene test and it failed (tried to upload a copy but it wouldn't work).  I would very much appreciate any suggestions re next steps to solve my problem.

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Do you have a recent backup from before the problem started? Sometimes the ISY can receive bad, incomplete information from a dying PLM, and the restore PLM puts that incomplete info back.


Restore a recent backup, and retry the restore PLM



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My system has been stable for years.  However, my ISY 944i failed (red light on) indicating that there was a problem with the memory card.  I re-seated the memory card and the ISY came up again but I noticed that the system light on the PLM was on and as I had a spare PLM, I replaced it and restored the PLM.  All seems to be working but none of my scenes work. I've tried restoring the PLM again but that doesn't seem to help,. All the devices that are in the scenes are working fine but none of my programs that trigger scenes work.  Also, I can't trigger the scenes from the Admin console. I did a scene test and it failed (tried to upload a copy but it wouldn't work).  I would very much appreciate any suggestions re next steps to solve my problem.


The light on the PLM should always be on. If it's off then either  there's no power to the PLM or the PLM internal power supply failed.

All scenes reside in the PLM, not the ISY. It appears that your restore wasn't complete. Do a PLM link count. If the count is low then the restore most likely failed.

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Should I delete the PLM before trying to restore it again?  I've tried to restore it a couple of times but that hasn't solved the problem.   Is there a way to factory reset the PLM and treat it as a new PLM?


NO - do not use delete PLM. It will remove all links from your insteon network in addition to your plm.


If you don't have a backup to restore to your ISY , and then restore PLM from that..... you can rebuild your scenes by removing and adding the devices back in. You can  "Click and select" groups of individual devices at a time... drag them out of the scene.. and then click and drag them back into the scene



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