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40.54.B0 - ?

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I am trying to clean up links and in viewing the links for various devices I see that 40.54.B0 appears frequently in the Device links table on many devices. As I search through my devices using various means including the "Generate Topology" map there is no such device in my system! Anyone know what this is all about?

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I am trying to clean up links and in viewing the links for various devices I see that 40.54.B0 appears frequently in the Device links table on many devices. As I search through my devices using various means including the "Generate Topology" map there is no such device in my system! Anyone know what this is all about?


Check the Admin Console and at the top select Help -> About. In case its the 2413S PLM but not likely for a match. Also ensure you're not mixing up B vs 8 and O/0 vs D. Post up your topology report for us to view in case something obvious was missed.


Lastly, are you sure its not a half link error of something that was removed / added manually from the Insteon network but left some crumbs behind?  

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Not sure I understand your comment. In the Device Links table I suspect you see the 40.54.B0 address but you are saying that you don't see it in the Topology report. If that's what you're saying that's exactly my point. Where is that link coming from and how do I remove it. I do have an Insteon Hub but it's address is 3C.D2.83 and it's not actually linked to anything and in fact is currently turned off while I'm cleaning stuff up in my network. As you can see in the Device Links Table I sent I had done a "Restore Device" and then a Compare so the device reflects what the ISY thinks are the correct links I think.

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Not sure I understand your comment. In the Device Links table I suspect you see the 40.54.B0 address but you are saying that you don't see it in the Topology report. If that's what you're saying that's exactly my point. Where is that link coming from and how do I remove it. I do have an Insteon Hub but it's address is 3C.D2.83 and it's not actually linked to anything and in fact is currently turned off while I'm cleaning stuff up in my network. As you can see in the Device Links Table I sent I had done a "Restore Device" and then a Compare so the device reflects what the ISY thinks are the correct links I think.


Correct I saw the trace you provided but that serial number isn't in your topology report. The only thing I can think of is half links and hardware that was linked outside of the ISY Series Controller. So for example you have 10 items and they all were linked and enrolled into the ISY Series Controller. Later for what ever reason you bought number 11 and decided to link it directly to another Insteon device listed in the network.


Doing that would show the extra Insteon ID but it wouldn't show up in the topology report because it doesn't exist in the controller. Also if you have ever restored the controller using a old back up that too would show odd links.


I really wouldn't worry about it but since you don't have very many devices for a piece of mind you can delete everything and run the report and see what happens. If nothing is there (Unknown ID) you may begin adding back hardware one at a time. Keeping in mind *Best Practices* are to hard reset the devices prior to enrollment.


This is done to ensure the hardware uses settings and is in a OEM state. This also removes any testing links, programming, etc. I've seen hardware that were in testing sent to customers afterwards and thus showed odd behavior and extra links not in the network. You also see cases where you buy second hand or refurbished items from Amazon etc. 

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It occurred to me that I should try and add a device with that address and see what happened. I got the result you see. So I restored the current PLM and then got it's Links table to make sure that address didn't appear - which it didn't. Then I obtained the ISY links table and the link does appear there. Is there some way to clean out the ISY links for devices that aren't in it's Topology short of starting from scratch?




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It occurred to me that I should try and add a device with that address and see what happened. I got the result you see. So I restored the current PLM and then got it's Links table to make sure that address didn't appear - which it didn't. Then I obtained the ISY links table and the link does appear there. Is there some way to clean out the ISY links for devices that aren't in it's Topology short of starting from scratch?


I think the screen shot says it all it was a old PLM that has reminents left. 

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I replaced a defective modem quite a while back. Not sure I did it quite right either so that probably partially explains the current situation. I also did a Restore Modem today which didn't help. I figured out why when I did a "Show ISY Links Table and saw that the non-existent address is present in my ISY Links even though the ISY seems to know the device isn't present as evidenced by the Topology Listing which doesn't show the bad address. It would be nice if there was some way to purge or adjust the ISY Links to delete the bad address. I would think that the Restore Modem data would be generated by the Admin Console based on the current Admin Console ISY configuration.

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I replaced a defective modem quite a while back. Not sure I did it quite right either so that probably partially explains the current situation. I also did a Restore Modem today which didn't help. I figured out why when I did a "Show ISY Links Table and saw that the non-existent address is present in my ISY Links even though the ISY seems to know the device isn't present as evidenced by the Topology Listing which doesn't show the bad address. It would be nice if there was some way to purge or adjust the ISY Links to delete the bad address. I would think that the Restore Modem data would be generated by the Admin Console based on the current Admin Console ISY configuration.

The only direct route is delete and go. Whether you start from scratch and reset the ISY Series Controller, 2413S PLM, and hard reset all Insteon hardware.


Or simply delete and add hardware back one at a time. As stated you don't have a lot of gear so if this really bothers you the two options are listed.


Comes down to sweat equity and balancing (IF) this is a priority. Follow up and let us know what you end up doing as I am sure others would like to know and follow along.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So I'm a little OCD and it really bugs me about this old link I can't get rid of that seems to permeate my network. I keep looking out the window and worrying about the Turtles eating my house but I've apparently beat the odds!  :?


Anyway I have an On/Off module (2635-222 v.48) that I'm using for testing and when I checked it's device links the only links present are to this bogus address. I deleted it from my network and added it back in using the "Remove Existing Links" option. After adding it back in the bogus links are still present. So I accessed the manual on that module in the hopes there was a reset to factory settings - but alas no such luck. It talks about removing links but the only way to do this involves having the device with the bogus address present in the network in order to un-link it.


Then I thought how about a KPL. Perhaps I could reset it to factory settings and start over. Looked at the manual and sure enough there's a procedure for this. But then I realized there are several new KPLs that I installed in the last week that were brand new. Surely they wouldn't have this bogus address in their Link tables - but again I am wrong! The bogus address 40.54.B0 appears many many times in a device that I just recently installed for the first time.


So it appears to me that even if I started from scratch - at least using my existing modules and not purchasing all new ones - I would still end up with the bogus module address in my system. There apparently is no way to remove a link address once a device is removed from a system w/o un-linking it from everything first!


Anyone know of a device simulator that I could install with an arbitrary address - say like 40.54.B0? Then I could un-link everything from it and be able to sleep at night. I'm only partially joking.




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So I'm a little OCD and it really bugs me about this old link I can't get rid of that seems to permeate my network. I keep looking out the window and worrying about the Turtles eating my house but I've apparently beat the odds!  :?


Anyway I have an On/Off module (2635-222 v.48) that I'm using for testing and when I checked it's device links the only links present are to this bogus address. I deleted it from my network and added it back in using the "Remove Existing Links" option. After adding it back in the bogus links are still present. So I accessed the manual on that module in the hopes there was a reset to factory settings - but alas no such luck. It talks about removing links but the only way to do this involves having the device with the bogus address present in the network in order to un-link it.


Then I thought how about a KPL. Perhaps I could reset it to factory settings and start over. Looked at the manual and sure enough there's a procedure for this. But then I realized there are several new KPLs that I installed in the last week that were brand new. Surely they wouldn't have this bogus address in their Link tables - but again I am wrong! The bogus address 40.54.B0 appears many many times in a device that I just recently installed for the first time.


So it appears to me that even if I started from scratch - at least using my existing modules and not purchasing all new ones - I would still end up with the bogus module address in my system. There apparently is no way to remove a link address once a device is removed from a system w/o un-linking it from everything first!


Anyone know of a device simulator that I could install with an arbitrary address - say like 40.54.B0? Then I could un-link everything from it and be able to sleep at night. I'm only partially joking.


LMAO . . .

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There is a Factory reset procedure for the 2635-222.

But kind of hidden.

Full Users Manual

Pages 16-17 in the Local Programming Flow Chart. Button pushes and LED Flash patterns.



Not in manual but you may want to try and may not work on later firmware.

Unplug for at least 15 seconds.

Holding the Set Button.

Plug it back In while still holding the Set Button.

Keep holding the Set Button until it stops beeping.

Release the Set Button and a few seconds later it will double beep.

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Just for kicks I tried Brian H's factory reset for the 2635. Worked just like he described. So then I went to the ISY and tried to get Device Links and it works a bit and then the Links are blank. I think there should at least be an EOF entry but there's nothing. So I do a Query from the ISY and it works fine. I manually change the state of the module and the Query still works fine. But if I try to turn it on or off from the ISY it says it can't communicate with the device. Query still works but I can't control it. So I delete the device and re-install it. Then check the device links and it's back to the way it was before the factory reset with the bogus address links. 


Yes in my system "My Lighting" is "ISY." As you can see there is no device 40.54.B0 in my system! 





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Hear is a wiki entry for the device link table. Near the bottom.



E2 is a Controller Link

A2 is a Responder Link.

00 is the end of file.

22 and 02 are deleted links in the device.


It looks like the module is a controller and responded to an Insteon 40 54 B0 modules ID.


With only two entries. It is usually the PLMs ID when added. Are you certain that your PLM is not 40 54 B0?


The PLMs Insteon ID will not show in the list of modules.

To find it.



PLM Info/Status

Should show the PLM six digit ID, Firmware version and connected.

Or power down and read the label on the back of the PLM and powering back up in the proper sequence.

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And there's the answer! What I thought was a bogus address was in fact my actual PLM! In the attached image I thought my current PLM was listed there on the left in the device list. I have seen it written to all the time. But apparently THAT's the bogus device that's not actually present in my system. I see it's blank when I click on it. Links to that address do appear in many device link tables. 


So I simply deleted that device and then to check things out I did a "Restore Device" on a device that had the 1E.4B.3E links present before the delete and when that completed there were no more of those links present and the number of links overall dropped in half.


Thank you Brian!


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Check the Admin Console and at the top select Help -> About. In case its the 2413S PLM but not likely for a match. Also ensure you're not mixing up B vs 8 and O/0 vs D. Post up your topology report for us to view in case something obvious was missed.


Lastly, are you sure its not a half link error of something that was removed / added manually from the Insteon network but left some crumbs behind?  



And there's the answer! What I thought was a bogus address was in fact my actual PLM! In the attached image I thought my current PLM was listed there on the left in the device list. I have seen it written to all the time. But apparently THAT's the bogus device that's not actually present in my system. I see it's blank when I click on it. Links to that address do appear in many device link tables. 


So I simply deleted that device and then to check things out I did a "Restore Device" on a device that had the 1E.4B.3E links present before the delete and when that completed there were no more of those links present and the number of links overall dropped in half.


Thank you Brian!


LOL . . .

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I only fiddle around with this stuff every couple of years if I'm going to add some little feature or new device and it's hard to remember certain things between those times. I was blinded by the fact that there was a PLM listed in my devices and it wouldn't have occurred to me that the PLM is not supposed to appear in the devices. I don't know how it got there or even what it actually might have been.


Anyway I appreciate all the help and I'll sleep much better now that I've got a "clean" network.

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