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EVIL Google ~ Always tracking


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It never ceases to amaze me how this company will do everything in their power to track, monitor, log, and monetize a persons data. You think turning off the that little software key is going to stop Google from tracking you?


Think again: https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/21/16684818/google-location-tracking-cell-tower-data-android-os-firebase-privacy 




Android phones gather your location data and send it to Google, even if you’ve turned off location services and don’t have a SIM card, Quartz reported today.




Since January, all kinds of Android phones and tablets have been collecting the addresses of nearby cellular towers and sending the encrypted data to Google’s push notifications and messaging management system when connected to the internet. It’s a practice that customers can’t opt out of — even if their phones are factory reset.




The findings are surprising, given that cell tower data is usually held by carrier networks and only shared with outside companies under extreme circumstances. Through Google’s practices this year, an individual’s particular location within a quarter-mile radius or less could be determined with the addresses of multiple cell towers. This has particular security implications for individuals who wish to not be tracked, meaning that the safest way to avoid being tracked at all is probably to stick to burner phones. It could also create a bigger target for hackers looking to obtain personal information.


Why anyone would even consider using this companies services from computers, software, cell phones, ISP, cameras, email, cloud storage, DNS, web browser, power generation, military, robotics, security, space, telecommunications, etc. is beyond me.  :?  


Every single day this company affirms they are the epitome of SkyNET. 


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For a wake-up call, go to the google timeline website, login to google with your account see what is shows. GD scary!!!!!


You will find every place you have been, every minute of the day for the last few years. To the minute, which restaurant or store you went into, and what time you came out, driving or walking are identified between locations..


My android S4 mini has a location option as well as a history option. I have both turned off.

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For a wake-up call, go to the google timeline website, login to google with your account see what is shows. GD scary!!!!!


You will find every place you have been, every minute of the day for the last few years. To the minute, which restaurant or store you went into, and what time you came out, driving or walking are identified between locations..


My android S4 mini has a location option as well as a history option. I have both turned off.


Don't have that problem as there are no Android phones in my home . . . I don't use Google Chrome either because you have to be completely mental to do so. The only services I use from Google are for throw away services which don't impact me in the least if it went away. That is for junk mail, Google sheets for testing data metrics, and maps on odd occasions.


More often than not geo location is from my Garmin . . .


People who use Google Home in any variety are really going to have a wake up call in a few years. To think people actually use their ISP, Routers, Computers, Cells, and any dozens of their services. 

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Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk


Yes, people should be tired of the endless tracking, monitoring, and illegal access of their private data. Guess your going to ignore your own request to stay out of my topics eh??


Let the games begin . . .

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Don't have the problem as I there are no Android phones in my home . . . I don't use Google Chrome either because you have to be completely mental to do so. The only services I use from Google are for throw away services which don't impact me in the least if it went away. That is for junk mail, Google sheets for testing data metrics, and maps on odd occasions.


More often than not geo location is from my Garmin . . .


People who use Google Home in any variety are really going to have a wake up call in a few years. To think people actually use their ISP, Routers, Computers, Cells, and any dozens of their services. 

I have switched my search engine to duckduckgo.com now. It works quite well and google loses track of some of my habits.


As much as I have always been a complete non-isheeple, this may cause me to go to a rotten apple product next.

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Yes, people should be tired of the endless tracking, monitoring, and illegal access of their private data. Guess your going to ignore your own request to stay out of my topics eh??


Let the games begin . . .


If you read the fine print, you'll find that you gave permission to collect that data. Thus, the collection of data is actually legal. Some of what's collected may and can be argued from a legal point of view. Fortunately, there are a few organization or persons that have the ability to challenge the limits of some of the data storage and distribution.

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I have switched my search engine to duckduckgo.com now. It works quite well and google loses track of some of my habits.


As much as I have always been a complete non-isheeple, this may cause me to go to a rotten apple product next.

There are certainly pros and cons going either way. For Apple their business model doesn't evolve around hoarding and monetizing their customers data.


They are more restrictive when it comes to their operating system and not as quick to adopt new features or services others have.


But then again their products will offer at least 3~4 major OS updates before leaving you behind. That can't be said for the Android platform which has been the wild Wild West of portable OS's.

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If you read the fine print, you'll find that you gave permission to collect that data. Thus, the collection of data is actually legal. Some of what's collected may and can be argued from a legal point of view. Fortunately, there are a few organization or persons that have the ability to challenge the limits of some of the data storage and distribution.

Just because a company places something in micro printing in their TOS doesn't mean it will hold up in court or is legal or circumvents laws in place.


Then again America is run and operated by big business and not by the people!

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For fun I logged into Google Timeline. There is no history whatsoever. Oh, that’s right I’m on iOS and do not have any Google apps installed on any device.



To be fair to EVIL Google if the company could be trusted to not abuse the user data and monetize it at every turn. I see great value in their maps and historic recall of travel taken.


Ie. You're on a trip with the family having the ability to see that journey with POI, mile markers and photos simply enhances those memories.


Vehicle / Courier: Having the ability to see the very same provides insight as to how to be more efficient and maximize resources.


All of these services already exist in enterprise but this is knowingly done! What Google has done is circumvent the lay person from having a choice!


Your telling me a person can remove the heart of the cell phone which is the SIM card and they can still track you?!?


Oh there's no problem there. Hard reset the phone ~ Nope!!!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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For fun I logged into Google Timeline. There is no history whatsoever. Oh, that’s right I’m on iOS and do not have any Google apps installed on any device.

Ohhh... for iOS look up a iSheepTrails app :) :)



@Teken. Got another shock today. We booked a south sunshine package this morning and the flight times, airline, flight numbers and our parking stopover hotel bookings all showed up in our calendars on out mobile phones calendars.


Damn google scraped wife's email notification of the eTickets, and installed the information in a shared calendar. I am totally shocked and getting nervous. Very cool stuff, but very scary!!

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Do you have home blood-pressure kit?


I think they have google smart-a $$ enabled ones on sale on bruised Saturday.



Sent from my SGH-I257M using Tapatalk


LOL ~ My health is perfectly fine and don't have to take any drugs to stay calm. I am normally out spoken and have a factual view of the world and the people who live in it. My reply was to simply affirm and hit home to those who rarely if ever stop to think why this world is where it is. Its because there are too many people who simply don't care and because of this all the problems we see in business, life, and government is what presents itself.


There are only three basic things man has ever done well and continues to do so: Take, Kill, and Reproduce . . .


Man has spent more time, money, effort, and thinking about how to kill another human being than it has taken the time to find the cure for what ever ails us all.


I can tell you with 100% certainty if man spent all his resources toward finding a cure for X. The people on this little blue planet would be living in the stars and flying around in space ships. This will never happen because innately man falls back to those three basic traits ingrained into all of us. The difference between those that do vs those that don't comes down to morals, values, and common sense.


The rarest element in the multi-verse is common sense . . .


Today as it has been proven since the launch of Lotto 6/49 ~ Someone always wins by magically selecting 6 random numbers and some machine spits out the very same. The odds of someone actually accomplishing this incredible feat is in the millions. For a person to win twice with a grand prize exceeding a million is a factor much higher.


A person who wins three times in his lifetime which the pot exceeds again one million dollars is some insane numeric value it simply is hard to believe. The following things happen every year and has been so for ages which is someone is struck down by lightning. One only needs to Google what the mathematical odds are of being struck by lightning. Yet this happens every year like clock work and whether you live or die comes down to dumb luck.


One only needs to look up the stats as to the odds of a person being in a car accident or killed because of a drunk driver in a vehicle.


All of these examples are on the order of millions times less than the first example of someone winning the lottery once, never mind 2/ 3 times. 


So what does that have to do with common sense???


Common sense, is not common, and literally is the rarest element that seems to escape man.

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LOL. Unbelievable twist in this thread!  But from two twisted people...what the heck? 


Just for fun. Checkout Lotto 649. Nobody wins the grand prize in many of the draws. This is why the total amount gets advertised at 35 $million before the tickets are sold at times...leftovers.

Some golfers have been hit by lightning many times.


but... your point is made here,  and I agree with you, except for the health part.  :)


How is the old expression? "The rest of the world has gone crazy, except for you and me, and I am not too sure about you any more. :)


I guess you haven't recently made over a million dollars in Bitcoin inflation lately! :)


Have a good one!!!

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With kind regards,


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  • 8 months later...
On 11/22/2017 at 12:11 AM, Teken said:

It never ceases to amaze me how this company will do everything in their power to track, monitor, log, and monetize a persons data. You think turning off the that little software key is going to stop Google from tracking you?

TBH the tracking doesn't bother me, although not being able to turn it off is an issue.

I use a Garmin watch to track my activities as well. Oddly Google sent me an update for July 1st 2018, saying that I had walked a 1/4 mile due east at 5:00 AM. The only problem with this is that there is a house, several fences and a river along that route. Not to mention the 5:00 AM thing. ? I think it had to be aliens, except that it said it took me 30 minutes, which is not improbable given the route. 

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I now use duckduckgo.com for a search engine at home and on mobile. It works as well as google does except for maps, so far. Very strange how that feeling of somebody watching me all the time starts to slide away. Trouble is google has many partners that still track what you do but most of the knowledge based advertising starts to fade. You know the ones that pester you for months after you made a major purchase?

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