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Insteon & Microsoft Collaboration


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Insteon is working with Microsoft Cortana to make your home even smarter


Its not every day you read an article that high lights Insteon in the Home Automation space. The two companies have been working together since 2014.


I thought this was a nice little plug for the Smartlabs / Insteon company.



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Insteon is working with Microsoft Cortana to make your home even smarter


Its not every day you read an article that high lights Insteon in the Home Automation space. The two companies have been working together since 2014.


I thought this was a nice little plug for the Smartlabs / Insteon company.




Maybe not terribly surprising, as Robert Lilleness, the new CEO of SmartLabs worked for Microsoft in the 90's.  Makes me worry a bit about a small company like UDI, with Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft all entering the HA market in one way or another.  Possibly there's actually a great opportunity for UDI here, being multi-protocol capable.

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Maybe not terribly surprising, as Robert Lilleness, the new CEO of SmartLabs worked for Microsoft in the 90's.  Makes me worry a bit about a small company like UDI, with Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft all entering the HA market in one way or another.  Possibly there's actually a great opportunity for UDI here, being multi-protocol capable.


Yes, I read that in his bio for now I'll give the new guy a chance. Given his contacts that at least gives him a leg up when compared to the past owners of the company. I'm very interested to see what he does with the Insteon cloud hosted portal as this could be a direct Samsung Smartthings competitor. The biggest challenge I see for Insteon is the lack luster technical and developer support from the company.


Nobody develops better than ~ Everybody.


Smartlabs / Insteon challenges:


- Needs to deploy next generation iCS3 protocol which includes 128 bit encryption.

- Attract third party developers for more integration with the hardware.

- Incorporate energy monitoring / energy management into all hardware.

- Incorporate true RF vs Powerline communications.

- Increase both RF & Powerline communications strength the FCC allows.


- Incorporate higher quality components and move away from 2nd / 3rd tier crap.

- Allow UDI / Anyone to build a International PLM for Insteon control.

- Release more global Insteon products to the public which will increase adoption, revenue, R&D

- Work through the Insteon *Wish List* and make some of these products come true in a timely manner.


- Iterate existing hardware to be more useful and practical. There are many still born products that have huge potential.

- API: For Gods Sakes document and provide these resources (Timely) to third party companies like UDI who help you sell more products!


- Collaboration & Integration: Its never too late to approach a hardware vendor to consider integrating Insteon PLM technology. Many of us including myself have said that ship has sailed away in the past. But its also safe to say *Asking is free* and all you can get is a no vs *That is something we can consider*. Offering the PLM chips at hugely discounted prices or even for free to companies like GE, Black & Decker, LG, Lennox, Cooper, Leviton, Eaton, P&S, Hubbell, who ever is risk worth taking.


There are quite a few hardware vendors who offer dual protocol some only offer one. But I am sure they would be open to the idea if it made business sense! Money talks and bull sh^t walks . . .


Everyone wants to make money and (IF) I tell you ~ You're going to make XXX vs nothing from doing nothing. How could you lose?!?

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