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Program schedules not communication or running?


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My PLM failed earlier this year and that has turned into quite the rebuild project. My ISY system and Echo worked great before the failure. After replacing the PLM nothing worked correctly. Eventually found I had to delete modules and start over linking modules with ISY. Lot of running around house and up and down stairs.

I have most of my modules working again and some of my Echo commands working, some still not cooperating.

One issue is with my programed lighting schedule. I use to use the ISY and Insteon outlets to control the lighting in my saltwater reef tank. When I switched over to LED it used a different controller system so wasn't using the ISY. I've switched back to the previous lighting but now I can not get the schedule program to run the lights. I can turn the lights on and off just fine with the mini remote. Did a relink with ISY but could not control the lights from the ISY console. A while back I downgraded by service with Comcast for Business Class and static IP to Xfinity bundle. Wasn't sure if this makes a difference as most of the modem and router setting are the same but... I did check configuration setting for ISY against modem and router settings and the only thing that was slightly different were the DNS setting. Router had as primary with as secondary and ISY had for DNS. Changed to last two pair to 76 and good news is I was able to turn lights on and off from the ISY console. Bad news is program schedule still does not. Schedule use to work perfect so took a screen shot of the program, deleted it and created a new one. Still does not work.

I'm running out of ideas?


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